- Reaction score
- 62
It's unfortunate that after 25 years men with Androgenetic Alopecia are still left with the same decision; take finasteride or go bald. You'd think that after all of the time between when finasteride was FDA approved for hairloss and now, we'd at least have an alternative with less of a systemic drug burden, but here we are.@finornottofin Yeah I read all your previous posts about how you tested your levels. By no means do I think finasteride is "poison" (Look, you had sides, you got off of it, and soon you'll feel your normal self again), but I am shocked how docs seem to prescribe it at the drop of a hat given all the circumstances. And no I'm not just talking about PFS, I'm talking about what this medication actually does. It slashes your DHT by a pretty significant amount. This isn't something that's a "good thing", any level headed doctor will tell you that. Nobody WANTS to take finasteride. But they are basically forced to if they want to keep their hair. I feel these docs should do what you did and at least do a baseline blood test to reveal where the guy is as T/Free T/DHT wise before starting. For all the obvious reasons.
I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. I've been fearful of finasteride for the last 13+ years since I first discovered hairloss. Recently I finally reached the point of almost no return where it's basically finasteride or bust(multiple hair transplant's). My derm prescribed me finasteride like he was giving out candy. Said all the usual stuff about how he never hears of side effects, maybe one guy with less ejaculate in all his years. I picked up the pills and they're sitting on my kitchen table at the moment. I still don't know what to do. Thinking of getting baseline bloodwork first.
This probably won't do much to influence your decision, but just something to note. DHT is a predominately a paracrine hormone, meaning that it is produced in the tissues and remains there where it exerts its effects. The DHT circulating in the blood is thought to play negligible roles in the body, if at all. Measuring serum DHT is not likely to tell you anything about whether or not you will experience side effects on finasteride.