
Can You Guys Please Help Me For A Dupa ?


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Ok thanks. Do you use both? You don't have any side effects?

I’m on a significantly stronger regimen, so I can’t speak on side effects. Although I do use dutasteride, it’s most likely bicalutamide and estradiol which is causing me gynecomastia.

camille leprevost

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Hello my friend, i am french so i apologise in advance for my english.

I do have the same pattern as you, 28 years old, thinning and overall shedding back, side, and top and my hairline is quite not touched actually. I think it is DUPA and it is similar to female pattern hair loss actually.

Some studies showed that high prolactin level can cause hair on side and back to become sensitive to androgen as well. So might be something to dig in. Also annecdotally, it seems that DUPA sufferer are sensitive to DHT but also to Free testosterone in scalp. Apparently DHT seem to cause localised thinning where testosterone cause diffuse thinning.

If you have been to a dermatologist, i hope she gave you a full bloodwork to do because besides that they are useless

You need to check for :
-nutritionnal defficiency
-metabolism glucidic ((Glucose, insuline sensitivity,)
- full hormonal check : cortisol, LH ,FSH ,Prolactine, E2,17OH progesterone, progesterone, SHBG, testosterone total, free T, androstanediol G6470, delta 4 androstenedione, DHEA-S, DHT ....
- inflamatory syndrom ...

I am going to do a full blood check this friday, so i will send you the result here in 2 weeks if you want. If you have done a full blood work too, it will be great to compare it to check for similitude.

To tell you a bit about myself i started to lose hair all over since 3 years now.
I only started 7 month ago to take 1 mg finasteride daily, but it has thin my hair considerably because of the boost of scalp tesoterone it caused i think. I tried to add different antiandrogen topically such as ru58841 to tackle the rise in T (had to stop due to chest pain , shortness of breath), i used now topical cb0301 30mg/day but it is not enough powerful so it doesn't do sh*t. I am going to try topical bicalutamide now soon as it is a stronger AA and i think we have to fight testoerone as well.
Besides finasteride + cb0301 i don't take any supplement and it didn't stop my shedding at all.

I am curious to know about how much you lose hair per day, what regimen are you on, it seems you use minoxidil, dit it worked on you ? and how you manage to apply it all over your head ?

Also can you share if anything in your regimen has improved your situation so far or make it worse. Would be great to share info

You can send me a message privately as well.

Looking forward helping each other to solve that sh*t.

Best regard

camille leprevost

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Hello, just to recap, I am a man and have DUPA hair loss (or female pattern hair loss), diffuse hair loss and thinning (back, sides and top) which started 3 years ago after an episode in my life where my alimentation was very bad and had nutrient deficiency for sure. After fixing my alimentation properly my hair are still shedding and thinning all over.

Since 8 month i only take 1mg finasteride / day (no reduction on my hair loss), cb0301 30mg topicaly with no reduction on my hair loss, Biotin (10mg/day), spearmint tea (4 cup/day to reduce free testosterone), Flaxseed (30 g/day to reduce testosterone)

Here is a complete blood test that I have done 3 weeks ago. It would be great if some of you may highlight some issue in it and maybe propose corrective action as he might help others with similar hair loss.

From my perspective, I think I have low zinc, low vitamin d, high prolactin level, high cortisol level and maybe iron deficiency as we can have it according to study even with normal level of blood iron.

BLOOD TEST of the 04.12.2020

Vitamin B12 : 812 ng/l (197-771)
Vitamin A : 0.5 mg/l (0.1-1)


Sodium : 139 mmol/l (136-145)
Potassium : 4 mmol/l (3.5-4.5)


Albumin : 47 g/l (40-49)


Urea : 46 mg/dl (17-48)
Creatinine : 0.94 mg/dl ( 0.7-1.2)
DFG (CKD-EPI) >90 mL/min/1.73m^2


AST(GOT) : 16 UI/L (<40)
ALT(GPT) : 10 UI/L (<41)
alkaline phosphatase : 55 UI/L (40-129)
Gamma GT : 10 UI/L (10-71)
LDH : 178 UI/L (135-225)
Biribulin total : 0.8 mg/dl (<1.2)
Biribulin conjugated : 0.3 mg/dl (<0.2)


