Botches transplant or expectations WAY too high?


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Can you perhaps clarify that statement? Does this mean that I will, ostensibly, never have enough grafts for what I'm trying to achieve?

What I mean to say that the way 1200 grafts are placed by your surgeon is totally wrong. He should have adopted a completely different strategy and advised you about it.

With low number of grafts you are at least lucky you did not lose everything at the hands of this incompetent surgeon. I am not an expert at hair transplant but I would advise that you do your own homework to come up with a proper and detailed plan before going for any fix ups. Your grafts are precious so take the time to know all and plan and do not rely on the doctor completely.

Two bad things the surgeon has done to you:
1. Bad strategy, bad plan for you
2. Lost grafts in the transplant

The first is the bigger culprit. It could not be right even if all your grafts survived because of the poor planning.


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i don't know if you have a malpractice lawsuit (maybe breach of contract? I'm not sure if it constitutes malpractice, hard to say). It appears that the doctor made the recipient area maybe twice the depth that it needs to be. I'd guess that you can still accomplish your goals with another surgery, but it was a waste of time and money and inconvenience and pain, and general consensus is that the first pass of a transplant grows best (a first-time patient is an ideal status, as long as your healthy and the plans make sense). You also have to get another scar, if you go the strip route, or take a second pass adjacent to the existing scar. Every additional strip risks making the scar worse, depending on your scalp laxity, skill of the doctor, etc.

He seems incompetent, did he review the goal photo on the day of surgery? Or did he assure you that he remembered what you wanted? I have a feeling that many doctors forget what they tell the patient during the consultation. When surgery rolls around, he's looking at you as if it's the first time. Meanwhile, you remember every single word of what was said. The consultation is important to you, but to the doctor you may be "Thursday".

Whatever the case, you got a raw deal. I would at the minimum ask for a refund or a second surgery for free. I'm not sure what kind of damages you can recover, but it makes sense to try. Understand that there's a statute of limitations (it may be one year, or two depending on the state) the clock starts ticking "when you realized something was wrong". So don't waste time, find a lawyer.

By the way, that's one of the problems with this field - the statute of limitations is too short for some people.

If you become a lawyer, please specialize in suing hair transplant doctors. Please.

Sandy 2007

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I tried to wear hair for year. I honestly gave it my best shot, and spent hundreds of dollars every few months trying different systems from a variety of vendors. The result was always the same. If I expose the hairline, I expose the system. But the "shedding" problem you mentioned would be a problem for regular wear as well. The way to solve it, in both cases, is to simply buy a new unit every 3 months or so.

The hair wall makes the system truly undetectable, because the damn thing doesn't even start at the hairline. Its your real hair, no crazy front hairline maintenance required.

As to needing 750-900 grafts for that kind of a hair wall, you have to realize, I need it as thick (maybe even thicker) than the guy in the picture. The catch is that I don't think you can fit all ~1000 grafts into such an area in a single operation.

Bottom line though, I'm calling three doctors on Monday to set up appointments to evaluate my doctors work. If I have to salvage this by getting that tiny hair wall and just shaving the transplanted hair behind it, I wouldn't mind. I just want my f**king hair back, and this whole ordeal has maybe been the most frustrating experience of my life. For example, I've had to do my first two semesters of law school while wearing a hat the entire time. You have no idea of my suffering...

Sandy 2007

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Man I feel u. What u were trying to achieve is doable I don't know why people are discouraging u over it. It will definitely look great once done.
About ur transplant it's a disgrace that doctors like that are still there, u need to expose him, I mean u just went in for a hairline and he couldn't do it he is a crook for sure many people don't talk about botched up surgery I am sure he must have done that to other people you had very realistic expectations and he couldn't give u the result that's clear please expose him so others don't fall prey to him.

About your sufferings I am hair loss sufferer too I go to college with a baseball cap on. I don't socialize much now ,stay strong brother u have gone through a lot and I know u will find a solution . Just be strong brother.