red pill train brutallly slapping me in the face.
goddamn do i feel this so hard and so bad when i see this new wave of cutesy nerdy hipster type girls with twink looking boyfriends . . . and even asian guys sometimes. the latter with the asian guys gets me so f*****g depressed and angry especially because i KNOW i could fulfill that role for these super cutesy rice burning white girls. heck, im pretty sure i look better than these asian guys (if i had hair)
Dude don't give up hope. If you are decent facially which is what people have said here, you can still achieve this. Your expectations/desires are quite normal and nothing unrealistic, so everything is still in play.
Here is your blueprint (can apply to anyone really):
Acquire a decent job (hair or not, you need this). Eventually this will give you the choice to get an FUE if you so choose.
Improve physique slightly (do bodyweight exercises at home if you don't like the gym, which is what I do). Run outside to get a little more tanned in the sun.
Maximize looks (grow some stubble, have a clear complexion, go buy some more expensive clothing that fits better).
Here is a link for some ideas:
Get your clothes in slim fit, nothing baggy.
Do you wear glasses? Invest in some nice frames, you'll be amazed at how much of a difference that makes.
Last but not least...improve social skills. Maybe the most important. Start reading books, maybe the ny times or something. When hanging out with friends, just start bantering about random topics and learn how to segue the conversation in another direction.