Triglyceride : 68 mg/dl (<150)


Fasting glucose level : 96 mg/dl (70-100)
Insulin : 39.7 mg/dl (17.8-173)
Index HOMA1-IR : 1.4 pmol/l (<2.4)


TSH : 1.35 mu/l (0.27-4.20)
T4 libre : 17.8 pmol/l (12-22)


Cortisol (morning test) : 480 nmol/l (166-507)


Bioactive PTH (3nd gen) 25.5 ng/l < 49
25 OH vitamin D : 14.8 μg/l (30-80)


Total prolactin : 18.2 μg/l (4-15.2)
Bioactive prolactin : 14.9 μg/l (3-11.6)
LH : 5.8 UI/L (1.7-8.6)
FSH : 1.9 UI/L (1.5-12.4)
Oestradiol : 30 ng/l (25-52)
Progesterone : 0.24 μg/l < (0.15
17OH-Progesterone : 3 ng/ml (0.9-3.4)
total Testosterone : 20.80 nmol/l (8.64-29)
Testosterone free: 509.1 pmol/l (260-740)
Androstanediol glucoronide 2.8 nmol/l (4-75)
Delta 4 androstenedione : 1.4 ng/ml (0.1-3)
DHEA-S : 4.72 μmol/l (4.34 – 12.20)
SHBG : 24 nmol/l (18.3-54.1)
DHT : I don’t have the result yet


Zinc : 72 μg/dl (80-120)


Haemoglobin : 16.6 g/dl (13-18)
Red blood cell : 5.40 10^6/
μl (4.40-5.90)
Hematocrit : 45.5% (40-53)
mean corpuscular volume : 84 fL (80-100)
mean corpuscular HB : 30.6 pg (26-34)
mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration : 36.5 g/dl (31-35)
anisocytose indice : 12% (11.5-13.4)
platelet : 208 10^3/ μl (150- 440)
mean platelet volume : 10.1 fL (8.9-12.9)
white blood cell : 7.16 10^3/ μl (3.5-11)
neutrophiles : 62.1% (40-75)
neutrophiles (absolute): 4.44 10^3/ μl (1.5-6.7)
Lymphocytes : 25.4% (20-45)
Lymphocytes (absolute) : 1.82 10^3/ μl (1.2 – 3.5)
Monocytes : 10.6 % (2-10)
Monocytes (absolute) : 0.76 10^3/ μl (0.2 - 1)
Eosinophiles : 1.5% (2-10)
Eosinophiles (absolute) : 0.11 10^3/ μl (<0.4)
Basophiles : 0.4% (0-1)
Basophiles (absolute) : 0.03 10^3/ μl (<0.1)


Crp : <0.5 mg/dl (<5)


Iron : 134 μg /dl (65-175)
Transferrin : 216 mg/dl (215 – 365)
Transferrin saturation : 44% (16-44)
Ferritin : 120 μg/l (30-300)
Folic acid : 4.8 μg/l (>4.6)
Folic acid erytrocytaire : 754 μg/l GR (523-1257)


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To me hairloss is hairloss. So question is how to treat it. It’s interesting some have complete blood tests, looking for the anomaly which is the culprit. I feel in order to crack this hairloss we must separate systemic readings from scalp readings. 99% of the discussion doesn’t do this & granted it may be difficult to do.
We know if the male who is experiencing male pattern baldness, suddenly changed his hormone makeup to be female.. most likely will in a few months start to see hair regrowth.
So, for example in the systemic blood test presented T level is 510. This number is 10 times T level of woman. There is high prolactin levels as well. Obviously to me the T level is normal for a male, but most likely adversely affects scalp hair.
So unless you want to completely turn into a woman, the answer is to mitigate destructive hair scalp factors, while encouraging scalp hair regrowth ones.
Since systemic negative factors operate 24 hours a day.. one must compensate in like manner positively.
What is the protocol?

camille leprevost

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hey thanks for your reply, what do you see in my case, is it only an hormonal issue or there is some nutrient defficiency according to you ? what do you propose to help DUPA ? thanks a lot


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@camille leprevost

You're in the upper part of the reference range for testosterone, I was in that same circumstance until I started taking red reishi.

