Bald , Pale bum picking up girls.

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More than the question on whether this is fake or not, as a guy who has direct experience of approaching dozens of women in the streets, coffee shops or public transports, I can tell you this:

Getting phone numbers means jack. If you only look at my approach/numbers ratio, I think I almost got a 1 phone number out of 2 interactions.

Well, Out of the roughly 50 girls I opened, I may have got a number from 20 of them, but only 2 led to a date, that led to nothing at all, not even a kiss.

And I was also almost bald when I did this, I had strong diffusion in the NW5 area.

I don't know why this happens exactly. My hypotheses are that:

- Most girls give you their number so you can feed them attention when you text or call them later.
- They give you their phone number because they're afraid that you'll react violently or angrily if they don't give it to you.
- They remembered you were just some guy they met on the street, you're not in front of them to reassure them about you anymore, so they just flake on you.

So don't get your hopes up because you see a bald guy getting some phone numbers. He probably hasn't banged any of these girls, or even ever seen them again.

When you are an alpha male such as I, you get women coming on to you, fact.


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When you are an alpha male such as I, you get women coming on to you, fact.

Wolf Pack

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If you are going to post a reply to me, can you put someone white please, someone like Russ Abbott. Thanks.

- - - Updated - - -

I am the best good looking egghead on this wanton forum. 6ft 3", 104kg of pure, prime, Aryan meat.

Aryan? Didn't you say you had a crap face like no chin and small eyes? Aryan needs an attractive poster boy that Hitler would be proud of, with a strong jaw, cheekbones and able to do an SS haircut :woot:

Clear to see that you hide behind your "superior nordic race" as a compensatory mechanism - for no face, hair or aesthetic features.

It's all quite sad really seeing a middle aged man reduced to this, please get some therapy.


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Picking up girls is one thing, maintaining a relationship is another. Besides the guys is tall and fit that has more value than hair.
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Aryan? Didn't you say you had a crap face like no chin and small eyes? Aryan needs an attractive poster boy that Hitler would be proud of, with a strong jaw, cheekbones and able to do an SS haircut :woot:

Clear to see that you hide behind your "superior nordic race" as a compensatory mechanism

Scandinavian men are not known(as a whole) for theyre looks, the Vikings were known for theyre warrior attributes. 500years ago, I would of chopped youre head off and watched youre brown limbs tumble down the plains......or failing that, the likes of you would have been used for polishing my shoes. Sammy shoeshine.

- - - Updated - - -

Aryan? Didn't you say you had a crap face like no chin and small eyes? Aryan needs an attractive poster boy that Hitler would be proud of, with a strong jaw, cheekbones and able to do an SS haircut :woot:

Clear to see that you hide behind your "superior nordic race" as a compensatory mechanism

Scandinavian men are not known(as a whole) for theyre looks, the Vikings were known for theyre warrior attributes. 500years ago, I would of chopped youre head off and watched youre brown limbs tumble down the plains......or failing that, the likes of you would have been used for polishing my shoes. Sammy shoeshine.

I see BB kings died......One less I got to deal with.

- - - Updated - - -

There is a race war going on in the UK Woolpack, give it a couple of years and its gonna kick off....which side you gonna be on?

Wolf Pack

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Scandinavian men are not known(as a whole) for theyre looks, the Vikings were known for theyre warrior attributes. 500years ago, I would of chopped youre head off and watched youre brown limbs tumble down the plains......or failing that, the likes of you would have been used for polishing my shoes. Sammy shoeshine.

There is a race war going on in the UK Woolpack, give it a couple of years and its gonna kick off....which side you gonna be on?

Bit of generalisation there Billy and scant regard for history. Scandinavians can be good looking and you are doing a massive disservice to people of Mediterranean origin. An area that has produced Caesar, Spartacus and Alexander the Great. Certainly wielding a sword effectively is not alien to this region. Combining masculine attractive features with good warrior genes! English women love exotic southern European features in my experience, my own girl is one. Said you don't see Roman noses or black hair often here.

I'll humour you. It would be debatable if you could strike me down all those years ago. Also reproduction would be an issue for you as per your own admission of no hair on top, ginger and weak features. Don't forget those days horse shoes went down to their waist.

I don't believe there will be a race war in the way you believe. Either way it doesn't concern me directly and any one who breaks the law or denies basic human rights should be imprisoned.

I tend to blend in all sides, lets burn in love :wub:
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Bit of generalisation there Billy and scant regard for history. Scandinavians can be good looking and you are doing a massive disservice to people of Mediterranean origin. An area that has produced Caesar, Spartacus and Alexander the Great. Certainly wielding a sword effectively is not alien to this region. Combining masculine attractive features with good warrior genes! English women love exotic southern European features in my experience, my own girl is one. Said you don't see Roman noses or black hair often here.

