Body dysmorphic disorder patients see details, not whole fac

uncomfortable man

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superfrankie said:
Its hard to try to change view and try to see "the whole picture" when your lack of hair affects your WHOLE PICTURE so much. And that is not imagination.
Wow. Couldn't have said it better myself. Very poigniant statement there. Wouldn't it be great if BDD exaggerated our best physical characteristics instead of our worst ones? I think I remember hearing about a case of reverse BDD where this overweight woman saw a swimsuit model when she looked in the mirror. People didn't understand where she was getting all this confidence/arrogance from. That is some serious Shallow Hal stuff going on right there. Maybe she was so off put by her own appearance that her mind compensated for it somehow by making her think she looked the way she wanted to look. The mind is a trip, huh? Sorry for the run on but that reminds me of an old movie starring David Bowie (I think) where he played some kind of repulsive mythical creature (like Nosferatu) that had the ability to make other people see what he wanted them to see. So although he was hideous looking in reality, he could walk amongst the general public without people freaking out because he made them see him as a normal person. f*****g fascinating! Of course he used it to bang hella chicks. If I had that power I would be so rich because I would spend my day breaking one dollar bills into hundos!


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Reminds me of the Fringe episode where everyone in this town looked perfectly normal but were all hideous looking in reality. There was this kind of satellite that would send a frequency to the brain so anyone that would enter the town would only see these hideous looking people as normal. Would be nice to have a satellite that would send a frequency that alters people's brain so everyone looks "perfect". With that, UM, everyone would see you will a full head of hair, including yourself.


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The most important part about determining BDD is the impaired social functioning, it is not just obsessing about hairloss or some other flaw. I dropped out of college freshman year because I couldn't take being seen anymore. That was 4 years ago..I should be graduating now. That was after forcing my way through school which I barely graduated because I would never go. I was a good student when I actually went and my performance on tests is what saved me from not graduating because I had a really bad attendance record.
Now I have nothing and just look in the mirror for hours at a time or play video games when I feel alright. I felt this way about myself my entire life. I would starve myself as a child ages 4 all the way until around 16 because people would say I was too skinny at that age and that my head was too big for my body. I felt like a alien. I had many obsessions but mostly been the size of head and forehead. I never really got picked on really badly but I really couldn't handle a little comment about my head/forehead which would come up occasionally usually by douchebag guys that were my friends. Even my dad would call me pumpkin head or some freaking bs like that. I was a NW2 I guess my whole life and I heard from other kids I had a receding hairline when I was 8 etc. I get the genes from my mothers side since they have big heads(but they aren't bald either, Norwood 2's at 60 maybe I got the worst of both worlds and caught balding from fathers father) My brother and dad are norwood 1's and they are alot older than I am.
After a year of staying home and never going out my dad was getting really pissed and figured I was just a bum that enjoyed not working and not doing anything. I just figured it was normal to feel that if you are ugly you don't have a right to be seen because the public didn''t want to see a ugly person in the streets. And also I took off because I was planning on doing alot of work on my appearance until I was socially acceptable. That never really happened so I'm still here. I found out about BDD this way because my mom was concerned and looked up stuff online.
I don't know if I have BDD but I do know some people do say I'm good looking but I think they are just being nice. That is of course when I have bangs that cover up the entirety of my forehead also. About hairloss, I have been taking finasteride for 6 months now and it has had no effect on my hair. It looks exactly the same and I noticed no difference in shedding or appearance. But I will stay on it for as long as possible if it means I can keep my hair longer. If I start to lose hair I will probably kill myself since I can't afford transplants on 0 dollars a year salary. I have alot of plastic surgeries that I want to get but ifI was limited on budget I would def get a brow lift and hair transplants to give me a more straight line hairline.
So anyway, I think its normal to be bummed or maybe have a flaw in your mind but it depends on you react to it to see if you have bdd. I think my gf (that I met on a BDD website) is really beautiful and sexy and she had a worse time than me. She dropped out of school even earlier and obsesses about weird stuff like the size of her ribs and crap. I try to tell her but it like doesn't matter, she got offers to model but it means nothing to her, she really thinks she is a horrible person and ugly. Tbh, I don't think I have bdd, because I don't think my flaws are imagined like hers, I just think I'm really ugly and its not imagined.


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John, I thought you said you had BDD previously in another post. And they tried to treat you with EFT and it did not work. You are lucky you have a girlfriend that accepts you the way you are. Sometimes the flaws we see are so minor most people would not notice them unless you pointed it out. And sometimes what we interpret as a flaw most people would say is "normal". My hairline is not thick and dense but in most people's eyes it looks perfectly normal. However, if I compare it to someone who has a thick dense hairline, I feel I have been genetically shafted. In my mind I don't see a variation of normal. I have my own "idea" of what is genetically perfect and anything outside of that seems to be flawed. Yet in reality I know no one is "perfect". I am not a*** retentive but I am a perfectionist which stems from my upbringing. My dad said his mom was like that. I never met her but I guess I take after her if there is any possible link genetically. So I guess if I don't have BDD, then I guess I am just a perfectionist.