Your iron looks good, and that's important.

Your monocytes are up which is concerning, which means you're actively battling some kind of viral infection IIRC. I'm just going to tell you that covid 19 has been known to cause diffuse nonpatterned alopecia in women, and it's significant with them, so it could quite be the case you may and I say may be in that same circumstance.

14.8 μg/l (30-80) - I don't know what this is but you need to follow up with your physician.

Monocytes being high in general is not good and it does provide the best environment for hair growth.

Your cortisol is high and that can interfere with hair growth, that could absolutely cause diffuse alopecia if it's too high for too long. You probably have cushing's or are going to develop it, you need to see your Doctor about it.

Your prolactin is high as well which is not good either.

If you want me to give you an assessment as to what is causing your diffuse alopecia I'll summarize it with these.

- Cortisol is too high

- Prolactin is a huge no-no, it being too high can cause hair shedding

- Urea is too high, this can be toxic to skin when it begins to leach out through your pores in the form of "uremic frost"

- Your body is fighting off some kind of infection

All of these are concerning but especially the prolactin, and urea are disconcerting to me, but if you wanted me to give you some objectives to resolve, you need to lower both of those. Some people with cushings have a full head of hair, so it's not a guarantor of total aggressive hair loss.

Also I see absolutely nothing about insulin or insulin like growth factor (IGF-1), you need to get these two tested.

If they are high, esp IGF-1, you need to reduce it.

camille leprevost

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@camille leprevost

You're in the upper part of the reference range for testosterone, I was in that same circumstance until I started taking red reishi.

Your iron looks good, and that's important.

Your monocytes are up which is concerning, which means you're actively battling some kind of viral infection IIRC. I'm just going to tell you that covid 19 has been known to cause diffuse nonpatterned alopecia in women, and it's significant with them, so it could quite be the case you may and I say may be in that same circumstance.

14.8 μg/l (30-80) - I don't know what this is but you need to follow up with your physician.

Monocytes being high in general is not good and it does provide the best environment for hair growth.

Your cortisol is high and that can interfere with hair growth, that could absolutely cause diffuse alopecia if it's too high for too long. You probably have cushing's or are going to develop it, you need to see your Doctor about it.

Your prolactin is high as well which is not good either.

If you want me to give you an assessment as to what is causing your diffuse alopecia I'll summarize it with these.

- Cortisol is too high

- Prolactin is a huge no-no, it being too high can cause hair shedding

- Urea is too high, this can be toxic to skin when it begins to leach out through your pores in the form of "uremic frost"

- Your body is fighting off some kind of infection

All of these are concerning but especially the prolactin, and urea are disconcerting to me, but if you wanted me to give you some objectives to resolve, you need to lower both of those. Some people with cushings have a full head of hair, so it's not a guarantor of total aggressive hair loss.

Also I see absolutely nothing about insulin or insulin like growth factor (IGF-1), you need to get these two tested.

If they are high, esp IGF-1, you need to reduce it.
Hello my friend,

First of all thank you very much for taking time to help me with my blood test.

-Do you think i should take red reishi as well to lower testosterone more ? (i actually take 4 cup/day of pepermint tea and 30g flaxseed to help reduce T and free t, on the other hand i take 1mg /day finasteride wich increase my T a bit). However i don't think that i have the male pattern baldness gene as i really don't have the regular male pattern but diffuse shedding and thinning all over my head, just like dupa or female pattern hair loss. I think i should stop finasteride as it made my hair so much worse since 8 month i am on it. I think DUPA guys have a sensibility to Testosterone but don't have necessarilly the gene's weakness for DHT.

- i don't have covid but i will definitely dig more about my monocyte level being to high.

- this ->14.8 μg/l (30-80) are my vitamine D level, indeed they are very low so i am correcting it as we speak with cholecalciferol 100000UI every 15 days

- i know that i have high cortisol level and prolactin but i have no idea how to reduce those efficiently. Do you have any recommendation to lower those without taking stuff like ashwaghanda wich increase T level ?

