Being bald and happy at the same time. Is this possible?


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I'm new to these forums and trying to figure out what to do w/ my male pattern baldness. I've been losing my hair since i was 17, now im 25. And now its becoming noticable. i have diffuse thinning, not a receding hair line(would MUCH rather have receding hair line!) The whole year has been horrible for me. All i think about is my hair. i cannot focus on ANYTHING else. The only thing i look forward to anymore is sleeping. Im on the computer everyday for hours looking for the right solution but just dont know what to do. I have no life anymore, im afraid to go out, i hate looking at myself in the mirror. Balding has ruined my life. What makes it even worse is that nobody else in my family is bald - or not completely bald. My mom has very thick hair. My dad had very thick hair up until the age of 50 but hes losing it now. No relatives on my mom or dads side are totally bald. And at my pace, i'll be completely bald by the time im 30. If my 2 brothers were balding w/ me, it would be easier for me to deal w/ but they are not AT ALL, so i cannot even talk to them about it. This has taken over my life and i used to be a happy person.
There are so many different personal stories on here regarding how the medication they are taking is going, some good some bad. some miraculous, some devestating. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!! this is so hard. Shedding.... ofcourse you have to deal w/ shedding when you go on rogaine or propecia. I cannot afford to lose anymore hair! i think its so ridiculous that for people who are losing their hair, the only way for them to possibly maintain or regrow more hair is to lose even more hair!! A LOT more hair!! What kind of sh*t is that! How long will you be losing massive amounts of hair on top of what your already losing everyday? thats anyones guess! wait it out and see... Will it grow back? who the hell knows.
I cry like a baby about this. people who have hair do not know how lucky they are. I think that the effect balding can have on some people (like me ) is highly traumatic and in general isnt taken seriously enough. I dont know how people who are bald can live a happy life. I have prayed that i wont go bald but if i do, i wouldnt know what to do.

Mens Rea

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the answer is YES

tbh you've lost perspective

we all do

all i was thinking about was hair for the past while too. Im 25 too we're probably in very similar boats.

now im having prolems with finasteride side effects, now its this on my mind all the time and not the hair so much.

Its made me realise how you lose perspective. If you had a illness or a death in your family you would soon realise you thought about your hair all day (not that is its hard) because you had nothing more serious affecting you.

appreciate life for what it is. you can do whatever you want you dont need hair to do it

Mens Rea

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listen i just read your whole post there

you situation is scarily similar ot mine

my 2 brothers - similar aged, also have thick heads of hair. one in particular his hair is ridiculously thick, with a Norwood -1 hairline (how the f*** is that possible)

i get the whole "you dont look like your brothers thing alot" for instance. they're very good looking guys too, im decent looking too but with a diffuse head of hair ill be bald in a few years so the gap will be even wider.

that said im happy being myself - im well liked, still liked by girls and respected in my family just as much or more than anyone.

also my dad he's 52 and he also has a big thick head of hair

im the only one in my family with these issues - theyve no idea what its like but such is life. everyone has their own problems, believe me.

anyway all that said look after what you go but my advice would be steel well clear of propecia unless you fancy the risk of impotence and potential infertilty amongst other thigns.

Take minoxidil, nizoral shampoo and folligen. also mega-trek shampoo. see how that goes for you. tahts a great topical, risk free, attempt


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Colin, since we're kind of in similar situations regarding "im the only one in the family"...maybe theres more to it. Psychological perhaps that we are losing our hair? I've always wondered that maybe im losing my hair because i think about it too much. Maybe because i feared i would lose my hair even before i noticing it was falling out. i've always been very independent. lonely. shy. idk maybe theres more to it than dht. whats your personal life like? before and after you started losing your hair?


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And what kind of side effects are you having w/ finasteride? how long have you been on this drug? thx and yeah, i know that when more serious issues come up like a death in family or illness, i wont give a crap about my hair. but right now this is all i can think about. Im still young. if i was losing my hair in the same fashion down the road say at 40, i know it wouldnt effect me nearly as much. but at 25? I cannot deal w/ this.


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you can be happy, you just need to find yourself ! i think the majority of bald guys are happy, thats why this site isnt crashing with traffic lol. a

but if you can hold on to your hair for as long as possible...until you "settle down" then by all means go for it !


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I don't think that is true.

The majority of bald guys (and I only consider anyone Norwood 5 and above bald) are usually in their later years so that is why they aren't on this site in record numbers. Sure there are people in their 20's and 30's who are bald, but even if everyone of them in this country came to this site, it still wouldn't go down. There just isn't that many.

I think other factors have something to do with being bald and happy.
1) Some people just look good bald.
2) Some people look ok enough to get by.
3) Some are already set financially before they go bald.
4) Some get bald in their 40's and 50's where while it still hurts, not quite the same impact as earlier.

There's a ton more.

