Balding age


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My prespective on life is different than the common crowd around here.

I believe that the balding process should be a part of a man's life but at a certain age.
If I'd start balding at age 35 I believe I wouldn't even hand around this site,
I believe it should be just another phase -
And if someone's a norward 1 at age 80 he's just blessed.

But - getting bald at age 18 is something just unnatural you might say,
I dunno.
I remember when I was 17 I was absolutely sure you get bald at around age 30 if you have bad genetics. I didn't even know that physically you can get bald earlier.
First time I saw a young dude balding at knew his real age is when I was 18,
he was 20.
I felt really sorry for him and starred for hours, didn't know how even it is possible, or how the f*** can he live with it.

retrospect - I was started getting bald too - just didnt know it yet ;\

What do you think ?
Please do not talk about me specifically , I am not the subject of this thread.


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I've known I could, and likely would, go bald since high school.

There was a kid in one of my classes who had a receding hairline, and suddenly that turned into all of the males examining each other's hairlines (sounds :gay: I know).

Anyway, I pulled up my fringe and got pegged by everyone as going bald. I was about 16 then and 23 now, and still just a NW2. I was probably only a NW1.5 on one temple then, but they still picked up on it.

But I honestly never thought I'd be looking at a future where I might have significant baldness by 30. I'm just hoping that finasteride can save my hair for another 15 years.


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I was never less than a NW2, even at school people would tell me you'll be bald by the age of 21.


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I was visibly balding by 20. I'm 23 now and in NW3-ville; planning to shave at the end of this year assuming the current rate of loss continues.

I think it's harsh to lose your hair at any age, but I'd give a lot of money to put this off till my mid-30s.


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I don't agree with this part
I believe that the balding process should be a part of a man's life but at a certain age.

It shouldn't be a part of any one man's life, whatever age, but that's the way things go.

As a teenager, it never occured to me that i would ever become bald/lose hair and i never thought about it until i turned 18 and noticed i had a slight receding hair line. In the 4 years it's receded significantly and it's a sad reality. My uncle is bald, yet his son has the type of hair many of us would envy; it's just incredibly thick and he can style it any way he likes, not to mention his hair line..but i had to end up with the gene.

Balding age? I imagine i wouldn't care as much had i been in my 30's and in this same position of hair's just too damn early to lose hair in your 20's. Nobody needs this crap at a young age, and then to think about what products to use to try to keep what you have or regrow..i'll try what i can, but i hate that i have to think about this stuff at my age, not to mention the money i'd have to spend (and currently am).

uncomfortable man

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I hate it when women say that men should accept balding as a sign of maturity and that it is a part of the aging process. They usually follow it up by "hey, it will always grow back and if it doesn't you can just go to hairclub and solve all your problems." Shows what the f*** women know about male pattern baldness. :jackit: Why should a guy who is twenty three have to accept that he is getting old? Yes, he will probably look older but it obviously is unrelated since you have nw5 twenty somethings and nw1's in their f*****g 80's. Baldness brings out the stupidity in people for real.


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uncomfortable man said:
Why should a guy who is twenty three have to accept that he is getting old?
Yes, i have to agree with that one, 30 in my book still considered young....male pattern baldness should start around 50s... even 60s, but guys on their twenties..... man it really can f*** up your youth.. i mean the time when your looks *should* be in its best... the time when you should be able to attract girls and people your age.. going bald at your twenties sux... maj0R a$$ :\


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uncomfortable man said:
I hate it when women say that men should accept balding as a sign of maturity and that it is a part of the aging process. They usually follow it up by "hey, it will always grow back and if it doesn't you can just go to hairclub and solve all your problems." Shows what the f*ck women know about male pattern baldness. :jackit: Why should a guy who is twenty three have to accept that he is getting old? Yes, he will probably look older but it obviously is unrelated since you have nw5 twenty somethings and nw1's in their f****ing 80's. Baldness brings out the stupidity in people for real.
I've never encountered this comment, but i can see how some people would say it. 'Should accept', who is the person that gives themselves the right to say what males 'should accept'..phrases like that piss me off to no end.

somone uk

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i hate it when people with NW1 tell me "ohh going bald isn't bad", to which i have only 1 response: "to me rape is only 20 minutes of discomfort, but i have never been raped so i don't go around self-righteously claiming rape isn't that bad"....usually shuts them up


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^^You make some good points.

I've noticed that with myself, looking at some of my friends (whom i've known were very insecure about themselves in the past, and still are to a level) who have no hair loss, and seem to be doing 'fine' where as me, i'm slowly losing my confidence..but like you said, you have to move on.


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I don't really have anything helpful to say, but I can totally sympathize with where you're coming from dude. Things do get better, or at least they did for me. You get used to it a little. Sometimes I'm as happy now as I was pre-male pattern baldness, but it's never quite the same. You'll still be able to get girls, have a good time, and do well in life if you want to. But as for returning to a care-free, fun and innocent lifestyle, there is no going back.


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Joe my man...out of all the people on this site I'm the most similar to you....young, severe hairloss...shave my head. Yeah I'm not fully over it by any means, but I'm also very realistic as well and know that nothing superficial like hairloss can ruin your life unless YOU LET IT.