- the only test that i have for insuline are those :
Fasting glucose level : 96 mg/dl (70-100)
Insulin : 39.7 mg/dl (17.8-173)
Index HOMA1-IR : 1.4 pmol/l (<2.4)
but i will ask to get insulin like growth factor (IGF-1) tested as well

- for the urea do you know what can i do to lower it as well ? ( i have to say that i don't drink lots of water )

- what do think of my zinc level, there are pretty low too.
Zinc : 72 μg/dl (80-120)
but i am bit afraid of taking zinc supplement as every time a take supplement that boost my t, i have the impression that i shed more hair and they thin more.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards


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Hello my friend,

-Do you think i should take red reishi as well to lower testosterone more ? (i actually take 4 cup/day of pepermint tea and 30g flaxseed to help reduce T and free t, on the other hand i take 1mg /day finasteride wich increase my T a bit). However i don't think that i have the male pattern baldness gene as i really don't have the regular male pattern but diffuse shedding and thinning all over my head, just like dupa or female pattern hair loss. I think i should stop finasteride as it made my hair so much worse since 8 month i am on it. I think DUPA guys have a sensibility to Testosterone but don't have necessarilly the gene's weakness for DHT.

I honestly don't think there's any "gene" that makes men bald, it's just a follicular sensitivity to androgens.

You will have to figure that out yourself, I'm giving you the information, that red reishi does if you take enough of it per day and you don't need to take a ton will absolutely lower your test levels.

I dropped my testosterone by a solid third to close to a half taking that alone. You're going to have to experiment with it and see how it makes you feel. I cannot take peppermint because it aggravates my body, I have a sensitivity to it and anything that causes inflammation or aggravation is not putting your body in the best place to grow.

- i don't have covid but i will definitely dig more about my monocyte level being to high.

Do so, absolutely because that's a concern.

- this ->14.8 μg/l (30-80) are my vitamine D level, indeed they are very low so i am correcting it as we speak with cholecalciferol 100000UI every 15 days

It is very common knowledge that chronically low vit D will lead to hair loss, so yes, take vit d, but if that does not raise your levels, you just need to get sunlight or get a sun lamp because some people vitamin D supplements do not work well enough and the side effects can be worse than not taking them.

100% make sure you're taking magnesium when taking vitamin D because vitamin D will cause calcium to leach from your bones into your bloodstream and magnesium helps put it back where it needs to be, into your skeletal structure and teeth.

- i know that i have high cortisol level and prolactin but i have no idea how to reduce those efficiently. Do you have any recommendation to lower those without taking stuff like ashwaghanda wich increase T level ?

Cushing's syndrome (high cortisol) requires medication, you're going to have to put pressure on your doctor to help you with that, exercising is not enough when people have cushings.

When it comes to lowering prolactin, you can take chasteberry, which is not as scary for men as people claim, I take it periodically to lower my prolactin when it gets too high, just do not take too much or it can make hairloss worse, you're going to have to read your body on this one.

- the only test that i have for insuline are those :
Fasting glucose level : 96 mg/dl (70-100)
Insulin : 39.7 mg/dl (17.8-173)
Index HOMA1-IR : 1.4 pmol/l (<2.4)
but i will ask to get insulin like growth factor (IGF-1) tested as well

Your fasting glucose is sh*t I'm afraid, it's worse than mine, but your insulin levels aren't that high, which means you might have insulin resistance, which means you probably need to get on metformin as well, fancy somebody with hair loss problems having blood sugar issues...

And yes absolutely get your IGF-1 levels tested if they are even slightly above halfway up the reference range, it's too high and you need to lower it.

- for the urea do you know what can i do to lower it as well ? ( i have to say that i don't drink lots of water )

Well, drink more water, but also eat less meat if you're eating a sh*t ton, of it. If you're not eating a lot-lot of meat, then you need to talk to your doctor.

- what do think of my zinc level, there are pretty low too.
Zinc : 72 μg/dl (80-120)
but i am bit afraid of taking zinc supplement as every time a take supplement that boost my t, i have the impression that i shed more hair and they thin more.