Mens Rea

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FTWP said:
Colin, since we're kind of in similar situations regarding "im the only one in the family"...maybe theres more to it. Psychological perhaps that we are losing our hair? I've always wondered that maybe im losing my hair because i think about it too much. Maybe because i feared i would lose my hair even before i noticing it was falling out. i've always been very independent. lonely. shy. idk maybe theres more to it than dht. whats your personal life like? before and after you started losing your hair?

It hasnt changed much to be honest.

I dont think youve induced this yourself. Its a genetic thing. If you are losing your hair in a male pattern baldness way like i am then its just that...male pattern baldness.

Mens Rea

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FTWP said:
And what kind of side effects are you having w/ finasteride? how long have you been on this drug? thx and yeah, i know that when more serious issues come up like a death in family or illness, i wont give a crap about my hair. but right now this is all i can think about. Im still young. if i was losing my hair in the same fashion down the road say at 40, i know it wouldnt effect me nearly as much. but at 25? I cannot deal w/ this.

I took it for a year, had no real effects for ages then started to realise i had lowered libido, weaker erections etc and went off it. I didn't realise at the time because i didn't have a gf at this time so didn't pick up on the differences.

now im off it 7 months and if anything matters have got worse.

Im hopefully ill get better. I cant even begin to imagine how fucked i would be if i took it for 5 years or something though!

And im the same as you. 40 would be fine, hell even 35. Early 20's is difficult for sure but im concentrating on having "some" hair for antoher few years, when i hit 28 hopefully ill have met a nice partner etc and it wont be as much of an issue

i recall my last gf she didnt care at all abotu my hairloss. im going with a girl right now who would settle down with me in the morning - she also doesn't care about my hair. Im not boasting because its not like i pull gorgeous girls every day of the week but both of these girls you could consider blonde stunners much better looking than me! The first girl said to be "i dont know why boys care so much about losing their hair - they're MEN". I'll never forget that.

And both these girls are 100% normal just incase you were wondering lol


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sorry about the side effects. I really hope it gets better for you...people on this forums say that the only way to have anychance in keeping your hair is to get on finasteride. tell me, is it worth the risk taking this drug knowing that the side effects could be permanent? when you got off the drug did your hair shed a lot? do you regret taking it at all?


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...I'm sure you regret taking it but how much did it help your hair? some people say that when you start taking it your hair gets very thin and falls out all over. how'd it go w/ you?

Mens Rea

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it didn't do anything for my hair and no i didn't shed when i came off it either. its as if i wasn't related to my hair at all.

so many varying results and obviously this isnt the section to check

personally, considering youre in the same boat as me (aggressive diffuse hairloss) i dont think finasteride will do that much. At best it will save you a few years but so will a great topical regimen. Usually, from what i see, great responders are guys with mild, less agressive hairloss. Our hairloss is agressive you need to change alot in your body to stop it and doing so probably isn't healthy.

Really up to you though


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FTWP said:
I'm new to these forums and trying to figure out what to do w/ my male pattern baldness. I've been losing my hair since i was 17, now im 25. And now its becoming noticable. i have diffuse thinning, not a receding hair line(would MUCH rather have receding hair line!) The whole year has been horrible for me. All i think about is my hair. i cannot focus on ANYTHING else. The only thing i look forward to anymore is sleeping. Im on the computer everyday for hours looking for the right solution but just dont know what to do. I have no life anymore, im afraid to go out, i hate looking at myself in the mirror. Balding has ruined my life. What makes it even worse is that nobody else in my family is bald - or not completely bald. My mom has very thick hair. My dad had very thick hair up until the age of 50 but hes losing it now. No relatives on my mom or dads side are totally bald. And at my pace, i'll be completely bald by the time im 30. If my 2 brothers were balding w/ me, it would be easier for me to deal w/ but they are not AT ALL, so i cannot even talk to them about it. This has taken over my life and i used to be a happy person.
There are so many different personal stories on here regarding how the medication they are taking is going, some good some bad. some miraculous, some devestating. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!! this is so hard. Shedding.... ofcourse you have to deal w/ shedding when you go on rogaine or propecia. I cannot afford to lose anymore hair! i think its so ridiculous that for people who are losing their hair, the only way for them to possibly maintain or regrow more hair is to lose even more hair!! A LOT more hair!! What kind of sh*t is that! How long will you be losing massive amounts of hair on top of what your already losing everyday? thats anyones guess! wait it out and see... Will it grow back? who the hell knows.
I cry like a baby about this. people who have hair do not know how lucky they are. I think that the effect balding can have on some people (like me ) is highly traumatic and in general isnt taken seriously enough. I dont know how people who are bald can live a happy life. I have prayed that i wont go bald but if i do, i wouldnt know what to do.

I havnt even finished reading this thread, and i just want to say, that is *Exactly* my situation.... apart from i have 1 brother.....and im almost certain i have psycological issues which compound on this already serious problem...