Best food for hair growth


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Have you heard about pumpkin seed? I read several articles saying that munching some pumpkin seeds can stimulate hair growth and help in getting rid of premature balding. Aside from that there are a lot of natural oil ingredients that you can mix with your daily hair product to help in hair loss prevention such as coconut oil and aloe extract. Here's one article I just recently read,

Isaac Newton

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I used to take B vitamins and they made all my hair grow faster and stronger it seemed. Possibly placebo though :wow:


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Have you heard about pumpkin seed? I read several articles saying that munching some pumpkin seeds can stimulate hair growth and help in getting rid of premature balding. Aside from that there are a lot of natural oil ingredients that you can mix with your daily hair product to help in hair loss prevention such as coconut oil and aloe extract. Here's one article I just recently read,

There has been much discussion on PSO over on after a study was released which seemed to indicate PSO helped regrow hair. However there are issues with the study- for example the oral capsules used had other ingredients etc.


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Hi Everyone, first time poster here, does Zinc help hair growth? if so do multivitamins like Centrum Help? thank you.


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Forget all that herbal stuff. I have been balding since the early 90's. The only thing that reduces my hairloss is if I lower my fat intake, usually under 40grams per day. My libido goes to **** after a few days of being under 40grams. My hair looks great, styles better, this is the only thing "naturally" that has reduced my hairloss. Carbs have no effect on my hair quality so forget the low carb bs. There have been numerous clinical studies showing that lowering fat intake decreases testosterone levels which in turn means less dht. I notice my skin gets oily after a few days of overdoing it on fat. Trust me, been balding and tried tons of stuff, this helps tremendously.


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I think, there are foods that help to grow and even regrow hair.
problem is, it need a long time to rebalance the already quite damaged body/scalp.
so if someone wanna get results, lot of patient is important.


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Forget all that herbal stuff. I have been balding since the early 90's. The only thing that reduces my hairloss is if I lower my fat intake, usually under 40grams per day. My libido goes to **** after a few days of being under 40grams. My hair looks great, styles better, this is the only thing "naturally" that has reduced my hairloss. Carbs have no effect on my hair quality so forget the low carb bs. There have been numerous clinical studies showing that lowering fat intake decreases testosterone levels which in turn means less dht. I notice my skin gets oily after a few days of overdoing it on fat. Trust me, been balding and tried tons of stuff, this helps tremendously.
That's odd. You would have thought it would be the other way around from what gets bandied around. Fat=good for skin, hair etc.


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Low carb

Low carb.. Basically you have to stimulate igf-1 but without the presence of (or rather low) insulin. IGF-1 correlates with biotin (or simply wait for Follicept).

Are you kidding???? I thought high fiber diet helps hair growing thicker? High carb causes hair loss?


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No diet is going to have any affect on your CD34, CD200, PGD2 and PGE2 levels. Only food you could eat that would have any effect on you is saw palmetto. Also, the fact that this is an 'alternative' treatment is a dead give away that it has never and will never work. If it worked, it wouldn't be alternative, it'd be adapted. So really, this whole forum category should be scrapped.


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Your regimen alone speaks by itself of your drug approach, so your comment in this section is quiet unnecessary.
Quiet funny though with the harsh comments from the drug abusers since they know that they are stuck with drugs, and they have to stay with it for better or worse until the end.
But at least the med companies selling them have a big smile on there face when cashing in, for your helpful trust in them.

None of the drugs I refer to out there for consumer use are used for hair loss, and those that can be used for hair loss, are not used. The only two drugs for hair loss you could use in your argument are Finasteride and Minoxidil... and since neither address what I pointed out needs fixing (cd34, cd200, pge2 and pgd2), you really have no idea what else is out there.

If diets worked against hair loss, we wouldn't have Finasteride, Minoxidil, Histogen, Aderans, Replicel, Follica, Stemoxydine, Samumed, Setipiprant, CB-03-01, Nizoral and a whole host of other things in the pipeline or market. There's a reason why those treatments exist: BECAUSE THE PREVIOUS ONES DID NOT.

You can eat all your berries, fibres, switch up to a grain or paleo diet or do whatever til your heart's content... it won't regrow a single strand on your head nor will it prevent your hair from thinning and ultimately not growing. If the solution was simple, refer to my previous comment: it wouldn't be an alternative treatment, it'd be ADAPTED.

Logic always wins :)


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So the drugs you mentioned docent have anything to do with gaining money, since there is non in natural resources because you cant patent it.
The drug as Finasteride for example changes your system, so your stuck with it for the rest of your life, and hopefully the sides docent catch you before or after you decided to quit after you realized that it´s not worth it for a cosmetic treatment or cure like you probably think it is.
Yeas i found my treatment the natural way, but keep it up since the drug companies salutes you for not thinking otherwise.

I just told you, Finasteride is not needed and the treatments that should be used are not meant for hair loss because none of you guys know about it. You think Finasteride is the solution... IT ISN'T.

long hair

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So the drugs you mentioned docent have anything to do with gaining money, since there is non in natural resources because you cant patent it.
The drug as Finasteride for example changes your system, so your stuck with it for the rest of your life, and hopefully the sides docent catch you before or after you decided to quit after you realized that it´s not worth it for a cosmetic treatment or cure like you probably think it is.
Yeas i found my treatment the natural way, but keep it up since the drug companies salutes you for not thinking otherwise.

i think your treatmeant is green tea +coconut
i was drinking green tea without sugar for a month hoping that will grow some hair but i couldnt continue beacuse it is hard for my stomach 90% vigitarian if you ask .
it didnt work ,so the next is to aply directly to my head just to accelerat my growth done by using DT.