I'll humour you. It would be debatable if you could strike me down all those years ago. Also reproduction would be an issue for you as per your own admission of no hair on top, ginger and weak features. Don't forget those days horse shoes went down to their waist.

I don't believe there will be a race war in the way you believe. Either way it doesn't concern me directly and any one who breaks the law or denies basic human rights should be imprisoned.

I tend to blend in all sides, lets burn in love :wub:

Oh, I am certain I would of chopped that huge honker of yours off with my axe. There was no designer stubble then, real men grew theyre facial hair out. Yes, I have had a full beard, and a stranger(when I was delivering the mail) when I had a hat on, was staring from afar, and when he came close said I look like a Viking. Being ginger/blonde is only a problem in wa*k countries like the uk, where people have lost theyre sense of heritage, just appease the brown man. Look up Magnus Samuelson, ex worlds strongest man. Swedish Viking, we have similar beards. Regarding reproduction, being ginger wouldn't be an issue then, and even if it would of been, Viking raped and pillaged, so the split-arses didn't have a choice!

Wolf Pack

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Oh, I am certain I would of chopped that huge honker of yours off with my axe. There was no designer stubble then, real men grew theyre facial hair out. Yes, I have had a full beard, and a stranger(when I was delivering the mail) when I had a hat on, was staring from afar, and when he came close said I look like a Viking. Being ginger/blonde is only a problem in wa*k countries like the uk, where people have lost theyre sense of heritage, just appease the brown man. Look up Magnus Samuelson, ex worlds strongest man. Swedish Viking, we have similar beards. Regarding reproduction, being ginger wouldn't be an issue then, and even if it would of been, Viking raped and pillaged, so the split-arses didn't have a choice!

Let the head breathe. This is wrong on many levels. You say you look like Magnus, I know who he is. Firstly, he is ugly. Secondly, you say Swedish Viking with some sort of pride. He lifts man made stuff - that's it, it's a great achievement but he is not an Alpha lol. Why do you take pride over such bs? Seriously you should improve your own life.

A real fighter as in Greek tradition and generally speaking, has a lean athletic build, agility, FUNCTIONAL strength, noble and a lion's heart.


A true "alpha" as you like to put it, is not Magnus - ugly, big also balding a lot. A real "alpha" in this day and age is someone who is intelligent, functional strength/body, courageous, understanding and of course handsome.

Magnus who you say you look similar too


This is what I look similar to in terms of basic features but obviously he is in another league - goes without saying. English girls dig the "Greek God" look over their own. You don't see this in English people. It truly is more masculine as it's preferred by women. Most older greek men will out do older english guys too.



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No body gives a **** about vikings 500 years a go, wherether they were/are strongest men alive that doenst mean they can deliver much damage.
have a look at those charts you "Aryan" racist piece of ****:

and show me a single Aryan fighter dominating one of those catigories.... "Aryan supiriority" my ***... :roll:


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No body gives a **** about vikings 500 years a go, wherether they were/are strongest men alive that doenst mean they can deliver much damage.
have a look at those charts you "Aryan" racist piece of ****:

The dude has been spewing racist garbage for a while now. The first few posts I just let slide thinking he was just trying to be funny, now I realize what this dude is about. Straight scrub. I don't care if he is 6'3" 200 whatever pounds, dude is a weak man guaranteed. Trying to put himself above other people not by accomplishments, but by race alone. Pretty sad when that is all you can say. I highly doubt he is much different than the people he is trying to trash. Most likely neighbors with them, living in the most wretched conditions. Nobody that has his life in order tries so hard to put himself above other people.

Nobody is better than anybody just because of their skin tone or origin. If you truly believe differently then get around a bit. I have seen low lives of every race so please stop with the BS.

Wolf Pack

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He's banned now it seems. At least that's the end of all the bs chats.


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Anything exciting going on in the hair loss world? It's been a while since somebody has posted a good topic. I have something I have been thinking about for a while, but kept myself from posting it for fear of getting banned haha.

Wolf Pack

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Anything exciting going on in the hair loss world? It's been a while since somebody has posted a good topic. I have something I have been thinking about for a while, but kept myself from posting it for fear of getting banned haha.

Post it bro, will be interesting! I have been rolling EOD but we can't discuss that.

On a personal note I am getting some growth in my screwed up right temple - moving forwards- but it's still bald as hell.

Summer seems to make me more miserable regarding my pretty much Norwood 3 status, nothing quite as contrasting as thick hair and empty front!


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Only douches get banned.
Yeah there does not seem to be any good posts lately honestly...


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have some more



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have some more


There is no "technique" that will get you all the girls. Looks are the main force of attraction. "Game" is more or less just some extra help like not getting stuck in a conversation.