man some of your perceptions are f*****g skewed.
A women isn't using you because she hangs out with you, and doesn't want to have sex.
you chose to be in that position if you still orbit around a chick that doesn't want to put out. She has indirectly stated you are a platonic friend, and if you choose to hang around that's on you. Nothing wrong with having a female friend, there are exceptions. I have had roomates that I initially wanted to have sex with, but as we started living together I deemed them to be in more platonic terms, and didn't try to initiate anything. On other hand I have had roommates where I fucked within the first week, but did not esculate with them any further after. We simply became friends with no attachments, someone to talk to and express our day, and feelings to.
Nobody is forcing you to hang out, and orbit around a women that isn't sexually interested in you. I simply don't put myself in that position any more. At the same time I don't mind having women in my life that I just speak to on good terms, but don't actively engage. Perhaps we would do something if drinking arouse, and we were alone together, but that isn't the goal. if it happens, it happens.