Can high dose oral estrogen regrow hair?


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paximperia said:
If a guy was castrated he would grow as much hair as if he was blocking 100% of DHT in his hair follicles. No testes, no testosterone, no DHT.

I have a study that measured testosterone and DHT levels before and after castration in a group of men. Serum testosterone levels dropped profoundly by an average of about 95%, and DHT dropped by about 70% or so.


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paximperia said:
My understanding is that testosterone is a prerequisite to DHT.

Of course it is!


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abcdefg said:
So basically propecia might only work because it raises estrogen and not even from dht like we were lead to believe?
Maybe topicals like revivogen that lower dht topically only dont work well because they dont raise estrogen?

Finasteride raise estrogen by stopping testosterone from turning to DHT, so more estrogen can be made from the extra testosterone. So topicals like revivogen would definitely raise scalp estrogen levels.


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Bryan said:
"Estrogen is good, but is not a big factor at all. Nothing like DHT. i only said it is good because I was responding to those anti-estrogen people. It should not affect a regimen much."

Bryan, I saw a topical extrogen study on me, where I don't think they were given propecia. 80% either maintained or had regrowth. Feminizing side effects were the only concern. This makes me doubt what you said. I think locally aromatized estrogen matters a lot.


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i donno if estrogen will regrow hair, but I do know it will turn you into Britney. :crazy:


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collegechemistrystudent said:
Bryan said:
"Estrogen is good, but is not a big factor at all. Nothing like DHT. i only said it is good because I was responding to those anti-estrogen people. It should not affect a regimen much."

Bryan, I saw a topical extrogen study on me, where I don't think they were given propecia. 80% either maintained or had regrowth. Feminizing side effects were the only concern. This makes me doubt what you said. I think locally aromatized estrogen matters a lot.

I was basically referring to normal physiological levels of estrogen, which I don't think are particularly powerful hairgrowth stimulants.

BTW, are you referring to that German study with topical 17a-estradiol, or something else? Can you cite your study for me?


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Bryan said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
Bryan said:
"Estrogen is good, but is not a big factor at all. Nothing like DHT. i only said it is good because I was responding to those anti-estrogen people. It should not affect a regimen much."

Bryan, I saw a topical extrogen study on me, where I don't think they were given propecia. 80% either maintained or had regrowth. Feminizing side effects were the only concern. This makes me doubt what you said. I think locally aromatized estrogen matters a lot.

I was basically referring to normal physiological levels of estrogen, which I don't think are particularly powerful hairgrowth stimulants.

BTW, are you referring to that German study with topical 17a-estradiol, or something else? Can you cite your study for me?

I'll find it again and post it here. Not sure which it was. I thought the alpha version is functionless. Do you believe topical estrogen gave superphysiological levels? Very possible. But I think locally produced estrogen, from aromatase, can give those levels in the follicle, without upping systemic levels that much. I bet a lot of the topical estrogen goes straight into the blood stream.


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the case of twohen is real? I only take Spironolactone and Diane, and other things that according to him failed. it is possible to recover both hair