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I posted this in the side effects forum by accident... no idea how that happened.

So I recently started noticing that my uncle looked a little different. I coudn't quit put my finger on it, but for a 60 year old man he seemed to look younger and leaner. At first i credited it with his retirement and having free time to do the things he loves but I just saw him at a family BBQ and thats when it hit me. His hair has improved!
My uncle always had a pretty large bald spot but when I noticed it now it seemed to have filled up. Furthermore in the front he used to have longer hairs that gave the illusion of a hairline but now his hair was cut short and his hair in the front was a lot more dense.
So on a whim I asked him if he was taking prostate medication. He told me that he was, so I asked him if it was Proscar and he told me that he was taking Avodart. Then he got suspicious and asked me why a 26 year old knows about prostate medication, so i dropped the subject.

Later I met my grandmother (my uncles mom) and asked her if she noticed anything different about Bernie. She said "Yes, his bald spot is completely filling up".
So Avodart has definitely regrown hair on my uncles head, and furthermore, my uncle has been balding for more than 20 years! The fact that an anti-androgen can work on a 60 year old is pretty amazing.

Now im hoping that i have similar results on finasteride...


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monty1978 said:
Avodart turned me from a norwood 3 to a norwood 2 in 6 months. No one believes me but it did!

I believe you, i'm a nw3 and i've noticed a slight improvement to a nw2.5 in 3 months but i'm using dutasteride, minoxidil and revivogen s&c. did you use anything else besides dutasteride?


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BTW My uncle has been using Avodart Since may. So around 5 months for noticeable results.

I wonder if a family member is a good responder to antiandrogens if it raises my chances of being a good responder... Guess we will know in 6 to 12 months.


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But to get this in perspective, monty you're a fairly young dude, the big norwood improvement occurred because the hair you regained had only been lost recently beforehand (6-12 months)?

Reason why I ask: I'm a norwood 2.5-3ish but my 'bald' temple (hairline-triangle) areas have been slickish for at least 2 years so I doubt they would ever fill in even with dutasteride :/


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Hey Monty, just wondering how the Fluridil has turned out. Made any gains these past two years or was it introduced more to stub out ongoing loss... and if so, has it?

My last regimen add was spironolactone cream - applied twice daily to the front for some 15 months now... it seems to have halted the dreaded thinning process. At least for now.


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As Captain Bertorelli would doubtless exclaim: What a mistake-a to make-a! Indeed. Suffice to say tackling hair loss is definitely one of those 'if I knew then what I know now...' sort of gigs. Such a pain to look back on time wasted with ineffective treatments - in my case 18 months on Prox-N. Oh well.

So I'll hit you for some info. in a year or so. I reckon by then the old male pattern baldness will have scaled my spironolactone defences and be wreaking merry havoc on what I somewhat misleadingly call my hairline.

Good luck.


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For those using Avodart, where are you buying it?


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Nothing's worked on my hair as well as Avodart / dutasteride.

Some people seem to have problems with it, but for me it made my hair much denser and filled in my balding crown.

Unfortunately it has a long half life and as I'm starting a family next year I have had to ditch it so it's out of my system before them and so on finasteride now.

1mg of finasteride aint doing half the good 0.5mg of dutasteride did though


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ajax said:
Nothing's worked on my hair as well as Avodart / dutasteride.

Some people seem to have problems with it, but for me it made my hair much denser and filled in my balding crown.

Unfortunately it has a long half life and as I'm starting a family next year I have had to ditch it so it's out of my system before them and so on finasteride now.

1mg of finasteride aint doing half the good 0.5mg of dutasteride did though

finasteride/dutasteride has nothing to do with starting a family. You produce just as much sperm.


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Hey, Ajax...you should update us with some pics of your dutasteride success. I'm still contemplating it...but the last time I tried it I shed so much in the first 2 weeks that I went back to finasteride. My hairline took a hit, and it has yet to recover :-/


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Risugo said:
For those using Avodart, where are you buying it?

Generic dutasteride. (Duprost) from unitedpharmacies.co.uk

They also stock GSK Avodart but it comes at a price. In fact if you want Glaxo branded stuff I'm sure there are some cheaper options out there, but I've rather lost track of (i.e. forgotten) the assorted sellers on the web.