Wow, thats awsome man. I'll be honest my hopes for this product where not high, but seeing your picture gives me a glimmer of hope.
I've tried finasteride, which nuked my sex drive and made me limper then a wet noodle. I started minoxidil about 9 months ago and OMG!!! Did i ever respond to it. It was amazing. I grew back a bunch of hair and starting filling out my pathetic looking hair line. I couldn't have been any happier.
People where noticing and commenting, it was great....... Then the swelling and red raw scalp started. Things started going really bad, really fast. Went to a dermotologist to be told I had developed an allergy to minoxidil! FML!
Seems that everything that works is no good for me. I was devistated, thats when I found this web site. I was trying to find a way I could get back on minoxidil, and it lead me to this lotion.
I've been sitting waiting with cautious optimism that this may be able to stop the inevidable shed that is starting.
I realise from some of the more science minded people on here that this may do nothing for me based on the fact that minoxidil and trinov don't work through the same mechanism, but after hearing lot's of people saying the shed has stopped and now your hair growth pictures I think i'm ready to say f*** it.
I'll give it a try and risk some money. Worse case i look like a bit of a chump and a waste some cash. At this point it's in or out.
Thanks for posting the photos Paul