"bald Guys Are Disgusting." Sad Reality Of Balding

That Guy

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I don't post much in this terrible section of the site anymore, but I somehow still wind up here everyone once in a while, anyway

I'd never have a kid, out of mercy, I would never condemn my son/daughter with my shitty genes. Some people are simply not meant to have kids, luckily, and my appearance is better than a condom.

I'm going to be completely honest (this isn't intended to be a personal attack) though it will sound like one: I think your shitty attitude is doing you more harm than your appearance. I don't even know what you look like, but I have serious doubts that you're "mocked" and "ridiculed" everywhere you go by strangers like you so often claim — I'm convinced that much of this is your cry for pity or maybe even help.

You have a lot of blatantly misogynistic views that obviously stem from your sexual frustrations and self-hatred. Both of these things will repel women from seeking any long-term relationship with you before you could get her pregnant anyway. No sane woman would want to get knocked up by a guy who is constantly miserable, even if he was good looking. Strive to improve your appearance and self as best you can; and you CAN. It sure beats being a miserable b**ch all the time.

I agree so much with @David_MPN 's statements that a lot of posters will shift the blame off baldness to something else when a lot of these future treatments come to pass. In fact, I'm just as anxious to see what these people will do as I am to see the clinical data.


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I have to agree to some extent.

It could be a cultural thing, but here at my workplace, we have plenty of ugly people and they're never mocked like Dante is.

So I have a hard time believing that his appearance is 100% responsible for his misfortunes.

I don't even believe he is as ugly as he claims he is. If he is inept then not being good looking plus baldness would put him in a difficult position. He claims he is short then he tells us that he is 175cm, that isn't short in any country apart from the Dutch.


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I don't even believe he is as ugly as he claims he is. If he is inept then not being good looking plus baldness would put him in a difficult position. He claims he is short then he tells us that he is 175cm, that isn't short in any country apart from the Dutch.
Dante is a bitter soul who loves the attention. If he was good looking he would be constantly mocking the bald and ugly.


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I "like" all of your posts, Fred. You are the most entertaining character on HairLossTalk.com.


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This. Not to mention that democracy only works if the left wins, right? Otherwise it's dictature, fascism, and crap. The hypocrisy. Serious journalism is dead, journalists are biased indeed, and this election was an excellent proof of this.

There is no dictators in my country..we may not be happy with Trump,,,Again I'm going to stress he did not win popular vote he won electoral votes.
He won electoral votes in states that do not even watch 'liberal' media or read 'liberal' journalists.
People in those states listen only to angry talk radio, fox news which is not liberal journalists its very right leaning and Alt Right like Drudge Report and Breitbart.

So your logic makes no sense..is media biased yes they are on both sides.

This whole "killary' and "lock her up" is such weird rabbit dog bull sh*t that when you actually press people they do not even know what they are so made about or why..thats Alt Right bullshit.

Do i think media is biased? yes but swings both ways and i am telling you because you do not live in this country their are certain areas they do NOT watch the 'liberal' media they just listen to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Steve Bannon (who is working for Trump as is Roger Ailes although they do not admit it)

Do i blame the biased media for Trumps election?

No its peoples responsibility in the USA to learn about candidates if they want to if they don't want to that up to them.

So stop blaming media its bullshit we are responsible for our own information.


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It's because we are now responsible for our own information that Trump won.

Before the Internet era, people would all have eaten the BS of the mainstream media because it was the only source of information.

There is no mainstream rightist media. It's an oxymoron in Belgium for example.

All the media are leftist, which is why I chose not to become a journalist, which was a dream of mine.

Looking at the state of the mainstream media today, I don't regret my decision.

I know people who work in media and yes your right it does lean left for sure

BUT trust me in these rural areas they go polar opposite..they go where they ONLY get alt-right information.

Thats not good either.

Its equally bad but in opposite way.

And Trump is full of sh*t on a lot of things he promised these people..It will be interesting to see how they feel when they figure it out.

The Wall for instance--i thought for sure he was going to throw up a wall (something that has been discussed before its not a new idea and democrats were not all against it in past)

But i watch Jack Welch other day who is a very wealthy business man here in USA (don't know if he's well known elsewhere) he used to own NBC for example..Hes friends with Trump and he supported Trump...He was on a Fox program that is more about economics hosted by a Neil Cavuto who leans 'conservative' i would say from an economic stand point--
Jack Welch said The wall is just a symbol--hes not really building an actual wall..hes just going to enforce immigration laws already on the books...I get symbolism--BUT i can guarantee you i have friends who support Trump that they are going to be PISSEd if an actual wall is not erected..they did not vote for him for 'symbolism'

Obama Care--most people are pissed about Obamacare because they feel its welfare--that the medicaid got expanded to higher incomes and more people are allowed free medical--THIS pissed off conservatives who feel this is Govt welfare(and it is) they feel that is socialism---
Trumps surrogate said other day that he will repeal Obama care and put in his own plan that they are oulining--THe journalist asked her--"What about the poor people covered?"--Oh the medicaid expansion will stay in place Trump already said this--the journalist asked her "What about the states the Governors blocked it?" "oh he will talk to them."

So two things right there that he blew smoke up their asses.

A third?

