I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to feel a lot better. I accepted I can't afford a hair transplant. I also don't know if I will ever get one.
Even though I sometimes use a razor and just shave my head completely, for whatever reasons when I do get the courage to go out, I do get approached by cute women with nice bodies. This doesn't happen in everyday life when I'm out grocery shopping, but in a social environment it DOES happen (no lie)
I think I might just start embracing what I have and accept who I am. Although I feel I will get trashed for this post, I honestly woke up today feeling very good about myself. I don't know what will happen from here. Maybe I don't have anything wrong with me and it's just in my head, and yes maybe baldness is a disfigurement, but I'm going to try really hard and embrace myself and try harder to improve in other parts of my life.
If I die alone, I die alone and that's just what it is.