
Brad Pitt Bald


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Well you've all wanted to see it and here it is. Brad Pitt bald:

btw, it's for a movie.


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Thanks Packers, but Pitt has been out of the closet for some time now.. :wink:


I don't believe he suits the chrome dome look...


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IBM said:
Packers - Your avatar is gorgeous.

I thought we all have different tastes. I guess you and I have the same tastes. Maybe someone else on here think the avatar is not that good looking.


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IBM, yes that is the lovely Hilary Duff

ETERNAL HOPE, I'm glad Pitt finally bit the bullet and shaved it all off.


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He looks awful bald compared to what he looks with hair. Well at least he doesn't have to worry about it since he does not suffer from male pattern baldness.


Nathaniel said:
He looks awful bald compared to what he looks with hair. Well at least he doesn't have to worry about it since he does not suffer from male pattern baldness.

I thought the same. He looks like a totally average guy now. What a happy guy he must be with his beautiful head of hair.


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'He looks awful bald compared to what he looks with hair. Well at least he doesn't have to worry about it since he does not suffer from male pattern baldness. '

'I thought the same. He looks like a totally average guy now. What a happy guy he must be with his beautiful head of hair.'

If you are referring to the first picture posted by packers then to be fair to brad pitt, that is not how he would look bald. You can clearly see that his face is covered in unflattering make-up (perhaps for the film role) that makes his entire face look red, blotchy, and very very unhealthy- a bit like rosacea. That is not how brad looks in real life in his face at all. The role he is playing must require him to have some sort of facial skin disease/condition hence that make-up.


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Packers said:
Well you've all wanted to see it and here it is. Brad Pitt bald:

btw, it's for a movie.

Back when I was in college (around 1996) my german professor said "you can tell brad pitt is going to go bald" and all the girls let out gasps and said that would be horrible. Meanwhile I was sitting in that same class, wearing a hat to cover up my bad hair transplants :cry:


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If he was'nt a Hollywood star perhaps he would be fat and bald(ing) and looking his 44 yrs old.


I would have gay sex with fat, old men to have his hair. Damn, he is such a lucky bastard, I can´t believe it. I have a picture of him on my laptop where one can see his beautiful hairline because I admire him so much. I assume most people would think that I am gay if they would know about it.


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That just looks like a really bad angle and face for the photo. Lets see what he ends up looking like in the film


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Taugenichts said:
I would have gay sex with fat, old men to have his hair. Damn, he is such a lucky bastard, I can´t believe it. I have a picture of him on my laptop where one can see his beautiful hairline because I admire him so much. I assume most people would think that I am gay if they would know about it.

You assume right, this sounds like a very unhealthy thing to do. Forget about comparing yourself to Brad Pitt or dreaming about having his hair. It will only frustrate you more.


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Taugenichts said:
I would have gay sex with fat, old men to have his hair. Damn, he is such a lucky bastard, I can´t believe it. I have a picture of him on my laptop where one can see his beautiful hairline because I admire him so much. I assume most people would think that I am gay if they would know about it.

The way you go on about things, I think the BEST thing that could happen to you would be for all your hair to fall out overnight so you can get over this nutty behavior. I'm not wishing ill on you, it just seems like you have some serious mental problems relating to hair loss that will not be resolved until it's either ALL GONE or ALL ABSOLUTELY NEVER GOING TO FALL OUT, EVER.


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barnabas said:
Taugenichts said:
I would have gay sex with fat, old men to have his hair. Damn, he is such a lucky bastard, I can´t believe it. I have a picture of him on my laptop where one can see his beautiful hairline because I admire him so much. I assume most people would think that I am gay if they would know about it.

The way you go on about things, I think the BEST thing that could happen to you would be for all your hair to fall out overnight so you can get over this nutty behavior. I'm not wishing ill on you, it just seems like you have some serious mental problems relating to hair loss that will not be resolved until it's either ALL GONE or ALL ABSOLUTELY NEVER GOING TO FALL OUT, EVER.

The odd thing is that prostitution is totally legal in Germany too. Hair wouldn't be a concern of mine if I lived in europe. Think about it. It costs like 50 euro to bang someone? that's so much freaking cheaper than dating! Europe must be heaven !God, why do i have to be american?


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Recboi why do you keep going on about legal european prostitutes? If you want to F*ck a hooker just do it. Thousands of U.S men probably do everyday. Its not as if there arn't any prostitutes in America and the cahnces of you getting in trouble with the law are about 1/200.
Can we get back to talking about hair now?

Thinning fast

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If I had Brad Pitt's hair, I would stay home all day long and play with my luscious locks of hair. I would caress and stroke my beautiful, beautiful hair for the majority of the day, then go to sleep with a shower cap on my head and a great big smile on my face. When I woke up, I would immediately run to the bathroom mirror and brush my hair all the while giggling like a school girl. Oh to have brad Pitt's hair....