Mark my words lol Trump LIKES HRC he respects HRC he KNOWs she did nothing legally wrong--all this bullshit "lock her up." is bullshit he threw out there to villinize her and it worked...She's not going to be arrested, tried or convicted by Trump Justice Department
BUT his supporters--part of their vote was to see 'KIllary' Go to jail.

Will be interesting to see how they feel when these things fall through.

Im not a fan but i feel optimistic about the economy and i actually do think he might come up with something better for insurance coverage.

Also its hard to take him seriously about cleaning up Washington when Chris Christie and Rudy Gulianni are in his inner circle Oh and Steve Banion lol--talk about biased media--lol THAT is unprecedented.


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I know people who work in media and yes your right it does lean left for sure

BUT trust me in these rural areas they go polar opposite..they go where they ONLY get alt-right information.

Thats not good either.

Its equally bad but in opposite way.

And Trump is full of sh*t on a lot of things he promised these people..It will be interesting to see how they feel when they figure it out.

The Wall for instance--i thought for sure he was going to throw up a wall (something that has been discussed before its not a new idea and democrats were not all against it in past)

But i watch Jack Welch other day who is a very wealthy business man here in USA (don't know if he's well known elsewhere) he used to own NBC for example..Hes friends with Trump and he supported Trump...He was on a Fox program that is more about economics hosted by a Neil Cavuto who leans 'conservative' i would say from an economic stand point--
Jack Welch said The wall is just a symbol--hes not really building an actual wall..hes just going to enforce immigration laws already on the books...I get symbolism--BUT i can guarantee you i have friends who support Trump that they are going to be PISSEd if an actual wall is not erected..they did not vote for him for 'symbolism'

Obama Care--most people are pissed about Obamacare because they feel its welfare--that the medicaid got expanded to higher incomes and more people are allowed free medical--THIS pissed off conservatives who feel this is Govt welfare(and it is) they feel that is socialism---
Trumps surrogate said other day that he will repeal Obama care and put in his own plan that they are oulining--THe journalist asked her--"What about the poor people covered?"--Oh the medicaid expansion will stay in place Trump already said this--the journalist asked her "What about the states the Governors blocked it?" "oh he will talk to them."

So two things right there that he blew smoke up their asses.

A third?

Mark my words lol Trump LIKES HRC he respects HRC he KNOWs she did nothing legally wrong--all this bullshit "lock her up." is bullshit he threw out there to villinize her and it worked...She's not going to be arrested, tried or convicted by Trump Justice Department
BUT his supporters--part of their vote was to see 'KIllary' Go to jail.

Will be interesting to see how they feel when these things fall through.

Im not a fan but i feel optimistic about the economy and i actually do think he might come up with something better for insurance coverage.

Also its hard to take him seriously about cleaning up Washington when Chris Christie and Rudy Gulianni are in his inner circle Oh and Steve Banion lol--talk about biased media--lol THAT is unprecedented.

I feel like discussing this more with you but I have a cold.

Overall I do think it's likely that the enthusiastic Trump supporters will be disappointed when he doesn't deliver a revolution. No wall, no jailtime for Hillary, etc.

I think a way out of the Hillary thing is to beg Obama to pardon her. Then he can just say that he can't prosecute her.


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hilary looks like the devil lmao

got that witch look

Neither one of them are winning any beauty contests they are 70 years old--difference though? He mocks peoples looks she does not.

When people who are unattractive mock peoples looks it pulls people to say to look at them under a microscope "look at you."

Also when you don't like people you tend to see them as uglier than they are--I hated sara palin but when she first came out i thought she was pretty--the more she spoke the uglier i saw her.

Naomi Wolfe is attractive i am sure most men hear her talk for a little while will quickly find her unattractive.
Gloria Steinam was very attractive when she was young but she was detested by men.


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Neither one of them are winning any beauty contests they are 70 years old--difference though? He mocks peoples looks she does not.

When people who are unattractive mock peoples looks it pulls people to say to look at them under a microscope "look at you."

Also when you don't like people you tend to see them as uglier than they are--I hated sara palin but when she first came out i thought she was pretty--the more she spoke the uglier i saw her.

Naomi Wolfe is attractive i am sure most men hear her talk for a little while will quickly find her unattractive.
Gloria Steinam was very attractive when she was young but she was detested by men.
Sarah palin should do p**rn

she's a yummy milf\



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I feel like discussing this more with you but I have a cold.

Overall I do think it's likely that the enthusiastic Trump supporters will be disappointed when he doesn't deliver a revolution. No wall, no jailtime for Hillary, etc.

I think a way out of the Hillary thing is to beg Obama to pardon her. Then he can just say that he can't prosecute her.

She does not need a pardon.

Trust me Trump does not want to prosecute her. IF she said to him "hey donald lets bury hatchet and i will help you." He would be like "Okay" He does not have the same level of grudge against her as he would against lets say Rubio--hes going to make Marco Rubios life and Paul Ryans life hell.

HRC he looked at as his opponent and he did everything he could to knock her down and like her or not she kept bouncing back up...HE never meade her choke--Im telling you he admires that.

And lets not forget before he figured out a way to engage people politically he was on talk shows for YEARS toying with idea of running for office--as a Democrate!!!

He agree with a lot of Democrate ideas.

He is on record admiring her and praising her.

Its all bullshit to get elected.