
Baby Hairs? Or Receding Hairline (about To Be 15)


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So it's simply my head growing that's making the hairline appear distorted? I don't know..
I'm confused as hell as to what is going on, as far as I'm concerned my hairline could be maturing receding or just is natural as it's always been a little weird shaped, with my crown as well, always grew forwards and backwards from the crown leaving a line shape, but every time I seem to look at i can see scalp and it looks fairly thin, though that could ALSO be due too a poor diet, sebbhoreic dermatitis bad hair care and whatever else, I had got my hair cut shorter and it still looks relatively the same.. If I could get a kind soul to give me an
evaluation on what is going on I'd be forever grateful so I could leave this forum..
I can provide as many pictures as needed I've been so paranoid I've been taking about 100 pictures every day

I also have a few questions though about "Mature Hairlines".

1. Is a Mature hairline normal at 14/15?

2. My best friend is about a 5head and has what I think is a NRW2, though it's literally always has been like that from as far as I can remember. Two other friends of mine have what appears to be a receding or mature hairline, though they have loads of thinning around the crown, not sure if it's always been like that. in addition many people in the year above me have the same sort of NRW 1 or something hairline I do, does this mean everyone will go bald in there early 20's? Or is it just natural for hairlines to mature at this age??

My crown looks just like yours and I used to get paranoid too. Look at woman with short hair and young boys, they all have that kind of part/cowlick too. You're fine.

Alpha Tortoise

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I hate to dwell on here.. But When I woke up today, I had scratched my head some with quite a bit of hairs coming out, I have repeatedly done so for about 10 minutes and notices atleast 30-50 hairs come out on my keyboard.. In addition, a ton of dandruff and stuff as well..
What is going on??


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It's not normal to lose 50-10 hair ... no and definitively no. When I was on 2mg dutasteride for 7 years I almost lose 0 hair per day. 10 max.

I think you should see a dermatologist or talk to your Doctor (say you lose 200-300), he will do a complete check-up ... Maybe there is something wrong, like low iron or thyroid unbalance.
You lose your hair everywhere or only on the top ? It's ok above your neck ?
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2 mg duta?
no sides with it ?

No libido at all ... that's why I tried to lower dutasteride and replaced it with cyproterone+bicalutamide, and it's a fail (before you ask I didn't have gyno with that :p )
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Wait, you lost your libido on Dutasteride and then added Cyproterone Acetate and Bicalutamide in hopes that it would return? Good luck with that! Watch your prolactin levels with Cyproterone, it can cause a lot of bad things including more hair loss if it gets super high. ;)

I know when I lower dutasteride my libido came back ... I tried to lower dutasteride (1mg) and added bicalutamide first. My libido came back but itchy scalp with it. Because I'm desperate and crazy I added then Cyproterone, but itchy scalp still here. Even with Cyproterone + Bicalutamide my libido is still here (maybe because I have reflex hyperandrogenicity ... even low dht/testos is enough to give me libido). When I take 2mg dutasteride my libido is totally dead....
I don't know how to ask my Doctor to analyse my prolactin level ... I hope it will be ok :/
I think I'm just losing the battle ... I will have a baby face with bald head ...


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That is interesting, I never lost my libido in the 4 years I was on Cyproterone nor have I after my surgery. Believe it or not, Bicalutamide actually has a very low risk for sexual side effects when compared with other AR blockers. My thinning started 4 years after I was into my HRT and that itch as well as shedding never stopped until I got on Dutasteride. As far asking your doctor just be honest and upfront, say you are on Cyptroterone for hair loss and you are concerned about your prolactin levels getting elevated. You may also want to check your CBC and Lipids while you're at it. It can also reduce Iron and cause anemia, and mess with your liver.

If I tell my Doctor I take Cyproterone + Bicalutamide he won't prescribe me Dutasteride anymore. I can't take that risk. It was so difficult to make him prescribe me 2 pills of dutasteride everyday, and he accepted because I told him my libido was tooooo high ... LOL ... that I jerked 15 times a day without it ... :D (no it's not true, it's just because of my hair)
I don't mind about prolactine, I prefer to be dead than bald, so I will take that risk.
Now I only take 12.5mg cyproterone (each day) and bicalutamide (12.5mg every other day) + 1mg dutasteride, and my itchy scalp makes me crazy. Bicalutamide is useless in my opinion, and increase DHT level (because it increase testosterone). I take it because ... I don't know.
I also use topical bicalutamide 0.5% since 4 days. Useless too ... but maybe ... :/
You also have reflex hyperandrogenicity then ?
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That is interesting, I never lost my libido in the 4 years I was on Cyproterone nor have I after my surgery. Believe it or not, Bicalutamide actually has a very low risk for sexual side effects when compared with other AR blockers. My thinning started 4 years after I was into my HRT and that itch as well as shedding never stopped until I got on Dutasteride. As far asking your doctor just be honest and upfront, say you are on Cyptroterone for hair loss and you are concerned about your prolactin levels getting elevated. You may also want to check your CBC and Lipids while you're at it. It can also reduce Iron and cause anemia, and mess with your liver.
You got male pattern baldness after being 4 years on estradiol and antiandrogens? Now I'm a little terrified, to put it mildly, because I thought female levels of T and high enough estrogen is enough to halt this disease.


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Yes, my hair started thinning 4 years in. When I asked to get on Finasteride I had base lines done and even though my Testosterone levels were in low female ranges my DHT was still normal.
Hm, I am curious, it was female pattern of thinning (in the middle of the crown) or typical male: hairline recession + diffuse on top? You've been taking cyproterone as a main antiandrogen, right? I thought it has enough power to block T and DHT together. Well, I underestimated the efficacy of 5ar-inhibitors, will add dutasteride later. Do you take 0.5 mg daily, right? Thanks.


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@michel sapin : Yeah I did few blood tests when I started Dutasteride at 2mg ... my DHT level was very low (obviously) and estradiol testosterone level ok. And no I insist I didn't have gyno at 2mg duta.


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this is crazy that 2 mg duta didn't stop hairloss!

It helped a lot ! But I'm losing my hair because I lowered to 1mg ... at 2mg my libido is non-existent, and I want my libido back ... I've been patient enough. That's why I tried alternative treatment (RU for exemple) ... Bicalutamide 25-50mg+ Cyproterone 25-50mg + 1mg dutasteride is weaker than 2mg dutasteride from my experience.

Alpha Tortoise

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This look like inflammation? I'm starting to consider the reddish area on my scalp is due to inflammation what do you guys think?


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Try to eat more omega 3 foods, and vegetables ... it could help to lower inflammation.


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You can try once a week, but ask a doctor first.