Can u Help Me out


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Do a search for Toppik on in this forum, I am suggesting this as a possible way to avoid the embarssment until you can get regrowth. If you are just thinning it may help a great deal. Others can probably tell you more about it and its use, I have never tried it.

Just a thought.

Good Luck


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Lilone all i can say is that i feel your pain brotha! im one year younger than you are.

yeah rogaine/minoxidil if you're gonna use it get Dr. Lee's minoxidil. i personally have never tried it yet but people say it doesnt irritate your scalp and it dries in 15 min.

i used to use generic walgreens minoxidil 2% sh*t was a fuckin pain in the ***... it caused flaking irritation so i stopped after 2 months of usage... and YES for about a week-2weeks i shed twice or even 3 times as much hair a day. if you're on minoxidil and you stop just like tynan said anything that you regrew whether you knew about it or not will shed.

im waiting to go on finasteride also... but im only 17 so im waiting till im 18.

good luck man


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thanks for help but does wackin realyy cause your hair to fall out damn, i do wack it alot. But overall i had a good week i ain't going to let this sh*t beat me. I shaved my head yesterday to its all goood tilln it grows back. I will look up that toppik stuff too. Thhanks alot keep them coming


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I got a question does drinkin and smokin cause hair to fall out also. Cuz when i go to parties i usually drink beer, smoke black n milds, and smoke bud. So maybe thats it. I don't know cuz my hair isn't straight its just limp. so i don't really know what that means.


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I don't think smoking and drinkin causes hair to fall out but u nerver know, someone hit me up wit the truth someone.


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moegreen said:
on a personal note, do you jerk-off a lot? like everyday?

try to work on that (i know it's hard, especially at that age)... when u have fun with your noodle, dht in your blood goes up... and once there's more in your system it can attach to the receptors on your scalp and 'burn' them

try taking a break and see how that works out... it helped me out when i had acne back then (big time)... and it helped me a bit now with my hair (i am 20).

try to aim for going 2 weeks long without any funny business.

good luck, u'll need it.

also try some general vitamins like centrum or something

Let me try and clear up this little mess for the sake of knowledge and truth. Pay particular attention, Rawbbie and moegreen.

First, androgens (e.g. testosterone), estrogen, and progesterone are called sex hormone because they are produced by the sex organs and affect the reproductive system (growth and function of the reproductive organs and secondary characteristics). DHT is a derivative of testosterone and is an androgen. Just because something is a sex hormone, doesn't mean it gets "active when you are horny".

Second, it may be true that choking the chicken increases testosterone levels. In fact, it's been shown that even chatting with the opposite sex increases testosterone in males. Here's a link:

However, this does not imply that there is a link to hair loss; believing that masturbation will cause you to lose your hair is rubbish. Masturbation, weightlifting, etc. do not raise testosterone levels significantly enough and for a long enough time to impact DHT levels in the hair follicle. Here's an excerpt from Men's Health UK:

"Q: Will masturbation make my hair fall out?
JR, via email

A: No, not unless you're pulling the wrong thing.
Masturbation causes no problems whatsoever. Anything you hear to the
contrary is an old wives tale."

Third, some studies have even shown that masturbation helps protect against prostate cancer (!). Here's a link: ... 5&feature=

And moe, masturbation is not going to drain you of anything except for the semen. It's another old wives tale that jerking off will deplete your body of important nutrients. It's simply absurd.



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I just think you should accept the fact your going bald...shave your hair off and go for it....make sure you get a bit of a it's not white n shiney......

It rough sh*t for someone so young....i started losing my hair in my twenties and it freaked me out....anyways...those treatment might give you some ultimately winning a losing battle....and it'll cost a packet....

accept it...that's all you can's just some sh*t that happens to males...just means you're a man....datz my take...peace....


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yea but it isn't that bad, my hair is justing thinning but when i bald head it looks pretty normal. but u guys haven't answered my queston does drinking and smoking cause hair to fall out to

thanks :lol:


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drinkrum said:
First, androgens (e.g. testosterone), estrogen, and progesterone are called sex hormone because they are produced by the sex organs and affect the reproductive system (growth and function of the reproductive organs and secondary characteristics). DHT is a derivative of testosterone and is an androgen. Just because something is a sex hormone, doesn't mean it gets "active when you are horny".

