Can I Take Tranny Pills In Small Doses And Not Go Full On Tranny?


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v****/sildenafil is what I use because I have reynauds and overall vascular tightening issues, in general my hands can just get very cold and I don't want restricted blood flow to negatively affect my hair gains. I also use anthocyanin complexes to dilate my blood vessels. If you half dose your v****/sildenafil, it is generally safe but never never take the full donger dose on a regular basis. There are studies that verify that using a certain dosage of sildenafil actually helps induce hair growth.

I would strongly recommend against starting off with powerful prescription antiandrogens, use something like red reishi first, and then progress to something stronger if necessary. Topical estrogen/estriol should help a lot so long as you're mitigating DHT, and the absorption rate through the skin should assist in slowing down the total amount of estrogen in your system.



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What about sperm count or fertility? All your male parts may or may not stay working but how would you know if you can still procreate?


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It is roughly the same level of concern for any man who is on TRT.