Pre-mature hairloss just eats you up inside. I was 23 in 2006 when I first realized that I was really balding and I thought I'd surely be bald before I hit 30. Fast-forward to when I was 30 I still had some hair, very diffuse, but I wasn't bald bald. I was sure that time would be a healer and I'd adjust to being bald in 10 years or so... but now it's already been 12 years and I haven't adjusted one bit. My self-esteem is very low and I think that I'll never be good enough for anyone. I'm in a relationship now but I always feel that it's only a matter of time until she finds out what a loser I really am and dumps me. And this all despite the fact that I'm educated, average looking, in good shape and working full-time in a respected position. Hairloss really is a b**ch.