Beware of the Bennis Natural Hair Growth Institute



rambo, just shave it, you stupid redneck fucks. you pathetic horseshoe freaks. f*** you one hundred times over.


ok DHT is important for alot of things in the body that affect training , ill name all the things i can think of now , but after that im not gonna talk to you idiots anymore cause im sick of you bubka and HAIRGAYGONETOMORROW ..the first thing dht is resposible for is muscle definition , YOU CANNOT GET RIPPED WHILE ON PROPECIA THE WAY YOU WOULD IF YOU WERNT , Number two is DHT is resposible for how hard and aggressive you can train ,YOU GO TO ANY BODYBUILDING SITE AND TALK TO REAL BODYBUILDERS THEY WILL TELL YOU PROPECIA AFFECTED THERE PERFORMANCE SO THEY STOPPED USING IT... also you can have all the testosterone in the world floating around in your body but if you dont have the DHT to attach it ITS USELESS!!!!, TESTOSTERONE DOESNT BUILD MUSCLE ALONE IT NEEDS DHT TO ATTACH THE TESTOSTERONE ...Doctors also have told me how bad propecia is for a young mans body ..And how it was invented for older men who where already impotent ...there are so many side effects of peopecia .. WHICH MUSCLE LOSS is just one to mention for this are all in denial if you think propecia isnt hampering your efforts in the gym CASE CLOSED!!!


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please have one shred of proof or evidence, besides crap you spew from your retarded ***

cordially yours, the rest of the forum


ok ok ok i see we will never agree on this, So i think we should just agree to disagree and let it finish before this whole forum is wrecked by this crap..You have your opinions that everything merk says must be true , I have my opinions that these greedy drug companys are selling something thats unsafe ... i dont want this tit for tat with you and jayman..Id like to concentrate my efforts on destroying the REAL most annoying cockhead here hairtodaygonetomrrow...


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rambotera said:
ok ok ok i see we will never agree on this, So i think we should just agree to disagree and let it finish before this whole forum is wrecked by this crap..You have your opinions that everything merk says must be true , I have my opinions that these greedy drug companys are selling something thats unsafe ... i dont want this tit for tat with you and jayman..Id like to concentrate my efforts on destroying the REAL most annoying cockhead here hairtodaygonetomrrow...

Rambotera, if you can cite some scientific sources, journal articles etc to back up your arguments, they would have more credibility on the board. As for the safety of finasteride and dutasteride, well the former has been on the market for 15 years, all clinical trials have shown these drugs to be generally well tolerated, and you have to remember that adult males with genetically inherited Type II 5α-reductase deficiency also have decreased levels of DHT. Except for the associated urogenital defects present at birth, no other clinical abnormalities related to Type II 5α-reductase deficiency have been observed in these individuals. These individuals have a small prostate gland throughout life and do not develop BPH, male pattern baldness or prostate cancer.


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so again? you think there is a conspiracy? and the FDA lies about research data on side effects? and scientists lie on the results of DHT inhibition and the effects on the human body???

hair today gone tomorrow

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rambotera said:
ok DHT is important for alot of things in the body that affect training , ill name all the things i can think of now , but after that im not gonna talk to you idiots anymore cause im sick of you bubka and HAIRGAYGONETOMORROW ..the first thing dht is resposible for is muscle definition , YOU CANNOT GET RIPPED WHILE ON PROPECIA THE WAY YOU WOULD IF YOU WERNT , Number two is DHT is resposible for how hard and aggressive you can train ,YOU GO TO ANY BODYBUILDING SITE AND TALK TO REAL BODYBUILDERS THEY WILL TELL YOU PROPECIA AFFECTED THERE PERFORMANCE SO THEY STOPPED USING IT... also you can have all the testosterone in the world floating around in your body but if you dont have the DHT to attach it ITS USELESS!!!!, TESTOSTERONE DOESNT BUILD MUSCLE ALONE IT NEEDS DHT TO ATTACH THE TESTOSTERONE ...Doctors also have told me how bad propecia is for a young mans body ..And how it was invented for older men who where already impotent ...there are so many side effects of peopecia .. WHICH MUSCLE LOSS is just one to mention for this are all in denial if you think propecia isnt hampering your efforts in the gym CASE CLOSED!!!

LOL!!!! testosterone BINDS to dht!?


actually testosterone binds to ron paul. why do you think his biceps are so big?