getting ugly :\


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Alittle story: every now and then i try my luck with random girls i meet on the face book, 2 days ago i met this girl, now.. she is kinda sexy, i mean VERY white girl, strong black hair (i love that combo) wears glasses she looks like a hot teacher lol, but she has some tatts... looks like a good girl i guess, we talked like for 1-2 mins, maybe exchange 4 sentence in conversation and that's it, after that we saw each other every and then on the face book chat but we didnt talked at all, i was about to delete her anyways...
so today i came back from work, stink like a pig and tired as hell decided to take a shower in the morning (yeah i know im a behemoth..) , while im in my bed watching "survivor" i hear the sound of a face book message (that "pop" sound) so check who is trying to contact me, and its her, and it went something like that
Girl: " are you always here?.."
me: "i just logged, came back from work 10mins ago..."
girl: "what are you doing right now?"
me: "nothing much, watching tv"
girl: gives me address "be here as soon as possible" writes phone.

now i never had anything like that happened to me before...i mean f*****g a girl didnt ever saw me OR talked to.... :dunno: so i blitzed a shower and when there driving like crazy i get there, she opens the door, looks at me, say : "what took you so long?? ok, come in, i have some champagne" we drink a little and im noticing that shes checking my hair line!!!!!!!! :shock: what made me VERY self conscious and the conversation died very fast, the mode wasnt there to begin with... she almost fell asleep on the sofa, so i took my sh*t and went back home (i tried to make the moves - didnt touched her tho, it didnt felt so right at the moment, cant explain it..- ) when i came home i noticed she deleted me completly, i cant even search her (i can link to her facebook tag if you like to see her, but i cant see her myself, she has me on ignore now :dunno: )
so im eating myself, although i know i shouldn't, because a)she was extremely attractive b) i didn't had any for a loooong *** time now (almost 2 months now!!! :( )
i cant understand what why it happened ?? do you think its the hair?? :S its worse then ever i know for sure! .... but can it be that its such a deal breaker ?!?! ever for one-nighters??? maybe she was just tired?? she looked kidna tired when i got there, took me about 30mins.... :S im kinda lost and shocked here because it never happend :(
(maybe its just paranoia, it happend less then an hour ago, and probebly writing here is my way of dealing with it... :dunno: thank god for this forum, sometimes just writing sh*t down makes it a whole lot easier....i think i feel better in the morning)


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Have it occurred to you that it might be lack of "chemistry" and not the way you look...

Girls are very difficult to understand, with them most of the time it's not about the looks, it's more to do with "it feeling right".

Smooth said:
while im in my bed watching "survivor"

WTF??? You watch that sh*t? Maybe that's your problem :whistle:

PS: PM me a link to her pic :innocent:


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ali777 said:
Have it occurred to you that it might be lack of "chemistry" and not the way you look...
hehe Ali thats just cute :) (no pun intended) chemistry? she was into dicking!!!!! no chemistry needed m8 :/
(btw check your pm ;) )


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Girls try to do tests on you see if you are insecure and if you are they can smell it. Also you're putting too much thought into it, if it didn't happened, it didn't happened, it is not the end of the world.


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Tbh, i dont get rejected alot, not becasue im such a "player" simply because i know when and who to "attack", when i get rejected tho... then im devestated, and im not a good looking guy, kinda regular minus, but lately the Norwood starts to kick in with no mercy :/


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Smooth said:
ali777 said:
Have it occurred to you that it might be lack of "chemistry" and not the way you look...
hehe Ali thats just cute :) (no pun intended) chemistry? she was into dicking!!!!! no chemistry needed m8 :/
(btw check your pm ;) )

I think that's what you don't understand..... Even a one-night stand needs to "feel right" for women. IMO, they look for that connection no matter what.

With us, it's very different. We don't care for the chemistry much, as long as she opens her legs and that makes us think women that want a dick are the same. They aren't!!!

It's obvious that something about you put her off, you think it's your looks but it could be your defensive body language. Don't dwell on it, move on!


