Beauty does run skin deep


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Published: September 1, 1981

MINNEAPOLIS STUDIES of physical attractiveness show that people do, in fact, judge a book by its cover, often with dramatic effects on those being judged. The findings suggest that expectations based on physical attractiveness can become self-fulfilling prophecies that may strongly influence the course of a person's life.

The studies show that people known (or supposed) to be physically attractive are invested by others with a host of desirable characteristics, such as warmth, poise, sensitivity, kindness, sincerity and the potential for social, marital and occupational success. And according to Dr. Ellen Berscheid, professor of psychology at the University of Minnesota, these beliefs about physically attractive people, and the preferential treatment that grows out of them, can have lasting effects on an individual's personality, social life, and educational and career opportunities.

Dr. Berscheid said the importance of physical attractiveness is growing and will continue to grow as increases in geographic mobility, frequent job changes and divorce subject more people to ''onetime'' or ''few-time'' interactions with others, in which they are judged on the basis of first impressions.

The psychologist, who has been studying the effects of physical attractiveness for the last 15 years, said the findings ''give new dimensions to Freud's statement that 'Anatomy is destiny.' '' (Freud's proposition referred originally only to physical differences between men and women.) Contrary to democratic notions that ''all men are created equal,'' the findings imply that a person's physical appearance can make a profound difference in his or her life.

''It is clearly a myth that 'Beauty is only skin deep,' '' Dr. Berscheid said, adding that both the lay public and American psychologists have long resisted the idea that attractive people are favored. ''That our physical appearance should make an important difference in our lives is not a fact that makes most of us very comfortable,'' she observed.

''Genetic determinism is anathema to Americans, who want to believe everyone is born equal, with an equal chance for a happy life,'' Dr. Berscheid remarked in an interview here. ''It's simply not so. The most important factors governing success in life are genetically determined: appearance, intelligence, sex and height.'' She cited a continuing study at the University of Minnesota of identical twins who had been reared apart. The study, she says, is showing that ''genetically identical children turn out to be very similar even though they grow up in very different environments.''

The preferential treatment of physically attractive people starts right after birth, Dr. Berscheid noted, and continues throughout childhood, adolescence and into adulthood. These are among the more telling research findings, all of which involved normal-looking people of varying degrees of attractiveness:

Newborn infants who are independently rated as attractive tend to be held, cuddled and kissed more than unattractive babies, according to preliminary findings by Dr. Judith Langlois of the University of Texas at Austin. On the other hand, mothers of unattractive babies tend to offer them more frequent and varied stimulation, perhaps helping their mental development.

Nursery school children who were rated by adults as physically attractive were found to be more popular with their school friends, in a study by Karen Dion at the University of Minnesota.

College students paired as dates at a ''computer dance'' preferred others who were physically attractive; the partners' intelligence, social skills and personality had little to do with the students' reaction to their dates, a Minnesota study by Elaine Hatfield Walster and her associates showed. ''These results gave the lie to what people had said was important to them in previous studies,'' the researchers concluded.

Another study at Western Illinois University of paired college students who agreed to complete five dates revealed, contrary to expectation, that as the number of dates increased, attractiveness became a more important factor in determining if the partner was liked.

Young adults asked to describe the personalities of people depicted in head-and-shoulder photographs said that those who were physically attractive would be ''more sensitive, kind, interesting, strong, poised, modest, sociable, outgoing, exciting and sexually warm and responsive persons,'' according to Dr. Dion, who is now at the University of Toronto. The attractive people were also thought to ''capture better jobs, have more successful marriages and experience happier and more fulfilling lives'' than the less attractive. On only one measure, being a better parent, were the attractive not rated as superior.

In a study at the University of Minnesota, men and women whose telephone conversations were recorded were informed that they were talking either to a physically attractive person or to someone who was not attractive. The taped conversations were later evaluated by judges who were unaware of the setup.

''A woman who was talking to a man who believed that she was physically attractive was judged, on the basis of her verbal behavior alone, to be more poised, more sociable, more vivacious, than was a woman who was talking to a man who believed her to be physically unattractive,'' Dr. Berscheid reported. And the men who thought they were talking to a physically attractive woman were judged by outside observers, again on the basis of their conversations only, to be more sociable, sexually warm, interesting, independent, bold, outgoing, humorous and socially adept.

As women become more independent socially and economically, Dr. Berscheid sees them placing a greater emphasis on the attractiveness of men, ''who are now in the 'meat market' just like women have always been.'' She cited the recent advent of male centerfolds and male nude dancers as examples of women's interests in how men look.

Another factor has been the importance women today place on love as a criterion for choosing a mate. In 1967 only 24 percent of women questioned said they would marry only if they were in love, but a decade later 80 percent said ''being in love'' was a necessary condition for marriage.

''When romantic love becomes an important factor in social choice, physical attractiveness becomes important also,'' Dr. Berscheid told a symposium on the psychological aspects of facial form last year. The symposium brought together plastic surgeons, dentists and others who produce facial changes that often affect patients more powerfully than the functional defects they correct.

Sometimes patients react badly -''with pain and bewilderment'' - to significant improvements in their appearance, Dr. Berscheid told the meeting at the University of Michigan. This reaction could result from the realization that we are not just loved for ourselves but for what we look like, she suggested.

