How is it all bullshit when you just admitted that maybe they weren't just lucky? You have no evidence to prove it wasn't bullshit.
If we're going to talk numbers then I'm telling you, one Lithuanian guy (who wasn't even the best, he got my sort of numbers so in the top 5% but not the best, and had a huge scar on his face and of course his Eastern European accent in the North East of England) literally would engage in conversation with only several people a day, and get 5 of them to sign up.
That's a whole lot of f*****g luck. And this guy read sales books, but apparently that's all bullshit.
You can't face the real numbers, again, why in any company, is there always an elite few who do incredibly well? Plenty behind them who try very hard, and never match their success.
I've seen it in telesales company as well, looks don't carry down the f*****g phone do they?
Just because nobodies bothered to drum up some evidence doesn't mean it matters, if I were to provide you with some research you'd just debunk it based on what that one "friend" in your head says.
Even if this "friend" exists, that's 1 f*****g person Fred! Why are you so hellbent on using one possibly irrelevant example as basing your entire argument on it as "proof"? It shows that you're fickle and inexperienced in life.
I'd like to see someone make a video of a college aged shy bald guy approaching women.
Just as a social experiment.
As a suicidal social experiment, you mean.
Look at main examples of good-looking bald actors like , The Rock, Vin Diesel – they all played "bad guys" – criminal elements, men with problems with alchohol, drugs, self-control (low inhib) – that IS how society SEE US even if we try hard – they do not see us as intellectual gifted people.
Bad boys are the most beloved men for a woman. Trust me haha
There is nothing more boring an uninterestingthen a normal guy.
Women love just bad boys!
Statham is the epitome of masculinity. Lady killer !!
H.L.. You are talking about sales.
I once received call from Vodafone customer care,she had a cute voice.
She wanted me to subscribe to one plan which i didn't need.
She tried professionally talking with me.
She even tried to make me accept the offer plan by going personal.
When i lost my control,she tried emotionally blackmailing me by saying why you spoke with me for such long time and still declining to the offer plan.
I told her transfer this call to manager.She said no,no,no i will not transfer this call.
So... Sales only work with fool or rich customers/willing customers.
If my budget is 10,000 $..
I will never buy a 50k$ BMW even if Tony Stark(RDJ),Chris Evans,Tom Cruise,Angelina Jolie came to sell a car which i don't need.
Haha, threats. And then when the person caves: "I'm such a master at manipulation!"
You'll get that a lot in third world countries: "Why did you make me waste my time! You have to buy now, because I'm a good salesman!"
Yeah no, you should have learned a real skill, not something random that doesn't even work 95 to 99% of the time.
Yes you've proved that people who do not want to buy something will not buy it, this is a part of sales that any decent sales person will know straight away.
You need to have a keen eye for when people won't buy, regardless of what you do, there's indicators you can get from them early on to know that there's absolutely no chance, so you can not waste your time or theirs.
Pointless post if it was trying to insinuate anything on a general level, as if that's how most sales people work.
I'm still awaiting your explanation on why there's always the same top sales people at any company, why are you in such denial of the fact that this does require skill?
You de-railed things by saying the fact I've "seen" top sales people as equivalent to "seeing" a miracle (as usual you used one little word to completely twist the context of everything) but what I actually have literally "seen" is hard numbers, over months and years, of the same people consistently out-selling others who can be even more competitive than they are. With some I know how they achieve this, I know their tricks and what works, but there's even been a few that have baffled me as to how they get such success.
But hey, you have a friend who said some bullshit, so that must be a fact, right? It's actually so f*****g hilarious how blatantly you brought up this "friend" of yours, I've always accused you of making sh*t up to suit the context of the argument and in the middle of this you go "Oh yeah I know why that happens- my friend says sales people are all good looking which completely fits in line with my point of view and general thesis on life that I spout 24/7 like rhetoric" I mean are you f*****g serious?
So I just want you to basically say, some sales people sell 5 times more than other sales people, every week, every year, for years, because it's all luck.
Please say that with a straight face.
They're not good, they're just way less worse than others.