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I know Ali your right thanks, just had to take it out, was too fresh when i wrote it....

uncomfortable man

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I think the problem was your insecure vibe that let it kill things. You weren't smooth enough...get it? Now she may have made her mind up as soon as she saw your hair but you screwed up your chance to find out by not being quick on your feet. Sorry. :dunno:


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If she is hot than she can get laid by any good looking guy at any time. I mean, is any guy going to pass up free sex with a hot chick?

She needed more than good looks. Face it, you got all nervous about your hair and lack of confidence and blew the date. Happens to everyone. Just realize its a fixable issue, and not your looks.


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Hey, i tried... i know the hair was huge part of it, for both parties... it made me insecure, and made her reluctant about getting on with it.. and tbh.... im getting uglier merely due to hair loss, nothing i can do about it anymore... time to hit the gym again ( :badmood: )


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Hey, thanks for sharing that Dude, i know it wasnt an easy ride for you (to say the least :/ ) hopefully they'll come up with a cure soon, im not losing hope just yet ..

Nashville Hairline

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Is your hairline visible in your Facebook pic?


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dudemon said:
[...] It sucks, but I am used to it, and it really doesn't phase me anymore. I have just come to grips with the fact that some of us (like myself) were just not meant to have beautiful women later in life (I have had more than a few in my younger days). It sucks, but this is just the cards that life has dealt me. Things (women in particular) that so many guys take for granted are just not really possible or feasible for me. I would be fooling myself to think otherwise. I have come to this realization over a long, long time (13 years), not overnight. Nobody says life has to be fair, and this is a very cold-hearted, cruel and cut-throat world we live in.

Once again, that's life!

Rejection doesn't bother me, what really upsets me is being made a fool of.

I met a gorgeous b**ch last Summer, I mean really beautiful and we had sex 4 times. It wasn't a serious relationship or anything, it was just sex and I knew it. Then, suddenly she treats me like sh*t and dumps me for another one.

I've never hated anyone as much as I hate that c***. I knew she was too good for me and this was bound to happen, but the way she handled things was revolting.


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«Nobody says life has to be fair, and this is a very cold-hearted, cruel and cut-throat world we live in.»

Absolutely. Looks really do matter and I should know. I work out like a maniac and starve myself to death every day but there are things I'll never be able to improve: I have a small, round face, almost no chin and a huge forehead that makes me look like a martian.


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Nashville Hairline said:
Is your hairline visible in your Facebook pic?
yes, there are many pictures there.

dudemon said:
The important thing is to never give up. I've come close, but I have always managed to "hang in there" even when the chips have been so down for so long.

Dude, im afraid im going down your road soon, i never was a good looking, hair loss will make me freakish lol :D i dont mind tho , ill work something out. (or ill hand myself, whatever feels right at the time :) )

metropolis said:
I work out like a maniac and starve myself to death every day

Starve yourself??!! your not fat (from your avatar it seems you quite slim)
and you have good facial features, dont worry yourself about it


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metropolis said:
I have a small, round face, almost no chin and a huge forehead that makes me look like a martian.

And judging by your avatar a bad case of BDD.

Nashville Hairline

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Smooth said:
Nashville Hairline said:
Is your hairline visible in your Facebook pic?
yes, there are many pictures there.
See, thats what makes me think it wasn't the hair...she invited you over already knowing your hair was thinning from the profile.


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All I have to say is I can f*****g relate.

Up until about 20-21, I was good looking. Not a model or anything of that sort, but I'd say about a 7-7.5. I have decent facial features and nice eyes.

But once I started losing it, I realized how important my hair had been to my looks. I used to have Zac Efron bangs that looked great. Framed my face perfectly. Now, my frontal hair is way too thin and miniaturized to pull it off, so I had to change my hairstyle. It doesn't even look like I have a receding hairline if I cover my temples, but it still took me down a point or so. No joke.

To top it off I have developed a mild case of rosacea where my face always has a pinkish hue to it, and occasionally gets VERY red for no reason at all. And I've gained about 20 lbs in the last two years - from 165 to 185. I don't look "fat" but I don't look lean either. I'd say with all of it added up, I rate about a 6 right now.

That's the worst part about hair loss for me - knowing that I will likely just keep sliding down the scale. I've got a big head, facial features that look like crap without good hair, a relatively poor physique (which can be improved but genetically still poor), bad complexion, etc. I will not fare well as a NW3+.