Dr. Berscheid believes there is a hazard inherent in denying the impact of physical attractiveness: ''Unattractive children who are unpopular may wrongly attribute their lack of popularity to some flaw in their character or personality,'' she says. Such an error, she believes, could result in lasting and painful scars.

Dr. Berscheid believes there is a hazard inherent in denying the impact of physical attractiveness: ''Unattractive children who are unpopular may wrongly attribute their lack of popularity to some flaw in their character or personality,'' she says. Such an error, she believes, could result in lasting and painful scars.

100% true for those PUA zealots.


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Damn, that was brutal for uglies like me.

PS: Fred: I read about what is happening in your neighborhood. Stay safe!


Senior Member
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Damn, that was brutal for uglies like me.

PS: Fred: I read about what is happening in your neighborhood. Stay safe!



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There is one other factor that the article misses: I wonder if people also judge themselves based on their reflection in the mirror. Whether ugly people make a judgment that they are less capable, on top of the judgment from others.


Established Member
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Damn, that's brutal.


Established Member
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About time people started discussing and researching these things. Interesting read, thank you.


My Regimen
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About time people started discussing and researching these things. Interesting read, thank you.

Yeah from an article written 35 years ago. By a nutritionist. Who is fairly famous for being bat**** crazy.


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''When romantic love becomes an important factor in social choice, physical attractiveness becomes important also,'' Dr. Berscheid told a symposium on the psychological aspects of facial form last year. The symposium brought together plastic surgeons, dentists and others who produce facial changes that often affect patients more powerfully than the functional defects they correct.

I don't understand the meaning of this statement, so if a crooked nose is fixed it produces a more powerful affect than the correction of the crooked nose? Huh?


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What I find most interesting is the part where the author outlines that people who feel less about themselves physically both from others, and them self tend to to find they have personality issues among others. When the problem isn't them, but how others respond to their attractiveness.

Particularly why I find PUA the biggest bull **** ever. The days where I do the best with women whether it's in the gym or club tend to be women that are interested in me to begin with.

it's almost like attraction is a requisite for having deep, and connecting conversations. When women talk about having chemistry with another man, it's more or less the physical attraction aspect because everything else just comes into play after that.

Our facial attractiveness largely shapes how receptive a women will be with us. this is 100%... all platonic **** aside. 1 on 1.

When a women isn't into you, the conversations become one sided, weird, and don't feel right. The awkward vibe is not a social issue rather it's the physical aspects that affecting everything.

uncomfortable man

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The title of this thread makes no sense. It should be beauty runs deeper than skin deep.but great, now maybe the government can declare baldness amongst general uglies as an official disability and I can live off them while I hermit out on video games. So dope.


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My Regimen
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The title of this thread makes no sense. It should be beauty runs deeper than skin deep.but great, now maybe the government can declare baldness amongst general uglies as an official disability and I can live off them while I hermit out on video games. So dope.

Is that what you want?


Senior Member
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Indian Government provides reservation on physically handicap people's...
For everything...
It will be blessing if this gets into new criteria :p

- - - Updated - - -

The fault of this Article...

I need just few seconds to attack this Article...

This Article is about how you are perceived by opposite sex..and other people...

Now look at this..

My Entire entire friend circle is 9plus,10 level...

How you look,how you are perceived by other has no guarantee of your success...
We don't live theoritical life,we don't live experimental study life..

(There is proverb...which says we believe the other person as intelligent till he opens his mouth..
Something like that)..

Your success is not only just how u look,this is crap belief...
You need substance,you need daring,you need genius ness,you need speaking tactics to impress the people...

If you go to exam/interview and performed like crap...
U will failed like a crap..
U will not succeed no matter how he percieved you at start...

In my surgery HOD processor asked many questions.. I failed in most questions..
But then he offered one chance..

He said I will ask you one questions..if you answered it I will put pass in front of roll no..
If you failed you will never pass this time...

I said sir..I am ready..and I am confident I will answer this question..

He asked me the question..
I give the answer within few second..
Sir said you can go now...

And he was smiling..

He put marks that was enough to clear my theory two marks deficit in Internal exams..

You all people brag about your English language knowledge..
And do not know what the point of this study ..this is ridiculous...

This are the people who insults Jack Ma for his look.
I posted one article on this forum about that...
He own what many people here cannot earn with all their family members entire life efforts combined..


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I don't understand the meaning of this statement, so if a crooked nose is fixed it produces a more powerful affect than the correction of the crooked nose? Huh?

They're referring to the psychological aspect of facial changes being more powerful than the functional repair.


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They're referring to the psychological aspect of facial changes being more powerful than the functional repair.

Oh, it didn't make sense to me because aesthetics play little part in the functional part, I think most people go through plastic surgery because it affects their well being, I was trying to find the logic that way. Even with hair loss to me it's 70% aesthetics which affects me psychologically very deeply and the rest functional.


Senior Member
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Oh, it didn't make sense to me because aesthetics play little part in the functional part, I think most people go through plastic surgery because it affects their well being, I was trying to find the logic that way. Even with hair loss to me it's 70% aesthetics which affects me psychologically very deeply and the rest functional.

U still running that comb over game?


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U still running that comb over game?

Always, even when I reach slick NW5 I'll still do it. Maybe even do a Bernie Sanders comb forward or a sideways part just to piss people off with my looks, I'll probably be over 40 and single by the time I become slick bald, you might just give up at that point.