Jeez, what is this forum turning into!? All this racist bull**** again. There is nothing wrong with taking pride in your race or country, but when that is all you have to try to prove your superiority over somebody else then you are a pathetic loser. Bring something more to the table besides the accomplishments of others. What have you done to put yourself above everybody else? I would have no problem with somebody who is actually successful and taking care of his/her business saying that they are better than everybody else. The problem is that it is usually not those type of people saying it. We usually have to hear that type of garbage from low lives that live in squalor with absolutely nothing going on for themselves but the color of their skin.
The funny thing is that the elite from the group that they are trying to lump themselves in with more than likely would want absolutely nothing to do with them. Probably looking at you the same way you look at other people that you are supposedly superior over.