Being Bald Can Save Your Life - A Tragic Waste


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Helps to be unattractive too!

This is an absolutely horrible story but we have talked about the flipside of our problem before. Poor chap, who wouldn't want those looks and hair, yet...
Haha I saw this post today and it made me think of this forum

It is true - sometimes some folks do hate good looking people.

When I shaved off my hair I think men treated me better, but some women weren't as friendly.


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I know what you mean, JohnsonDDG. I had a friend in highschool like that guy. We went to the same college after and by then he transformed into this male model stereotype. We'd sometimes go to the offcampus pub on Friday occasionally for a beer and it became tiring and embarrasing. He was hetero and the women would literally throw themselves at him and guys would huddle and make cracks about him. (About all they could do since they didn't get any action when he walked in). It was so bad, I quit associating with him. He was actually quite nice, didn't let it go to his head.


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I think we're making a bit of a stretch here.

I don't think he was "stabbed and tortured" for being attractive. I think they killed him because they assumed he was gay. And they probably tried to make him confess. I certainly wouldn't walk around town with bleached hair in a country that is known to throw gays off rooftops. Would you?


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Its one hundred percent better to be
decent looking man than super handsome or below average looks.

Handsome guys/below average guys can get into trouble.
Decent looking like 7/8 is best..for any man.

No envy or no mocking.No jealousy from others.

Friends will love you.Girls will also love you.


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Its one hundred percent better to be
decent looking man than super handsome or below average looks.

Handsome guys/below average guys can get into trouble.


super handsome has nothing but benefits unless you live in f*****g Baghdad and walk around with straightened hair


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I was in an athletics club when I was younger.

Living in Brussels, the vast majority of the members were Arab.

And there was this one obviously gay Arab guy with bleached hair.

All the other Arab guys in the club hated him with a passion.

One time, this guy was telling me and my friend "You see that f*****, if he dares to say hello to me, I'll beat him up, I swear to god!"

So you're right, this was most likely the reason.

It's also interesting to see how so-called moderate Muslims view gays.
I used to live with a Syrian Muslim and he was as nice as they come apart from three topics:

-women working

It sounds weird saying he was nice when you consider the three things above buts its true: they guy used to spend all day volunteering at mosques, cooking for the homeless, and donating cash to charity. But when it came to certain things - gays being one of them - he would just say its disgusting and that god doesn't love them and that they will never go to paradise.


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I was in an athletics club when I was younger.

Living in Brussels, the vast majority of the members were Arab.

And there was this one obviously gay Arab guy with bleached hair.

All the other Arab guys in the club hated him with a passion.

One time, this guy was telling me and my friend "You see that f*****, if he dares to say hello to me, I'll beat him up, I swear to god!"

So you're right, this was most likely the reason.

It's also interesting to see how so-called moderate Muslims view gays.

Wait... so are you telling me moderate muslims won't be tolerant of this guy?



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Seems like it was more because of his effeminate style and behavior. Beauty pageants, tight clothes AND long hair?

I was thinking it is because he looks Euro.


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eww I take so much hate better I would be uglier


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Why does it seem like homeless men are always blessed with great hair?!?!?!?!1111!!!1

I came across a great post from @WhitePolarBear from years and years ago. He said that most of us would be happy to wake up on the streets tomorrow and start our lives from scratch, with a full head of hair.

No truer words have ever been spoken.


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I came across a great post from @WhitePolarBear from years and years ago. He said that most of us would be happy to wake up on the streets tomorrow and start our lives from scratch, with a full head of hair.

No truer words have ever been spoken.
f*** that I'm not doing school again.

I fluked being semi popular because the most popular kid at school lived on the same street as me so we hung out a little and I was cool be default.

School can be hell if your not popular.

I'd never risk doing school as a teen again


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f*** that I'm not doing school again.

I fluked being semi popular because the most popular kid at school lived on the same street as me so we hung out a little and I was cool be default.

School can be hell if your not popular.

I'd never risk doing school as a teen again

"High school is the best years of your life!"*

*Must be good looking for this to apply


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f*** that I'm not doing school again.

I fluked being semi popular because the most popular kid at school lived on the same street as me so we hung out a little and I was cool be default.

School can be hell if your not popular.

I'd never risk doing school as a teen again

I think you've read the quote wrong. Or at least different to how I read it.

Imagine waking up homeless tomorrow at your age but with no money, no job, no house, no possessions etc but having a full head of hair

You have to work your way back up in society.

I would jump for joy. I would hit on every girl in sight. I would kiss a bald guy and tell him everything is going to be ok.... and it would be a total lie.

I would get a job at mdconalds and love every second of it

because HAIR