Erm, I didn't say anything about staying out of any games. Obviously, you should make your present life as good as possible, and that includes relationships. However, you should also build for the future as well. The difference between having hair, and not having it, is sufficiently big, in terms of confidence/happiness, etc., not just in your twenties, but for many years after, that it's worth putting EVERY effort in to getting the best possible hair you can. One of the biggest mistakes many young guys on here make is thinking that hair won't matter to them after their twenties. Trust me, they won't think that when they're 30!
I misunderstood you as far as staying out of the game goes... my bad.
I agree with the difference, and since I'm 27, I don't think that I wouldn't care after 30 at all. This may sound weird, but I've always had really bad skin, and I sort of thought 30 was the magic number, and when I hit that, my skin would clear up, my confidence would be ok, and life would be good. Didn't expect to go bald at all. The amount of premature hairloss in my family is extremely limited, I just got unlucky. Unfortunately, the one or two guys who did lose hair prematurely went NW7 quickly.
Obviously, men with more severe hair loss are more limited in their options, hair transplant-wise, but, if they're willing to put the effort in, and travel to a top hair transplant surgeon, they may be surprised what can be done. In one way, hair loss is a test of what kind of person you are; the kind who 'settles' for a less than ideal life, or the kind who's willing to go as many extra miles as necessary to have the life that they really want and deserve. If you're a 'settler', fine, but don't expect everyone to be.
I'm definitely a "settler"...
If you can post good NW7 before and afters, that would be cool.
Also, and I don't want to pick a fight here, but I'm not convinced you're the most credible advocate of acceptance, given the gloom and doom of some of your other posts. I sincerely hope that you can make the journey from this despair to true acceptance of your hair loss, and complete happiness without hair, but my honest opinion is that that's going to be very, very tough. Probably tougher than getting a good hair transplant would be.
I agree completely with everything said there, and you are in no way picking a fight. Picking a fight is name calling and acting generally immature, and its clear that you're not immature. No offense taken at all. You are far from the first person to tell me I come off as negative, so its not an issue whatsoever.
I think the problem is that I'm not clear enough in what I mean. I labeled PRP a scam in another forum, and thats not what I meant. When I talk about acceptance, I'm talking to other people, not myself. I know guys who have accepted it well, and are doing just fine. Thats not me, unfortunately. This may sound like an excuse, and it probably is, but my family has a long history of depression. Two out of the six people in my dad's family killed themselves. I think that if you start off as a confident person, its much easier to take it in stride than it is if you start off very insecure.
Its going to be tough, and I'll probably never get to true acceptance. What I want to be clear about is that I'm speaking for myself, and that other peoples experiences will be different and hopefully better. For instance, the toughest thing about discovering that I was going bald was the realization that this meant that I was done with women for good. I need to restate that I am speaking only for myself, and that I am in no way saying that no bald men should ever get laid. Far from it. I've never been successful with women, and this is sort of the last straw for me. Any remaining confidence I had is gone.
If I thought there was a possibility of saving thousands of dollars and getting a good hair transplant, and then not having to take propecia for the rest of my life, I'd do it. Unfortunately, I won't be done losing hair until I'm in my 60's, so if I were to get a transplant I'd be committed to propecia, which I am unwilling to take. It sucks, but it is what it is.
I also am unable to shave my head due to various skin conditions, so, I'm sort of stuck being a young balding guy, and everyone knows that shaved heads are cool, balding is not. Another thing is that if I could just shave my head and look decent, I wouldn't worry about it at all. Like I said, my skin reacts very badly to razors. I can't really even shave my face, so shaving my head every few days is not a possibility. I also have pretty bad acne (for my age) and a nasty case of rosacea that results in cystic acne that lasts for months.
I have to work on accepting the fact that I'll never be ok looking. I've never been great looking, but I would say (based on the few women who have shown interest) that when I shave and get lucky and get a day or two with clear skin, and when I had my full head of super thick hair, I was slightly above average. Not handsome, but decent enough to have some flings with very attractive women.
In the end, I am negative. I'm not someone who is able to get his hopes up and be disappointed. I will try to be more specific in mentioning that in the future on these forums. I don't want to give the impression that I think all hope is lost for all balding men. I've never felt that way, and I don't now, because I've seen ample evidence to the contrary. I see all hope as lost for me, and I only speak for myself. I need to be more clear about that.
That's my honest opinion, offered in a friendly spirit. If you disagree, fair enough.
The only thing I disagreed with was something that you hadn't even said. Your post was very polite, and in no way offensive. Its good to be able to disagree with people civilly, and thats one of the things I like about these forums.