Balding Older Guy In The Barber Shop Today


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I'm kind of tipsy tonight, so apologies if I do not explain this perfectly. It's probably pointless..

I hate getting haircuts.. I can't stand being put in a chair under the light and having someone rummage through my scalp with clippers, scissors and wet spray..

Hair loss doesn't become easier to deal with as you get older.. You will still care.

I'm waiting on the bench for my turn while an older gentleman walks into the shop.. He's a distinguished looking guy.. Easily in his mid 60's.. has a decent front actually, white hair, but a totally slick comb over happening on the crown and it was deep.

I had requested a certain stylist and he got his before mine so was seated and being trimmed while I still sat on the bench waiting.. He immediately began talking about balding with the barber.. She's a cute girl for being in her 40's and very sweet and cuts good hair.. I use her sometimes. He didn't seem bashful about talking about it at all... I guess he just felt the need to put it out there because it was obvious his crown was gone and she was attempting to do him justice.. he was saying it's something he just has to deal with and wasn't being quiet about it... I'll never forget him saying "but, I try.. with minoxidil" His hair wasn't bad for his age.. and he was definitely a distinguished fellow. Had style.. almost like the original Dos Equis guy with a thin crown.

After that he talked about his time as a professor and earning his doctorate in Austin..

I guess the thing I'm trying to say with all of this is.. you don't stop caring about hair loss as you get older.. I think you just care less about it.. or at least talking about it openly.. as a much younger guy, I wouldn't be caught dead discussing my minoxidil use with my stylist and then switching it up to my days as a professor all casual like.

This is so true and I just wish some of the younger people on here would accept this. I'm talking from experience too because I'm 38 and I can tell you hair loss has caused me no end of worry, depression, low confidence, chronic insomnia ect so I actually find it ignorant and even insulting when younger guys say that hair loss doesn't matter when you get older or that hairloss isn't as bad for older guys.
Of course some guys learn to cope better with baldness as they get older but a lot don't, especially if they've got a certain mindset. Do you really think insecurities, depression and things like Body dysmorphic disorder just disappear when you get older?
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