Can u Help Me out


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Well his this is my first pos. So i'm 17 years old going on 18 in 2 months and my hair has been thinning for year. so i have been useing nu hair tablets for a month and half. well just today these two girls where talking about hair. so his girl tells me it looks like u r going bald and i'm like what the f***. So i felt like sh*t all through the day. I tell my mom and she says that i am not. But what I wanted to know Is he nu hair tablets make ur hair shhed alot. Also if i use rogaine and propecia will i help my thinning hair. If it does do you go through a shheding phase cuz i don't want to go to school with m hair shheding.

thanks for the help. :lol:


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Nuhair tablet is crap. Please get on a proven treatment instead of loosing time with something not efficient.

Also if i use rogaine and propecia will i help my thinning hair. If it does do you go through a shheding phase cuz i don't want to go to school with m hair shheding.

You might experiment shedding or might not. Everyone is different. Remember, there is nothing to worry if you experiment some shedding, it's a normal phase of the whole process. You always loose at least 50 to 100 hairs per day, some day you might loose 40, the next day 160...

Take your time, read this forum a lot and good luck!


Propecia is not recommended for people under 18 as you don't want to screw up your hormonal development.

Nu-Hair, like hairface says, is crap, do not waste your cash.

17 is pretty young to commit to a life time of rogaine (minoxidil) use.

There are many other treatments you can use.

You need to take a while and ask as many questions as you can

Good Luck


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I don't think it's too young to start.

Anything below 17 is iffy, but c'mon, if he can see R-rated movies, he's mature enough to use Rogaine. :lol:


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thanks for the help bu what other treatments can i use instead of rogaine and proceica. you know i'm young but i want to stop he problem before it gets worse. So those tablets don't work, sh*t i spent 20 bucks for nothing. What about vitiamns cuz someimes i feel like a f*****g outcast. I see people with thick *** hair and i'm like why the f*** can't i have hair like that but thanks and please help me out.


LilOne said:
thanks for the help bu what other treatments can i use instead of rogaine and proceica.

I would be good if you could post a picture of you hair/scalp condition so people will know how bad your situation is.

Go and see your doctor about the Propecia he could say it's fine to use.

Propecia should be ok to use in 6 months/a year or so, but being just 18 (or nearly) is putting you right up against the threashold of what would be considered safe.

You can use Rogaine right now with little to worry about in the way of side effects. But rogaine is greasy, can take 2 or three hours to dry and you need to do this twice a day, this has to be kept up for the rest of your life (untill a new medication or proccess hits the market), so Rogaine comes with you on holiday, when you stay at your girlfriends house, when you go fishing/deer hunting in the mountains, when you go on a bussiness trip, when you go to college/prison (delete as applicable) etc etc.

If you stop using it (for whatever reason) you will lose all the hair it has grown, quickly.

That's four hours a day with this stuff drying on your scalp, 4 hours every day, every week, every month, every year for the forseable future (we are at least talking 5 or 10 years).

Whatever regimen you chose you it must fit in with your life.

LilOne said:
you know i'm young but i want to stop he problem before it gets worse. So those tablets don't work, sh*t i spent 20 bucks for nothing.

Everyone here gets caught out by a scam or two before they learn the hard facts of what actually works and what does not. I spent good money on some chinese herbal crap in a pink bottle :lol: I rubbed that cat piss/soy sauce combo into my scalp for months with nothing to show but a stained head.

LilOne said:
What about vitiamns cuz someimes i feel like a f*****g outcast.

Vitimins are only going to help your hair if your diet is severly deficient in nutrition, which is unlikely.

LilOne said:
I see people with thick *** hair and i'm like why the f*** can't i have hair like that but thanks and please help me out.

Well if you sort out a good regimen, eventually including things like Propecia (in the coming months) you have every chance of having kept the mojority of your hair for when things hit the market like hair cloning and improvements to already avaliable treatments like HM, FUE and so on.