Yeah, so I would not take zinc on a regular daily basis, and if you are then take no more than 12mg or in that range, furthermore, you need to offset it with taking copper and manganese. You can always lower your T with reishi, it works well for me, but zinc also raises progesterone which can be a problem. But copper increases estrogen, and so does manganese and zinc antagonizes copper.

So actually, before you do any of that, please find out how much copper you have in your body, you need to make sure your copper levels aren't flying ridiculously high because that could possibly be the reason why your zinc is so low.

Please get some additional testing done if you can, it's really important.

camille leprevost

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Hello my friend, thanks again for your help,
I have just seen an endocrinologist today, i don't think she was very good and was basically just checking if my blood test level were in the range, (so even my grandma could have told me the same outcome), actually i never found any doctor having good knowledge for blood test marker to screen in a hair loss context just like mine, but going to give you some feedback..

- for the monocyte level being high, she told me that it was not an issue because an other marker is low, but i don't remember wich one.
-She told me that my urea level is very food dependent, she told me to drink more water and get more vegetables, that's it.
- cortisol level she told me that they were normal, what the f*** ... but she ask me to get that tested again.
- prolactin level elevated but not that high, she ask me to get it tested again but she had no tips to give me to reduce it.....
- she wanted that i get tested my glycemia, insulin, HOMA again, but she told me that to get tested IGF-1 was not necessary and not usefull.
- she had nothing to say on my T level

and she asked me to get tested again for :
Delta4 androstenedione
Index HOMA1-IR (insulin resistance)

Do you have any other marker recommendation that i should add on this list to have the full spectrum of hairloss related marker with those that i already have, i can totaly add IGF1 if necessary

THANKS you again so much for your help and time. means a lot
Best regard.


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Hello my friend, thanks again for your help,
I have just seen an endocrinologist today, i don't think she was very good and was basically just checking if my blood test level were in the range, (so even my grandma could have told me the same outcome), actually i never found any doctor having good knowledge for blood test marker to screen in a hair loss context just like mine, but going to give you some feedback..

- for the monocyte level being high, she told me that it was not an issue because an other marker is low, but i don't remember wich one.
-She told me that my urea level is very food dependent, she told me to drink more water and get more vegetables, that's it.
- cortisol level she told me that they were normal, what the f*** ... but she ask me to get that tested again.
- prolactin level elevated but not that high, she ask me to get it tested again but she had no tips to give me to reduce it.....
- she wanted that i get tested my glycemia, insulin, HOMA again, but she told me that to get tested IGF-1 was not necessary and not usefull.
- she had nothing to say on my T level

and she asked me to get tested again for :
Delta4 androstenedione
Index HOMA1-IR (insulin resistance)

Do you have any other marker recommendation that i should add on this list to have the full spectrum of hairloss related marker with those that i already have, i can totaly add IGF1 if necessary

THANKS you again so much for your help and time. means a lot
Best regard.

Endos are sh*t by default for the most part, the first one I ever saw was garbage as well, and she's flat out lying about IGF-1 levels being relevant, she's not being honest with you, she just wanted to get you in and out of her office as soon as possible. I'm sorry to hear about that.

IGF-1 absolutely has bearing on not only hair but also cancer probability as well, she's extremely irresponsible for not wanting to test that.

camille leprevost

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Endos are sh*t by default for the most part, the first one I ever saw was garbage as well, and she's flat out lying about IGF-1 levels being relevant, she's not being honest with you, she just wanted to get you in and out of her office as soon as possible. I'm sorry to hear about that.

IGF-1 absolutely has bearing on not only hair but also cancer probability as well, she's extremely irresponsible for not wanting to test that.
Totally agree with you , hard to find a competent Doctor
I will add IGF1 to my blood test then. If you have any recommendation for additional test to do that will be great I will add them manually :) best regards
Btw I found tyrosine to help lower prolactin level , is that efficient ?

camille leprevost

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hello, i have just the result of my new blood test done on the 12.01.2021 according to the help of dogodilaurentis.
for this test i have stopped taking finasteride since 3 weeks or so and i don't plan on using it again as it as worsen my case. I just take red reishi, NAC, lysine, 30mg flaxseed/day and 2 cup of pepermint tea and 100000UI vit D every 15 days as i was defficient and that's it. i have to say that since i stopped taking finasteride the quality of my hair did not really improved but my shedding reduced. I can't pull almost no hair when i go through it and they don't fall randomly on my head.

here is the new and the old blood test comparaison , unit are different because i have done this blood test in france 12.01.2021, the former one was done in belgium 14.12.2020.

