Austrian guy seeks for advice - receding hairline and thick hair by birth, or male pattern baldness?


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This is my first post in an english-speaking-forum, so I hope to tell you about my problem the best way and I would be glad to get some informations!

I'm 22 years old and never worried about my hair - actually I never noticed hairloss or balding.

Since my birth I have very high corners, what is very common in my family and I just worried about that, as I read something about corners as a result of balding. My hairline is similar to Justin Theroux (American Psycho).
My parental greatuncle has the same hairline as me with 85; his brother, my maternal grandfather, started balding very early, with 18-19 and had different hair than me.
On my fathers side nobody experienced balding - even my father has completely thick hair with 53.

As I said, my hair are completely thick, at the back of my head too. Even after combing and washing them I don't lose any hair, or just very few.

Is this just a normal hairline (widows peak, mature hairline)?

Should I start taking minoxidil and finasteride?

A few pics:




At the age of 12:


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your hairline is maturing! you have a wide forehead (which could look wide because of the angle you took your picture from the side) but its perfectly normal after your 20s and no one will undergo the same pattern of a maturing hairline. enjoy your hair!


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I have a wide forehead and yes indeed, it looks a bit worse than normal on the photo taken from the side.

So actually it doesn't mean baldness (for the moment); it's just a "normal" maturing hairline?


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well technically a mature hairline is sort of loosing hair but most of us loose our juvenile hairline after 20s. The thing is if you can keep your mature hairline and looking at you childhood pics I think you had it early so I would not be worried. No one can predict baldness or how hair genetics will turn out. Those who say they know are bat **** ignorant. So yea I don't think your balding ,just keep an eye on it if it becomes worse especially the crown area!


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Thank you for you answers!

I'm not an expert concerning baldness, but someone told me that temples - even a mature hairline - are a form of male pattern baldness.
The one develops it earlier or faster, the other later and with less speed.

Is that a mistake or true?


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well as i said mature hairline is a euphemism for hairloss. Only a dermatologist could give you more info after looking at your hair density but even a dr cannot predict how much some one will loose their hairs unless its really obvious and their crown is also going. Your hair looks fine and you could well keep it for the rest of your life. Look at Christopher lee! So don't worry about it. I am also a worrier but one thing i have learned is that you just cannot predict how your hair will turn out unless the signs are obvious. Genetics is crazy and cannot be pin pointed as you could even skip a generation or take after a far relative rather then your dad or mums brothers etc ( as long as you are biologically connected). My advice don't worry about it and just keep an eye on it!


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A mature hairline and hair loss are different. You have baby hairs that fall out as you get older. While I have full blown hairloss now, I have friends much more my senior who achieved a mature hairline in their early 20s and then no hair loss. Actually, almost all men get that mature hair line in their 20s regardless of when they actually begin to aggressively bald.