Can wearing a chinstrap at night cause hair loss ?


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I'm going to start wearing a chinstrap at night because I have problems with breathing through my mouth. I'm worried that it may cause hair loss though because it could cut off circulation to my head. What should I do ?

This is a chinstrap for those who don't know



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Yes all of your hair is going to fall out after the first night of wearing it. Seriously though it wont affect it in any way it's just like wearing a hat.


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Yes all of your hair is going to fall out after the first night of wearing it. Seriously though it wont affect it in any way it's just like wearing a hat.

Wearing hats for long periods of time can damage hair if it the hat is tight around the scalp.

yung, make sure the band is not extremely tight. Most likely it would do nothing but better safe than sorry.


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Wearing hats for long periods of time can damage hair if it the hat is tight around the scalp.

yung, make sure the band is not extremely tight. Most likely it would do nothing but better safe than sorry.

This. And even so, it took years of me wearing hats to ruin the "quality" of my hair. My hair is filled to the brim with split ends right now, so I've decided to forego wearing them for a long time.


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Hats generally won't do anything to the hair, I know so many guys who wear hats a lot and have perfect hair.