Infact, DHT is responsible 'the expansion of the penile' (i.e. erections, you can't have them if you don't have DHT receptors in your shaft). If this isn't related to sex, I don't know what is.

Second, it may be true that choking the chicken increases testosterone levels. In fact, it's been shown that even chatting with the opposite sex increases testosterone in males. Here's a link:

Choking the chicken increases DHT levels because you have an erection. I asked my Doctor about this too.

However, this does not imply that there is a link to hair loss; believing that masturbation will cause you to lose your hair is rubbish. Masturbation, weightlifting, etc. do not raise testosterone levels significantly enough and for a long enough time to impact DHT levels in the hair follicle.

May or may not, depending on you and only you.

This has an extensive array of questions and answers. Try to read the website for atleast an hour before you make an conclusions please.

Third, some studies have even shown that masturbation helps protect against prostate cancer (!). Here's a link: ... 5&feature=
C'mon man, that is just bullshit. What a silly study. It makes little sense; look up the science behind ejaculating (hint: the magic is in the prostate, from lasting longer to bursting in a second).

And moe, masturbation is not going to drain you of anything except for the semen. It's another old wives tale that jerking off will deplete your body of important nutrients. It's simply absurd.
Please. Ask any professional athlete, hell ask any mediocre athlete if he can run as far as he can if he jerked off before he started. Try it for yourself even. My friend who's been boxing for a year now told me that's one of the first things his coach told him about. Now to whack off before the fight.

also check out

let me know what you think,


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That site is a quack. The guy that runs it creates little scenarios (like masturbation causing hair loss) to sell his herbal products. I encountered his Web site several years ago and it consistently provides a good laugh.

What I said about testosterone not rising significantly to cause hair loss is not based on me and only me. I have talked to my doctor at Harvard/Mass. Gen. and also e-mailed the head of dermatology at Johns Hopkins. They know their stuff.

An erection is caused by vasocongestion in the penis, i.e. blood entering the penis and constriction of the vessels. This has _nothing_ to do with DHT receptors in the shaft. In fact, the enzyme (5-alpha-reductase) that finasteride inhibits and that converts testosterone into DHT is not even found in the penis at all. It's found in the prostate, skin, and liver.

And I wouldn't take any advice seriously from athletes. Trust me. I boxed competitively for a while when I was younger; those guys aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. I jerked the chicken before each fight and had a good record (13-2) before I got injured and couldn't do it any more. Anyway, here's an article:

Questions from GoAskAlice! are answered by a team of professionals at Columbia University, so their advice is usually sound.

And from: ... nction.htm

A question from a student at University of Toledo:
Is it true that "sex before the big game" weakens you? Male, Senior

Dr. Caron's Answer: Most experts disagree with the athletic tradition of sexual abstinence before a big event. The prevailing advice is not to disturb your regular sex pattern. For instance, if you normally have sex 2 times a week, then continue to do so the week prior to your important event. This may help your athletic performance by keeping you relaxed. According to studies, relaxed athletes.

In both these cases, masturbation actually might help ease tension before the "big game".



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drinkrum said:

That site is a quack. The guy that runs it creates little scenarios (like masturbation causing hair loss) to sell his herbal products. I encountered his Web site several years ago and it consistently provides a good laugh.
He has created and answered around 13,000 cases? I've spent atleast 10 hours reading his website all around and he definitely isn't bullshitting or faking this sh*t. Whatever, your opinion I guess. Just read all the different responses he posts from the people that write to him... no way he could've faked all those, besides you can tell the people who send him questions are normal-talkin english folk (their grammar isn't as horrible as his, which you can tell by reading his answer/response)

Anyway, this more professional website has a similar truth:

What I said about testosterone not rising significantly to cause hair loss is not based on me and only me. I have talked to my doctor at Harvard/Mass. Gen. and also e-mailed the head of dermatology at Johns Hopkins. They know their stuff.
oye, I never said anything about testosterone rising (finisteride results in higher free testosterone levels! and it works for 80% of men! so surely free/more testosterone isn't a problem as long as it doesn't get converted into DHT)... I said DHT levels rise.