I think whats really tough for us is simply the age factor...I've had to shave it down since 19...same with you. I also have a tendency to get caught up in the negatve mindset too and its very easy to wallow in self pity...thing is, I was like this too before hairloss so I know that the majority of it is the way you feel about the problem...not the problem itself.

The good news for you though man is that you DO suit the look...TRUST me! We're our own worse critics. I also don't have a perfect headshape but nobody has EVER said anything negative in that regard in the past 2 and a half years. The truth is, people really don't notice this sh*t about you as much as you think....not at ALL. From a face to face point of look great, man! People aren't hovering over you from an aerial point of view focusing in on your head shape! They don't care man....its not even a "bad" head shape in the least! You've just got a little f*****g what?! You're lucky, you DO pull off the look as well as can be expected by a young guy and I'm not just saying that...if I thought you looked like a fool with a bald head I wouldn't just be saying this sh*t to make you feel good, because the truth is, does make a big difference how you look bald and in your case, you pull it off man. You've gotta understand, you're in a really depressed mindstate (I've been there...even before hairloss) and you're finding something to obsessively fixate on because its a lot easier to wallow and make excuses than it is to get out there and live how you want to. Trust me NOT turn down university because of your f*****g hair...when you're older and wiser you will regret that decision BIG TIME. If you don't wanna go for academic reasons then thats one thing...but ask yourself this...."If I had a full head of hair, would I want to go to university in the fall?"....if the answer is yes, then you need to do that anyways despite your hair situation.

Say what you will about going bald at a young age...but it sure as hell is character building. So its here that you either move forward and have some faith in yourself as a person...with the knowledge that you're a very competent, capable and worthy human being (and proceed to live a life that reflects that)...OR you wallow in self pity, look for evidence about how going bald is SO damaging to your present and future and then end up like Uncomfortable Man in 10 years complaining that baldness has ruined your life and there's nothing you could have done. What option sounds better?

Looks are superficial (even if to some they are very important), personality is've gotta focus on the second one. Yeah, it would be awesome to be a pretty boy throughout your 20's especially when we shouldn't have to worry about this sh*t for years to come...but as it stands, you can only attempt to delay it with meds....but no matter what option you choose, understand that life is about a lot more than this nonsense...and also take solace in the fact that even from a superficial look good bald!

keep your head up aint easy, but its a lot harder and courageous to succeed than it is to not try..remember that next time you're keeping yourself trapped in a mental prison because of a problem you can't control.


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Joe, I've looked at your story and I have to agree with qball in that the shaved look does suit you. Your head is not perfectly round, but hardly anyone's is, and the only people that will notice anything "misshapen" about your skull are other hyper-aware guys with male pattern baldness. Sure, you look better with hair, but I'd say the shaved look still suits you more than most guys I see with it. I think your confidence has just been really devastated by male pattern baldness and as a result you have a distorted view of yourself. Plus, I imagine it would be hard to even realize that you look good bald when male pattern baldness has caused you so much distress.

You seem like a handsome guy that did well with women; you ought to know what attracts them, and from your comments it seems that you realize that your own confidence is really what will make or break you in this regard. All I can say is that you need to concentrate on yourself: working out, staying engaged with the world, and so on, and most everything else should fall into place. Just don't let yourself get down and subsequently project insecurity - insecurity is the biggest turn off there is. My friend who was at least NW4 at 20 is not as good looking as you, and while he had a difficult time with women in his early twenties he now does very well for himself - better than many NW1 guys I know.


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I am just starting at this....have been to a couple of clinics etc...havent yet come to a decision on quite what to do. However, a couple of things, some of which have been said above.

1. You should definitely go would be stupid for the rest of your life not to and it is loads of fun. Additionally, you will meet new people there, 99% would have never known you with hair so there is no comparitor for them - trust me, people take you for who you are.

2. I think your shaved head look looks definitely shouldnt worry about that - much better than most I have seen.

FYI, I am 24, I never thought I would go bald too - my Dad, Grand dad even still have a full head of hair!...hence I trying to stop the progress early. But baldness is definitely coming to me. It has had a big fookin hit on my confidence level with my mates, and am now in the shave it all off category to avoid comment. But loads of life can still be a great success. I have a decent job and decent people around me....I am sure you have and you will do too....

Anyway, thanks for reading, I hope some of what I said helps.



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Joe, I think you should definitely see a therapist. My dad is middle eastern, and he at least is very macho about psychological issues and weaknesses in general, and I just grew up thinking a real man just shrugs off most anything and betrays no emotion. The concept of a man talking to someone, let alone a "shrink," about feelings or whatever was completely alien to me. I really like my cultural heritage, but as I got older my mind opened up and at a particularly stressful point in my life I saw a therapist. I have to say it was a great decision and I think it can be very beneficial for some people.

Practically everyone on here is telling you that you look okay; they have no reason to lie to you or puff up your ego. I think a professional could definitely help you.

