Big girls and balding guys

Bald Dave

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Ok so I've got a girlfriend but she is a big girl. I figuered that having a big girlfriend is better than nothing. For years I was chasing 'average looking' girls but they were always rejecting me. People always say that I should lower my standards but I always lowered my standards! I know I am no Brad Pitt so I never went for girls that I felt were out of my league. So I decided to date a big girl as it seems like big girls are all I can get (I know its sounds pathetic) but when you are like me and been rejected by loads of women (most of them are average looking and some of them are even quite ugly) you start to realise that big is better than nothing.

I do really like this girl but I showed a pic to my brothers the other day and they just burst into laughter. I showed my mum the pic and she looked very disappointed. I said to her that I would like her to meet my girlfriend but they said that they'd rather not meet her. I try and explain that I am nearly 27 and I've been trying for years trying to get average looking girls but I get rejected each and every time. I lost my virginity to a prostitute a few months ago just so I could feel better about myself but its not the same as having a girlfriend. My younger brother has got a nw1 and he always picks up hot girls whilst they just look through me. I am the invisiable man when I go to bars!

Anyway, I went to visit her on saturday and we went to her friends house for some drinks and to play computer games. Her friend is also big and her boyfriend is only 25 and nw6. It just sums up what a superficial world we live in. It seems like if your anything below a nw4 you can only score with big girls :(


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You do realize in your story, YOU are the one being the most superficial right?

I mean you are the one talking about "big girls" in that way like they are less than perfect. And how you would rather have the other types but they are "out of your league." You are being just as superficial as those women you are trying to portray as being so.

Bald Dave

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Ok it might have sounded a bit superficial on my part so apologies for that. I was just merely stating that for years I've been going for 'average looking' women and got nowhere. Now that I have got a girlfriend I am very happy but I am worried about what others might say? I know I shouldn't give a f*ck what people say but when its your own family thats disappointed that you've gone for a big girl then you're in a difficult situation.

Matt Skiba

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I don't mean to rip on you but that is a pretty late age to lose your virginity. I'm assuming that you had hair when you were younger so I think that there's reason other than hair you are getting rejected by women. Look into things like having better confidence, wit/sense of humor, eye contact, facial expressions, and things like that. Smile when you see and greet people. You can also shave all the hair off your head or wear a hair piece, I think shaving all the hair off is the preferable option. Try hitting the gym and building a better physique. If you go with the fully shaved off look consider getting an ear or two pierced.

I also think that you are at an age where you can find women that can look beyond your hair. Try hitting on a woman that is in her 30s. But I still think you could find a suitable partner in her late 20s.

Of course all of this is if you are willing to give up your current partner.


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What does a moped & a fat girl have in common?

There both fun to ride, till your friend's catch you!

that being said, theres nothing wrong with fat chicks. i've slept with two fat girls in my life and i found they were willing to let me do anything I wanted and were eager to take it up the @$$. hell, the first one even made me a wicked breakfast in the morning. sadly, all my friends found out and started harassing me so i stopped talking to her.


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Firstly Dave congratulations on getting a girl, I'm sure this will do more for your self esteem than any amount of trying to change your image ever will.
Secondly it seems that you are too concerned on what other people think about her. This is the CCS way of thinking, well that and secretly trying to get her to lose weight. Anyone who rips on you because your girlfriend is big is a total douche and I'm sure most people would agree with that.
I cant believe your family dont want to meet her purely because she's big. :thumbdown2:

I know its a cliche' but beauty really is in the eye of the beholder and its better to be with a decent large girl than some total b**ch who's going to treat you like sh*t.
I hope that you really do like this girl and are not just settling for easy sex. Because if you are more concerned about what others think and are subconciously still on the lookout for a better offer then this relationship is doomed to fail.

In the end its about what you want not what other people think.


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emex4 said:
What does a moped & a fat girl have in common?

There both fun to ride, till your friend's catch you!

that being said, theres nothing wrong with fat chicks. i've slept with two fat girls in my life and i found they were willing to let me do anything I wanted and were eager to take it up the @$$. hell, the first one even made me a wicked breakfast in the morning. sadly, all my friends found out and started harassing me so i stopped talking to her.

And there lies the thoughts of a total twat. :jackit: Thanks for this post Emex it says more about you than I ever could.

I expect her freinds made fun of her for shagging a diffuser? :roll:


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There are few things you have to look into yourself if you want to be sucssefull with ladies, its really simple, first thing you have to max your looks potential,meannig remove unwanted hair, work out, buy nice cloths etc etc... everyone has hes own formula where he looks the best he can, so this is to start, secondly you need to have 2 things, a) a good tactic to pick-up girls (which you can easily learn from the net/books) b) huge *** balls,and they are getting biger and biger the more you try, most importantly try to learn from each encounter.... if you follow this your golden, trust me on this!
(skiny + blad = bad looks for most, Buffed+bald= decent AT LEAST!)