An erection is caused by vasocongestion in the penis, i.e. blood entering the penis and constriction of the vessels. This has _nothing_ to do with DHT receptors in the shaft. In fact, the enzyme (5-alpha-reductase) that finasteride inhibits and that converts testosterone into DHT is not even found in the penis at all. It's found in the prostate, skin, and liver.

And I quote from the link given above page "DHT is related to sex and/or masturbation."

HOW... How else could you explain the decrease in libido that people suffer on (non-topical) dht-inhibitors? They have more free testosterone but they don't have enough DHT, which is needed for S.E.X. (erection time baby!)

And I wouldn't take any advice seriously from athletes. Trust me. I boxed competitively for a while when I was younger; those guys aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. I jerked the chicken before each fight and had a good record (13-2) before I got injured and couldn't do it any more. Anyway, here's an article:

Questions from GoAskAlice! are answered by a team of professionals at Columbia University, so their advice is usually sound.

Listen, I think most of us can agree that we feel tired and relaxed after we explode. I know I do.

And did you ever see that movie, Raging Bull? Robert Di Nero? Yeah, remember when his girl wants to give him a blow and he pushes her away and goes over to the bathroom and pours ice water in his undies? Yeah, that was before the fight.

My word vs yours. I'm sure many doctors also agree to disagree.

And from: ... nction.htm

A question from a student at University of Toledo:
Is it true that "sex before the big game" weakens you? Male, Senior

Dr. Caron's Answer: Most experts disagree with the athletic tradition of sexual abstinence before a big event. The prevailing advice is not to disturb your regular sex pattern. For instance, if you normally have sex 2 times a week, then continue to do so the week prior to your important event. This may help your athletic performance by keeping you relaxed. According to studies, relaxed athletes.

We're not talking about jerking off a week ago... we're talking about jerking off 30 mins before you are suppose to be punching the sh*t out of your opponent. Also, she says 'most experts disagree'... right.

In both these cases, masturbation actually might help ease tension before the "big game".

'Tension'...Yeah that's definitely true. And so is the (significant) presence of DHT in your blood during sex/masturbation (ejaculation)


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All right buddy. I'll take the scientific and medical communities view on this and you can take the views of the author of and (by the way, it's the same guy running both sites).

And the doctor mentions that most experts disagree with athletes (i.e. the doctor disagrees that jerking off hinders athletic performance) not whatever you were thinking.

And DHT levels can only rise if testosterone levels rise. DHT is created from testosterone. I never argued with you that a drop in DHT can result in a drop in libido but the decrease in libido can also be attributed to the higher estradiol to testosterone ratio that finasteride might cause. This has all been documented heavily in thorough research.

Cheers mate,



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Woah, u're right, he's on both sites! lol, but has like 5 other docs on it. okay, point taken though.

Anyway, he's a Doctor..he got is degree from UC berkeley and he seems to know his sh*t.

I just don't get how else you could explain the decrease in libido that people suffer on (non-topical) dht-inhibitors? It makes sense to me.

Meh, thanks for sharing though.


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moegreen said:
Woah, u're right, he's on both sites! lol, but has like 5 other docs on it. okay, point taken though.

Anyway, he's a Doctor..he got is degree from UC berkeley and he seems to know his sh*t.

I just don't get how else you could explain the decrease in libido that people suffer on (non-topical) dht-inhibitors? It makes sense to me.

Meh, thanks for sharing though.

Don't get me wrong, moe. A decrease in DHT is correlated with sexual side effects, but DHT does not partake in the actual physics of an erection. DHT contributes to impotence in more complex ways that might involve more complex mechanisms. Finasteride actually doesn't affect the hypothalamus-pituitary axis -- which regulates several hormones. Doctors are still trying to understand exactly how this all fits together. It's indeed a pretty interesting research topic.

Hope this helps,