Good luck. :)

somone uk

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JOE-91 said:
In my opinion, showing that you care about your baldness in real life is a bad idea. I have some terrible nights, looking at how my looks have changed, thinking about my ex's moving on while I slowly become worse looking, and generally feeling terrible. But I never ever let it show in real life, only to my closest friends have I admitted that it has 'knocked my confidence'.
we live in a society that requires men to be viral and "take it all on the chin" with a "stiff upper lip" but i find the statistics in a way proves it's not a healthy way to deal with things
i could say everyone i know knows i am bothered about hair loss but i could also say i would never spend a second around someone i don't like because i don't think they are worth the time

JOE-91 said:
I think balding and age plays a huge part in how much it affects you, If your past 30 you can tell yourself to grow the f*ck up because your in the same boat as so many other men, you will also be around other guys that are balding. Significant hairloss as a teenager and facing being fully bald in your mid 20's is a different matter though. I feel like I am right to be upset, it's taking my youth away. I was actually totally oblivious to baldness when I was younger, even though my dad was bald young and uncles I never ever thought about it, and even if I did I have never seen baldness as a bad thing until it has hit me. I would describe my current feelings as 'scared' it's so, so hard looking at guys that are looking there best your age when you were in there shoes, if not better a year before and you have had your looks and confidence taken away by HAIR. It's horrible really, but you have to move on in life. I plan to get out there rather than manifest myself in this forum, looking in the mirror all the time etc. You have to at least try.
well i can say my hairline matured at about 14 and receding at 16, now i am 20 now
i was always a big fan of my hair even at 13 i was wanting to style it in ways that most people wouldn't dare do, i wanted mohawks, undercuts, dreadhawks in many different colours, for some arbitrary reason i was not allowed to have my hair the way i wanted at school but i was always promised that i "could have it the way i wanted when i left school" but unfortunately you need a good thick NW1 to get almost any non-standard style, then this stupid useless condition had to kick in :thumbdown2:
i think i have more than a right to be upset about male pattern baldness


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Thickandthin said:
I've known I could, and likely would, go bald since high school.

There was a kid in one of my classes who had a receding hairline, and suddenly that turned into all of the males examining each other's hairlines (sounds :gay: I know).

Anyway, I pulled up my fringe and got pegged by everyone as going bald. I was about 16 then and 23 now, and still just a NW2. I was probably only a NW1.5 on one temple then, but they still picked up on it.

But I honestly never thought I'd be looking at a future where I might have significant baldness by 30. I'm just hoping that finasteride can save my hair for another 15 years.
My hair was plentiful and full as a teenager, then I turned 23 and it started...little by little each year, thinning and recession. I'm 31 now and though I still have hair on my head it doesn't look even remotely as good as it did when I was 15, 18, 21, 23, 25...etc. I'm a diffuser and it sucks.

Looking at my dad I didn't expect any hair loss until I was past 40, my dad looked to have had a full head of hair until his 40's. Like you I never expected it before age 30 and it really blows. I feel like I'm turning into another person. I need to get some products.


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All I can say right now is that for me, hairloss is something that I dont have the energy to bother with anymore.

Without trying to go into too much detail, I get ill a lot. I had glanduler fever a few years ago and whilst I have got over it, Id say 1/4 of the time I am often run down.

In winter I get a lot of depression, colds etc. Summer time I get f*****g hayfever. I guess these arent directly related to nessacarily glandular fever, but the point i want to make is that, when I feel ill, hairloss is just something I couldnt care about. Its not essiental.

I think really if we have a computor and internet access, and the time to moan about hairloss, we are probably in the more fortunate % of the world. People who have real problems dont have time to moan about their hair.

Most bald guys do get on with it. I do admit that it has been a source of depression for me since Ive been receeding, but more and more and more I just want to try and get on with life. I dont have time to moan about hairloss anymore.

I truly beleive that if you are bald or balding, and apart from the hairloss, an average looking guy at least, then you still have loads of options to work on what you have. I do see good looking, confident, happy bald people about. These are the ones that exude a certian glow and health. You can work on a lot of areas like style, fashion, fitness and confidence mainly and it really shouldnt limit you that much.

Right now, Ive been ill all week, I had food poisoning on the weekend and now Ive been run down and ill. All I want to do is to enjoy life again. To be able to go out and about and see my friends. I think a lot of people on this site need a reality check.

Girls dont generally think of baldness overall as a turn off. Unless the guy is gross looking overall. Its all about overall attractivenss.

When I start thinning I might just kind of shave it down but have some stubble on my face. Look at Pep Guadila the barcalona coach. He is look a good example of a good style for someone thinning. I would personally rather have a low grade nw5 and a kind of 'rough' stubble look then be a complete slapstick. That depends on how I look though. Either way. Understand that girls generally dont divide guys into wether they have hair or not.

And also, remember that as girls get older, they become less superficial.


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That's the most positive you've sounded in a while hope4hair. :bravo: I've been dealing with the whole hair thing better myself. I'm going to law school this fall with a partial scholarship and I'm really excited to start studying. As I've said, since I feel unattractive now, I won't be wasting time at bars and clubs. This means I'll have that much more time to study. While the norwood 1's are out partying, I'll be getting the upper hand with my nose in the books. Just cause I'm balding doesn't mean life is over, just that aspects of it are over.