Imagine thinking that you have a solid grasp on a culture, due to 'online relationships'...sorry, one online relationship.
Cringe, that's egotistical af. As you all well know, I don't have the most favorable view on the German state as a whole to say the least. But at the same time it's painfully obvious, that 99% of foreigners think themselves great experts on Germany by the virtue of watching a lot of hollywood movies and their own anecdotal experience. It's the same with Japan and the US for some reason. Everyone considers himself a great expert after watching 2 quippy youtube videos and a vulgar blockbuster on the topic and is then completely taken aback by the most entry level stuff you'd need to know about these countries such as regionalism, or a lack of feminism.
Listen, if I based my opinion of Egyptian culture on my interactions with you I'd think your people exclusively consisted on self-loathing incels with occasional emotional outbreaks, who want to flee their horrible country. Bu t I'm not ignorant enough to think, that such superficial engagement with a whole culture gives me a good idea about what is really going on.
To be perfectly honest, I'd have to admit that even I am not even very knowledgable on many parts of Germany. If you ask me about the history, customs and dialect of Niedersachsen I honestly have no clue. And you probably have never even heard of the place, so be a bit more humble.