can I offset the side effects


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I wasn't referring to the FDA studies, or calling their results into question. Nor did I ever mention the FDA. I wasn't even in that much disagreement. Although, I do believe the FDA would be happy knowing they at least have a better reputation abroad than in the United States. :) But if someone wants to call into question the results of relatively short-term studies, in search of more conclusive data, more power to them.

I was actually referring to the people under the testing threshold, above that rare 2%, which seems to be a good majority here. Just because someone's experiencing mild side effects doesn't invalidate their concerns. I experienced a loss of sensation in my penis for the first few months, well before my ever having understood fully the implications of any side effects. Maybe others here were lucky not to have shared this experience.

Anyway, as long as we remain civil and stick to the facts and our own observations, and leave the personal asides for somewhere else, I don't have a single problem with anyone here. I come here to share my own personal experiences, maybe give some support, and learn something new, period.


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joseph49853 said:
I wasn't referring to the FDA studies, or calling their results into question.

The whole thread has been about the FDAs claimed 2% incidence of side effects being either more or less a reliable figure than the reports on a hair loss forum.

Your opening gambit was "I think what you're neglecting, Radio, is the degree to which side effects do occur"

joseph49853 said:
Just because someone's experiencing mild side effects doesn't invalidate their concerns.

I agree.

joseph49853 said:
Anyway, as long as we remain civil and stick to the facts and our own observations, and leave the personal asides for somewhere else, I don't have a single problem with anyone here. I come here to share my own personal experiences, maybe give some support, and learn something new, period.

Apologies if I was a little abrupt, but I can be a real sh*t sometimes, you should hear me when I have sunk 5 pints of strong European larger! I have no real problem with fighting a little but I realise some people don't find it of any use.

For Mogadon (the real target of my 'idiot' comment)

This is a cross post from another thread and says everything I tried to say. Joeb posted his fantastic results and took a some cynisim and doubt from some posters

joeb said:
I am bit surprised by the amount of cynicism. I have several friends, though younger and not quite as bald as I WAS, that have re-grown substantial hair, also not as quickly as i have. Perhaps it's just that most people posting & surfing forums are those who have problems and are seeking answers. There clearly are those who do not respond as well or at all, and they are the seekers of more information. My doctor, though pleasantly surprised at the speed of my results, said that my results are not uncommon. When I first starting researching and found this forum, my hopes & expectatations were greatly diminished, but I knew it was still worth a try. I guess I wonder why more guys with great results don't share them as I have. I am surprised at the level of awe and surprise that my post has created.!


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mogadon said:
so if something good happens, your not gonna report it,its just human nature to do so

who said about everyday,the fact is alot of people are not getting sexual sides good for them, but also and alot of people ARE!

If 98% of people were SUPPOSED to get side effects, and I didn't, THEN I would report it. I bet 2% of people who use aspirin get side effects. the 98% who do not probably don't go onto discussion forums and post their success!



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mogadon said:
possibly , possibly NOT!

radio your the f**king idiot

Very well put, certainly solidifies your argument, I now have no doubt that all clinical data should be culled from ones own personal experience and a little guess work, thank you for putting me straight on this issue. :)