I did experience increase in shedding in frontal area - made post last week. But over all everything that is left is stronger , darker and scalp feels healthy I think this will give me maintenance for life but to be objective this is too soon to say that lol . But yeah my frontal area whatever hairs are left are stronger and I haven't lost a Norwood as I'm a diffuser so I think I gotta wait 6 months and if no regrowth then I'll take out the derminator.
I used seti 2 grams a day orally . Who know if was the suppler quality that made it ineffective but I think general consensus besides westonci is that seti is not enough as it only targets pgd2
Just recently pulled the trigger and ordered 7 bottles of Trinov the other week. All I'm hoping for at this point is maintenance/slight increase in density. As for seti, I was using up to 1200 mgs./day of seti from Lyphar which is supposedly a legit source. I didn't notice anything positive either, but I'm not sure if I'm a non-responder or if my dosage was too low.