Between Balding and Bald, So went for a Shorter Cut Today.


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Between Balding and Bald

Hair was Getting a Shaggy, Needed a Clean Up, So went for a Shorter Cut Today, Told the Lady Barber, Do a Number 1.5 Guard Buzz on Back and Side and Blend it with a Short Top. We Discussed Next Time that Were Gonna Take the Sides and Top Down Shorter. Took my Hat off Inside Stores, Exposed the front of my Dome and Receding Hairline. It Felt Freeing. No More Gel, No More Hair Products and No More Hairstyles. The Lighting really Shows the Baldness of the Forehead and how far the Hairline as Receded. The Receding and Balding from the Front/Back and Developing a Island Patch at the Front