Body Hair And Its Relation To Hair Loss


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From my understanding hair loss is all in relation to receptors not so much how much DHT you have. But what I have noticed at my work is that all these hairless twink esque men seem to have god tier hair. barely any fore arm hair, and smooth legs. Yet all the balding men have massive amounts of hair all over. My observations of Caucasian men I work with.

native people are also smooth as a whistle and have god tier hair. I dont think I have ever seen an aboriginal with hair loss. ALl seem to maintain such luscious locks

But then again there are certain ethnicity out there also have tons of body hair and still maintain strong hairline

Anybody have explanations on this?

no surprise I am hair all over.

g.i joey

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alot of studies say there is no relation, but how often do you see a hairy man with a full set of hair? On the other hand all the deep norwoods i see are always full of hair everywhere except their head.

In my group of friends, all of us with good facial hair are all losing hair to some extent, the ones with full sets of hair are mostly my blonde friends with minimal facial hair. I even have one friend who just recently started pushing some facial hair, i took a look at the back of his head and he is def thinning back there.

there has to be a relation, let alone the fact that my body hair is less thick ever since starting finasteride, that has to be an indicator too.


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I don't think there is a relation. Look at people from the middle east. They are usually very hairy, but they seem to have the same rate of baldness as Europeans.


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here is my take on it. Most men are prone to some form of male pattern baldness, more than 50%, whether its recession or full blown baldness. Whilst DHT levels are not the defining factor, it is a safe bet that very hairy men have high DHT levels. Surely at some threshold this DHT will have some kind of effect on the hair. Given most men are prone to some form of hairloss, its not too surprising that you see a lot of very hairy men with hairloss. There is a reason why you don't take test derivative steroids like winstrol if you care about your hair. Higher DHT does lead to earlier onset of hairloss, so these men you see simply have male pattern baldness genes that have been expressed earlier due to their higher DHT levels. There is no relation between being super hairy and having the genes for hairloss though, totally different factors involved there IMO.


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Once my hair loss really kickstarted at 27 I started to get fatigued and hair on my chest, torso and back started to grow, I've always seen this pattern. Sure there are exceptions but they don't make the majority. Something I've also noticed is that men who are hairless seem to be NW4 or higher at 19 or early 20's while the hairy guys seem to lose it slower.


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Why can't we destroy and miniaturize body hair into oblivion? Scalp Androgenetic Alopecia prone hair is so fragile but body hair not even freaking laser can permanently vanish it.


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You know there is lots of debate on this but very few answers. The hair loss blog site talked about this and says that hairy men have same androgen levels as hairless men. I dont really buy that though. Personally I think hairy men do have much higher T and DHT levels and are way more susceptible to male pattern baldness and also severe male pattern baldness over time as sensitivity increases with age.
I have never seen any real numbers comparing hormone panels between hairy/hairless men, but IMO if androgens cause secondary male characteristics it must be true that hairy men have much higher androgen levels. I see tons of real world evidence that kind of agrees with this, and it makes sense really when you think most women dont grow beards and back hair do they?
Sensitivity of course, is the major factor so its not 100 percent true just the majority. If your extremely hairy IMO your chances of going bald are high.
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Well yeah those are my thoughts also, but it seems like a strong urban myth within the community.

At the end of the day it's all relative to our receptors and there locations.

Some men have a high affinity for receptors on there scalp, and have low serum DHT but still bald in an aggressive manner.

myself I have very high fluctuation of DHT in my blood every where on my body, but my scalp has minor receptors to bind on. I just bit the bullet real early. It will be 10 years now that I have been experiencing male pattern baldness.

high DHT is not a concern if you don't have any receptors at your scalp for it to bind on.


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I barely have any body hair.

But still: NW5 at the age of 22.

The two are completely unrelated.

One case doesnt prove anything though you can easily find some men in both camps. Like we said its sensitivity that is the most important thing so you can always go bald even with little body hair like in your case.
IMO if you took a big group of men most very hairy ones would have statistically significant increases in male pattern baldness, and more severe higher Norwood male pattern baldness. Most men are susceptible to the effects of androgens with age so it only makes sense higher androgens are more likely to express themselves with time.
Funnily enough we have known all this for what 30 years? Still no real safe way to do much about it. You cant stop all androgens from receptors, and you cant remove androgens completely in any realistic safe way. Its always turning these theories into practical physical substances that work which is the crazy difficult part. Anyone can theorize, but we have 2 treatments after all that time. Its not easy
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Do explain why black men rarely have hairy bodies. Their testosterone levels are the same or slightly higher than whites.

Body hair works similar to male pattern baldness its just if the hair is sensitive and has receptors to respond in the presence of androgens. A guy with no or little body hair could still have low or high androgens so doesnt mean anything really. We are just talking about very hairy men as a sign of high androgens which I do think is true. We just dont have numbers to prove it out as is often the case in male pattern baldness it seems

Armando Jose

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I barely have any body hair.

But still: NW5 at the age of 22.

The two are completely unrelated.

I am with you, these two conditions are unrelated,

Its only genetics, but it is good to know that all areas of skin, except foot and hands (palmas), have pilosebaceous unit that can growth in terminal ones.


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Boys who are castrated when 8 years old will never grow body hair and never go bald lol :)

That does explain the twinks that Shookwun refers to, they may have high androgen sensitivity, but they don't have any androgens, lol.


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Boys who are castrated when 8 years old will never grow body hair and never go bald lol :)

That does explain the twinks that Shookwun refers to, they may have high androgen sensitivity, but they don't have any androgens, lol.


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The link between hair loss and androgens is too powerful to ignore. Most men are sensitive to androgens which is why the majority of men do experience male pattern baldness as they get older eventually since all men have good amounts of androgens. I do think as you age cell stress and things accumulate to make your hair grow increasingly sensitive to the presence of androgens. It doesnt stay constant it keeps getting worse as you get older.
Again though this is nothing new its 30 year old info yet we have the same treatments from 30 years ago minoxidil and finasteride


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If androgens cause the development of secondary male characteristics like body hair, deep voice, and that at puberty but also cause male pattern baldness dont those seem to kind of mix to suggest that as androgens rise to start body hair they also start off the process of male pattern baldness? Seems like it would although we all acknowledge its more complicated then this, and sensitivity/genes trump any presence of androgens. Just the issue is today all you can control is androgen levels. You cant stop androgens from affecting ARs or lower your sensitivity


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No relation. Even more so, having DHT receptors, high sensitivity AND high DHT levels do not necessarily mean that you will go bald.

It's all about gene expression. If your DHT receptors are never activated, you will still have a thick main for life.


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No relation. Even more so, having DHT receptors, high sensitivity AND high DHT levels do not necessarily mean that you will go bald.

It's all about gene expression. If your DHT receptors are never activated, you will still have a thick main for life.

True but you cant see your genes, receptors, or androgen sensitivity. Yes those are the key factors but how can you change or control those right now? You cant. The only obvious sign of higher androgens is tons of body hair/facial hair which is probably controlled by T and DHT but its clearly a sign of absolute androgen levels most of the time. No one is saying being very hairy is a 100 percent ticket to Norwood 7 just more likely to have male pattern baldness over your life time
There are no absolute truths in male pattern baldness because people vary too much and medicine clearly has no clue. We are just talking rough guesstimates.


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well im 25 and starting to bald, but dont even have hairs on my chest lol