Hope4hairRedux said:
I hope that something like HM does become a reality. I am 20 now. I could easily wait 10 years till I'm 30. Yes I would have lost my 20's, but I could still have my 30's to really enjoy my hair and looks. I would even be happy to wait 20 years at 40. Yes by then you cant exactly draw girls like you might have done when you were younger, but hell, I'm sure there would be a lot of mature woman who have kept their looks by that time that you could date and so on.
You've hit the nail on the head here.
I'm 42, and my VERY strong advice to a guy in your position is to try and get your hair back, and not just accept it. A lot of guys on this forum will argue differently, but, as someone who's seen more than most around here, in my opinion, they're wrong; plain and simple.
The reason they're wrong is because, contrary to what a lot young guys believe, life doesn't end at 30; far from it. In fact, the twenties are often a dissapointing decade for men (even those without hair loss), as they struggle to establish themselves career-wise, struggle to pay off college debts and struggle to land really amazing women (of whom there's only a limited number, after all). A minority of guys in their twenties have an amazing time, but for most it's a decade that doesn't really live up to expectations, and for some it's a disaster. In fact, more twenty-something men commit suicide than any other demographic group!
In contrast, I've seen, and personally know of, loads of guys who don't blossom until their thirties, or even forties; guys who've looked after themselves, kept their looks and, by now, have great jobs and tons of money. Conversely, I've seen very, very few women become more attractive after they turn 30 (not being sexist; just honest). Consequently, these 30/40-something guys can get pretty much any single woman they want - even women in their twenties!
If I was in your shoes (i.e. early twenties, and balding) I WOULDN'T settle for life as a bald man. I'd do everything possible to get my hair back (not just wait for HM; look at world class hair transplant surgeons too). In the meantime, work like sh*t to make as much money as possible. Then, hopefully, your thirties and forties will be awesome. I'm not saying be miserable until then, of course, but use your twenties to build an even better life afterwards. The one you deserve!
Of course, if you meet the woman of your dreams whilst you're in your twenties, and she doesn't give a toss about your hair loss, fair enough (though you have to consider the possibility that it may not last, so getting your hair back would still be a good 'insurance').
Hope4hairRedux said:
To be successful in any area, and in life in general, a bald man has to be an exceptional man. And that I am not.
Don't put yourself down. You're an exceptionally intelligent man, who's very mature for his age. That's for sure.