
Baldness is Stylish? (LA Billboard Photo Inside)


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optimystic said:
True that like i said i think i can pull of that same exact look.
Maybe even better coz i would unbutton my shirt :p
that guy's face isnt even showing. His nose might be ugly as hell and his eyes might be the most drowsy and u couldnt tell from those shades.

Im sorry im not belittling the model its not easy to be fit like that and modeling takes confidence BUT i dont see anything so naturally special about that guy that some1 on this forum can't have...

He's just a bald guy wearing sunglasses and modeling clothes because he is fit.
Whats up with your monitor? I can clearly see that that guy has a good headshape, good cheekbones and masculine Jawline. Also from the shape of his shoulders and his biceps he obvoulsy works out.

Stick the average slybaldguy in that shirt and sunglasses and it would be a completly different story.

uncomfortable man

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I feel encouraged when I see bald people represented fairly in the media. It is a rarity but when it happens and are showing them in a neutral or even favorable light, then it makes me feel like humanity is becoming more accepting. I don't feel like the body issue holds as much weight as the baldness issue because anyone can work out, exercise and improve our bodies while the same is not true of our hair.


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s.a.f said:
Lol way to completley change everything I said.

Jessica Alba in her ordinary everyday clothes or the checkout girl from McDonalds wearing a $5000 Prada dress, which would you choose?

I think we can compromise. Clothing and accessories make a big difference, but you can't fix a train wreck with a Prada dress. You can however make a bald man look very nice if you slap on some muscles, a tan and some designer clothes.


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sandovalusa said:
s.a.f said:
Lol way to completley change everything I said.

Jessica Alba in her ordinary everyday clothes or the checkout girl from McDonalds wearing a $5000 Prada dress, which would you choose?

I think we can compromise. Clothing and accessories make a big difference, but you can't fix a train wreck with a Prada dress. You can however make a bald man look very nice if you slap on some muscles, a tan and some designer clothes.

Like its easy to just 'slap on muscles'? Makes me wonder why most guys dont have a body like that billboard model. To the average guy a tan and good clothes will improve his attractability about 5% (and I dont mean compared to a tramp I'm talking about compared to how the average guy dresses.) No woman is going to change her opinion of the slybaldguy just because he puts on an expensive shirt. Simply having a head of hair would probably at least triple the small improvement that clothes/accesories or even improving you physique would give.

uncomfortable man

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So us bald guys shouldn't even bother trying? Is that what you mean SAF?


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No I'm just saying that for most guys its going to take more than a tan and a nice shirt to make up the difference of being bald.

Ask yourself this if you had the offer of a nice tan a new set of designer gear and 10lbs of muscle vs a NW1 which would you take?


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s.a.f said:
No I'm just saying that for most guys its going to take more than a tan and a nice shirt to make up the difference of being bald.

Ask yourself this if you had the offer of a nice tan a new set of designer gear and 10lbs of muscle vs a NW1 which would you take?

the mystery box!


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Male models tend to still look good with a shaved head. Why? Excellent bone structure.

The rules that apply to male models don't apply to the rest of us.


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I just would like to add something here, the only reason (as i see it) they have a bald guy there because of the target audience, im not familiar with whatever that company sells, but i would assume its not an "hip" teenage type of clothing they are selling there (or glasses), they want to target the metro-sexual 30yo+ type of guys, this is why they pick a bald dude, if they would sell clothing for mid twenties (not even teenagers... ) you wouldn't see him up there.... for me, it only reinforce the stigma of "going bald is for old guys"...sorta..

i feel very sad for you early/mid twenty years old guys here, you have it worse, girls you age are EXTREMELY picky in this times, specially in western influenced countries.i dont care what everyone here will say, if you are young and nw3+ your fucked, there is a VERY small % that can pull with a bald head in that position. go with older chicks, from my experience they are more forgiving. (and more fun to be with)

and for the guy who is turning 40, you can only see how much of a trauma it is for him, at his age he so scared of losing it, again, it is merely the power of baldness, it can ruin life if you let it!