I know that USA/Canada/Europe has very strong regulations. It is much better that way, then going in third world countries and get fake treatments and put yourself on high risk to get some serious side effects.A lawsuit, which a company of that size can't overcome. And then the requirements from all other governments around the world.
But of course, it would give us results that we actually need. We don't need animal trails, because if they where conclusive, then we would have cured multiple diseases decades ago.
All animal studies shows, is there might be a chance for it too work.
Yes, I know it is stupid question, but what stop them to try their technology in very little secret trial on couple of bald persons and see how it works on humans? Then they will have strong evidence to move on.
For example, Dr. Alexey Terskikh and Dr. Kevin D’Amour have advanced Androgenetic Alopecia. They can try Stemson technology on themselves and see how it works. Why should we trust bald CEOs?