Best Topical DHT blocker?


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So I'm going to the Doctor for the third time to get a explanation for my thinning. I honestly dont notice hairloss, hardly even from washing it, but I just dont seem to be growing it back everywhere it used to. I have a diffused thinning all over the head even hairline, though it hasnt moved back.

I'm going to try inquiring if I should take propecia or not, as well as minoxidil(which ive been itching to get on, but ain't sure yet). However, if my Doctor does not think I should take finasteride, I will subsequently ask for another way to block dht.

Therefore I wanted to know, which topical compound is best for blocking DHT just in the scalp? I am already using nizoral 2% twice weekly and 320mg saw daily, I seriously think its reduced shedding. Ive been on it for just nearly 3 months.

Should I go with Azelaic, spironolactone or is there something else more potent for the scalp that i can get off prescription.



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What kind of balding or hairloss pattern are you undergoing? And is Azelaic the best solution for topicals in terms of blocking dht? I've seen and read alot about the different types, but just wanted some affirmation.

Also just read Azelaic Acid products are OTC in Canada, i'll have an eye out at pharamacy's.


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There's no scientific evidence that topical azelaic acid has any effect as a 5a-reductase inhibitor. In other words, there's no evidence that it has any effect on DHT.


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spironolactone is a proven antiandrogen.


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EDIT: Bryan do you know of an male pattern baldness spironolactone study, I can only find acne ones (and the most prominent study seems to use only 6 participants)?


It is generally acknowledged that it is a very weak topical antiandrogen.

Also no evidence to back up the quality and efficacy of spironolactone creams from the suppliers you can get it from.

There are also zero 'Success Stories' from anyone using spironolactone alone.

I wouldn't waste your cash!


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hairhoper said:
EDIT: Bryan do you know of an male pattern baldness spironolactone study, I can only find acne ones (and the most prominent study seems to use only 6 participants)?

Sure. Haven't you and I already discussed the Italian study that used topical spironolactone to treat male pattern baldness?

hairhoper said:

It is generally acknowledged that it is a very weak topical antiandrogen.

That seems to be the general consensus of topical spironolactone for male pattern baldness on hairloss sites, but I honestly don't know how much truth there is to that. There just aren't enough studies with topical spironolactone to let us make direct comparisons with other known treatments, so this question seems to be a bit of a mystery to me.


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Originally posted by Bryan

That seems to be the general consensus of topical spironolactone for male pattern baldness on hairloss sites, but I honestly don't know how much truth there is to that. There just aren't enough studies with topical spironolactone to let us make direct comparisons with other known treatments, so this question seems to be a bit of a mystery to me.

Exactly right ! So many people create threads about topical spironolactone giving poor results, yet you question their integrity due to insufficient scientific studies BUT HAVE THE DAMN CHEEK To spam a product called proxiphen that as absolutely no scientific evidence to prove the stuff does sod all. You are one HELL OF A TWAT


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Your arguement against Bryan is not neccesary in my thread, atleast since it does not concern me. Bryan do you have any suggestion for someone that lost hair due to tieing it for a long periods of time in braids. I seem to have just general thinning all over the head, not even really patterned. It started about a year ago, and I'm at less density now, but it maintained.

Is my best option Propecia or should I go for minoxidil? Or is it perhaps not even androgen related that I could try spironolactone.

The Doctor told me it was dermatitis, but quite frankly he must've been real low in knowledge for hair because he even said the hormone DHT has no relation to hairloss. /facepalm, time to go to another one.


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jassi12 said:
Your arguement against Bryan is not neccesary in my thread, atleast since it does not concern me.

It should concern you...since Bryan is once again being a hypocrite regarding the need for studies/evidence.


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majorsixth said:
Exactly right ! So many people create threads about topical spironolactone giving poor results, yet you question their integrity due to insufficient scientific studies BUT HAVE THE DAMN CHEEK To spam a product called proxiphen that as absolutely no scientific evidence to prove the stuff does sod all. You are one HELL OF A TWAT

JESUS H. CHRIST! If you don't even want to believe what a doctor tells you about Proxiphen, then DON'T USE IT! Furthermore, if any doctor tells you that you're sick and you need some medicine and you're going to die without the medicine, DON'T USE THAT MEDICINE, EITHER! Sheesh...

You personally are one HELL OF A TWAT!


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Bryan said:
majorsixth said:
Exactly right ! So many people create threads about topical spironolactone giving poor results, yet you question their integrity due to insufficient scientific studies BUT HAVE THE DAMN CHEEK To spam a product called proxiphen that as absolutely no scientific evidence to prove the stuff does sod all. You are one HELL OF A TWAT

JESUS H. CHRIST! If you don't even want to believe what a doctor tells you about Proxiphen, then DON'T USE IT! Furthermore, if any doctor tells you that you're sick and you need some medicine and you're going to die without the medicine, DON'T USE THAT MEDICINE, EITHER! Sheesh...

You personally are one HELL OF A TWAT!

You are more then a twat, possibly a headcase ! Telling other users that they should believe you about some snake oil because it just happens to be made by a doctor ! Then in the next breath your basically call others liers about their accounts of other real scientifically tested products. This is hypocrisy !

There as to be some catch to why they allow you to continue spamming these boards especially over all these years ?


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majorsixth said:
You are more then a twat, possibly a headcase ! Telling other users that they should believe you about some snake oil because it just happens to be made by a doctor ! Then in the next breath your basically call others liers about their accounts of other real scientifically tested products. This is hypocrisy !

I very rarely ever call someone a "liar", you IMBECILE.


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Bryan said:
majorsixth said:
You are more then a twat, possibly a headcase ! Telling other users that they should believe you about some snake oil because it just happens to be made by a doctor ! Then in the next breath your basically call others liers about their accounts of other real scientifically tested products. This is hypocrisy !

I very rarely ever call someone a "liar", you IMBECILE.

Yeah your an arsehole alright and a spammer of garbage !


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You're not even making sense.


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LOL!! Who would be stupid enough to argue medical issues with a DOCTOR, and who calls himself "majorsixth" on a hairloss forum? :laugh: