This is moot. How can one be confident to begin with without consistent success with women. Not just getting women, across all disciplines, confidence can only be acquired by consistent success or at least a high probability of success. Repeated failure empties a man of confidence. Anyone who tells you to be confident despite your repeated failure is either just being nice or is in denial about real origin of confidence. Confidence is usually a result of success, not the other way round(mostly).
There. I did it. Made a point that has already been made a billion times on this forum.
Imagine you are in situation where 4 or 5 people have come to beat you.
What would be your next move?
Would you say ohh i haven't fighted with any criminal in the past.let him do whatever he want and surrender to him.
Or you try to beat the sh*t out of them?
I have been multiple times threatened by angry mob in hospital after patient death.
I am not a tall guy, average built.
Still i was succesfully able to stop mob of over 30 angry relatives with just my loud and angry voice.
If i had no confidence,they would have killed me by beating.
Death of that patient was not under my supervision.
I was working in Medicine Department while doctors of surgery department ran away from that hospital.
My seniors delibrately sent me to attend that patient in another department because Surgery docs asked for Medicine opinion on that dead surgery patient to fool the relatives.
I did not know where i was heading for.
When they started coming closer to me,i acted so bravely against them they they didn't had a single chance to over power me.
Confidence do not need results.
It comes from within.
Confidence don't die.
It can be weakened for sometime but it will bounce back to even greater heights.