Avodart 0.5mg everyday for past 4 months not working

Kevin fretwell

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Kevin fretwell said:
I wouldn't recommend starting my regime because its a new frontier of sorts and I'm playing the guinea pig but would say that finasteride is a completely different drug than dutasteride and so you might have a little better results but after all 4 months is still a little short to make a good accessment due to dht follicle fall out . So if you had alot of dht effected hairs there is going to be a big shed due to duts powerfull effect . A little less shed can be exspected from finasteride because its not as powerfull .


if ive been on finasteride for a year with some results, should i switch to dutasteride simply b/c im a greedy bastard and want some thickening, not just regrowth?

im still too thin for my taste ... maybe i always will be.

my thinking is if i respond well to finasteride, then i should respond great to dutasteride

am i wrong?

hair today gone tomorrow

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mbehr22 said:
Kevin fretwell said:
I wouldn't recommend starting my regime because its a new frontier of sorts and I'm playing the guinea pig but would say that finasteride is a completely different drug than dutasteride and so you might have a little better results but after all 4 months is still a little short to make a good accessment due to dht follicle fall out . So if you had alot of dht effected hairs there is going to be a big shed due to duts powerfull effect . A little less shed can be exspected from finasteride because its not as powerfull .


if ive been on finasteride for a year with some results, should i switch to dutasteride simply b/c im a greedy bastard and want some thickening, not just regrowth?

im still too thin for my taste ... maybe i always will be.

my thinking is if i respond well to finasteride, then i should respond great to dutasteride

am i wrong?

lol...dude your bringing back a thread from 3 years ago and expecting a response??? i dont even think this guy posts on this board anymore..LMAO