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That's a very honest and open post Dave, thanks for sharing (feel like i'm in a AA meeting)

Firstly mate, i'm a taken back at your family saying they don't want to meet your girl, that is plain RUDE and yes you should take issue with it, have a go mate, seriously, that's disrespectful to you and your girl, and although she will never see it, you should stick up for you and your girlfriend, women love that by the way, when a guy sticks up for them.

I think a lot of your issues stem from a lack of confidence with women, i've read what some posters say about confidence and they are underestimating it. My sister is very good looking women and my family, like yours, didn't like her new boyfriend...why? because they thought she was to good for him, not because he;s an arsehole, but, because he's bald and got sticky out ears and not good looking enough...

he's an NW5, but shaves it, he's got a goatee, but he's tall and well built and confident, this guy has banged lots of women. I got drunk with him recently and he told me he didn't lose his virginity till he was 22, a late bloomer, he's just hit his forties now and i think your like him, just younger...he also lost his virginity to a prozzie.

Congratulations on the new girl, don't worry about what people say, people don't know sh*t...after you have shown them the photo tell people "you've got one laugh and that's it" in a serious but jokey way.

If your family don't respect your choice give them a wide berth, let them know your pissed off about their reaction.


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Bald Dave said:
I do really like this girl but I showed a pic to my brothers the other day and they just burst into laughter. I showed my mum the pic and she looked very disappointed. I said to her that I would like her to meet my girlfriend but they said that they'd rather not meet her.

Wow, just wow. It is stuff like this that drives guys like us to these boards. How could you not have a complex about your hairloss when these are the experiences you are delt in life. :(

You'd think as a society we'd eventually evolve past the point where your worth is determined by your looks, but we seem to be regressing here instead.

uncomfortable man

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I definately see the correlation between bald guys and fat girls. Both understand what it is like to be rejected from mainstream society and persecuted for their conditions. Despite our assumed better nature, there are superficial "laws" that govern who gets to hook up with who. Unfortunately the result is bald guys with fat girls out of the process of elimination.


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Dave, don't pay any attention to the society mate... If you are happy, be happy and make your woman happy. That's all there is to it.

I have a very close friend who is married to a large woman. Another friend of ours always teased him about his relationship, but I actually like that woman. She's a good mother and an interesting woman.


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Referring to the parents reaction...I would say that was pretty shallow of them. No offense Dave. They should have embraced the fact that you've met someone with whom, you can get serious with regardless. Your 27 and thats a good age to settle down with someone ..while your still young. Dont regret this decision and then nix it and be sorry ten years down the road think .."man I should have" My folks would be like "wow...does that mean I'll get grandchildren?" Come on now may hot girls out there have we see with not so so looking guys? Lifes a balance ...we all know that. So Congratulations Dave.


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Ah, evolution, natural selection, the need to mate and pass on offspring.

You know big horn sheep settle sh*t like this by bashing each other with their horns? Dave you'd be the sheep with small, gnarled horns that get's his butt kicked, guess what, so would I!

And for those unlucky sheep, they NEVER get to mate. Actually that's how it works with lots of animals - the dominant males get all the chicks, the submissive males (usually born this way, nothing they can control) never get to mate.

At least we humans can make the best of our lives in other areas - family, work, interests, etc.

I am of the opinion that looks matter and "having confidence" can help a lot - it's the reason we see hideous dudes with hot girls - but unless you have some above average ability to spit game you are gunna get rejected on looks alone.

It's just a fact of evolution.


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treeshrew said:
You know big horn sheep settle sh*t like this by bashing each other with their horns? Dave you'd be the sheep with small, gnarled horns that get's his butt kicked, guess what, so would I! It's just a fact of evolution.

Well...I guess you can look at it like that while in a social arena where there are hot girls and full headed guys and your intention was to go there and hopefully meet a hot girl. SO by lowering the standard, one has removed themselves from the Darwin factor.


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uncomfortable man said:
I definately see the correlation between bald guys and fat girls. Both understand what it is like to be rejected from mainstream society and persecuted for their conditions. Despite our assumed better nature, there are superficial "laws" that govern who gets to hook up with who. Unfortunately the result is bald guys with fat girls out of the process of elimination.

I don't think fat girls and bald guys are in a similar situation at all. If you are bald you can't really do much about it, if drugs or hair transplant's don't work. But, if your fat, you can just go to the gym and lose weight or stop eating so much. Why are people feeling sorry for fat girls? They can easily go and lose some weight.... Fat girls don't even deserve bald men because they are at least trying to do something about thier problem, whereas fat girls are just too lazy to lose weight so they just settle for the next best thing (bald guys)...

Does anyone get me or am I just being a prick (who seems like a prick because the truth hurts)?


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I agree with you, mj9. I have little sympathy for anyone who suffers because they're big.