A typical regimen would be:

Propecia 1mg once a day

5% Rogaine twice a day

Nizoral shampoo 3 x week

Propecia stops DHT killing your hair follicles.
Rogaine stimulates these poor follicles to grow
Nizoral keeps your scalp healthy and does a little against the DHT

First go see your doctor, second post some pictures up here.
good luck


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I agree that you are too young to begin Propecia at this point (talk to a derm). Rogaine, like Tynan said, is a lifetime commitment, but almost every treatment is to some extent. However, you may wish to consider Tricomin (Cu peptides) or maybe even the lasercomb to help thicken your existing hair for now. The lasercomb is very expensive and may be something that is out of reach right now for you. Don't waste your time with things like Nu Hair, which is the same thing as Shen Min (Fo ti root, saw palmetto, etc). I have wasted a great amount of time and resources falling for these so called "miracle cures". The simple fact is that they do not work!!! Nizoral shampoo might also be a logical choice for you now (2x per week). Good luck and explore this website you will find tons of useful information. Lastly, welcome to hell!! :wink: Do not become too obsessed with this hairloss thing like most of us here already are.


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LilOne said:
thanks for the help bu what other treatments can i use instead of rogaine and proceica.
Copper peptides
Topical DHT blocker such as Revivogen
Nizoral shampoo

Using those is a workable regimen and may not only slow down hair loss, some of these are proven to be regrowth agents. None will interfere with your hormones.


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i will try to post a pic up as soon as i get camera up but thanks , it does fell like hell. No one in my family has male pattern baldness so i'm like how the hell can i get this crap. but thanks for the help


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will i couldn't find the camera but i will describe it. Well the back hair on top is kind of denser than the hair on front. The front hairs are not real straight kind of wild. But you can still see my scalp. Also i cut my hair bald about 2 weeks ago. I have been dealing with this sh*t for a year. Someone told me that if you use dry champage and put it on your head that it would work, I don't believe him. I wish i had a pic but i don't have one.



LilOne said:
Someone told me that if you use dry champage and put it on your head that it would work, I don't believe him.

You are right not to believe him.


Established Member
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Champagne will do nothing for your hair.

Neither will peanut butter, goat oil, snake saliva, beer or sasquatch mucous. Nothing like that.

Finasteride, Minoxodil, Nizoral- those are the three most proven treatments that will work for ya.

If you do, however, choose to use those methods I mentioned above then please do so at your own discretion and i can't be held responsible for any mould, cobwebs or fish piss that starts growing out your head.


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man i love this site but i am looking into this Tricomin product and does it really work cuz i looked on the main site and they gave it a good rating. Its expensive but i will do what i have to do to get my hair back. And where can i find these Tricomin products. Thanks


LilOne said:
man i love this site but i am looking into this Tricomin product and does it really work cuz i looked on the main site and they gave it a good rating. Its expensive but i will do what i have to do to get my hair back. And where can i find these Tricomin products. Thanks

Tricomin is a proven treatment, not sure where to get it, someone round here will know.


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on a personal note, do you jerk-off a lot? like everyday?

try to work on that (i know it's hard, especially at that age)... when u have fun with your noodle, dht in your blood goes up... and once there's more in your system it can attach to the receptors on your scalp and 'burn' them

try taking a break and see how that works out... it helped me out when i had acne back then (big time)... and it helped me a bit now with my hair (i am 20).

try to aim for going 2 weeks long without any funny business.

good luck, u'll need it.

also try some general vitamins like centrum or something


Established Member
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I would totally void the above message...

again, that is nothing more than un-educated, rookie-ish, false and misleading information for you... jerking off is NOT going to affect your hairloss

if jerking off was going to affect your hairloss then he should also tell you to never work out and get excercise- the increase in dht will make you lose your hair.

See i don't know why posts like that can get through, especially for a newbie who is looking for help- working out and jerking off are both healthy and good for you- it doesn't make your hair fall out, that is so damn absurd


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dht is a sex hormone... it is very active when you are horny (i.e. masturbating (ejaculation) when testosterone is burned into dht)... which explains why many people decrease their libido when on finisteride (dht inhibitor)... just go read online about dht and sex/masturbation

and over-masturbating is NOT healthy... it 'drains' nutrients out of the body... this is why athletes never jerk-off before their events

go read what dht is and what role it plays in the body, besides burning your scalp hair (while promoting body hair)... u n00b


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Rawbbie said:
See i don't know why posts like that can get through,

For the same reason your trollish posts get through.