Cortisol at 8am : 240 μg/l (52.7-224.5) / previous Cortisol (morning test) : 480 nmol/l (166-507)
prolactin 14,5 ng/ml (2.1-17.7) and 307.4 μUI/ml (44.5-375.2) / previous Total prolactin : 18.2 μg/l (4-15.2), Bioactive prolactin : 14.9 μg/l (3-11.6)
progesterone : 0.58ng/ml (0.28-1.22) / previous Progesterone : 0.24 μg/l < (0.15
Delta4 androstenedione : 4ng/ml (0.6 - 3.1) / previous Delta 4 androstenedione : 1.4 ng/ml (0.1-3)
Glycemia fasting : 0,94 g/l (0.74-1.06) and 5.22 mmol/l (4.11-5.88)
Insulin fasting : 4.5 μUI/ml (3-25) / previous Insulin : 39.7 mg/dl (17.8-173)
Index HOMA1-IR (insulin resistance) : 1.04 (<2.4) / previous Index HOMA1-IR : 1.4 pmol/l (<2.4)
QUICKI INDEX : 0.381 ( 0.338-0.403)
IGF1 : 194 ng/ml (84-259)
creatinine : 10.2 mg/l (6-11) and 90.2 μmol/l (53-97.2) /previous Creatinine : 0.94 mg/dl ( 0.7-1.2)
Albumin : 42g/l (34 - 50) / previous Albumin : 47 g/l (40-49)
calcium : 103 mg/l (87-104) and 5.22mmol/l (4.11-5.88)
magnesium : 19mg/l (13-27) and 0.78 mmol /l (0.53-1.11)
copper : 750 μg/l (794 - 2023) and 11.8 μmol/l (12.5-31.8)
Zinc : 916μg/l (553 - 1046) and 14μmol/l (8,5-16) / previous zinc : Zinc : 72 μg/dl (80-120)

My interpretation is that :
-my prolactin lowered in the normal range now, i think it is because i took vitamin D and also stopped finasteride cold turkey
- my cortisol is higher than before wich is weird as i am in holiday and my stress level is lower as it can ever be. My endocrinologist told me to do an urin test for free cortisol to check some issue with adrenal gland, i will do it tmrw.
- my delta4 androstenedione increased because i stopped taking finasteride 3 weeks ago, however i started to take red reishi 2 days after this blood test so, it should have reduced by now.
- all other marker since to be in the normal range
- my copper level are low / and my zinc is high wich is weird because in my last blood test my zinc level were low and i did not take any supplement. Maybe zinc level is very volatil and is not accurate through blood test.

Feel free to comment or make some analysis.

Best regards


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Statistically, it has a questionable rate of success; most users won't notice results. Along with that, his hair texture will make application difficult especially if he decides to grow his hair. It's a life sentence which you will never be able to take breaks from, which isn't a good situation when it comes to a costly topical. If I was him, I would use dutasteride and leave it at that.

I am the last person to scare people from treatments - have you seen my regimen? I am a big believer in many hair loss treatments, but not topical minoxidil.
Studies don't show what you are telling and, if don't work, all you need to do is add tretinoin.
And you recomend dutasteride !!!?!?!?! Yes, Sure, a treatment that GSK decide to never release it for Androgenetic Alopecia cause the side effects, and liver toxic drug that will inhibit a systemic NATURAL hormone that is in our body almost a 100 % , plus all the other hormones ( like allopregnolone ) you are inhibiting cause the inhibition of 5-alpha reductase and all the reaction where this enzyme have part are affect it .

Do I have to tell you that you are an idiot ? I think that I have to do it, cause you are the kind of Dangerous idiot, the idiot that don't know that is an idiot and give advices.


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Maybe you can take Finastéride + using a derma-roller with some apple cider vinegar instead of the minoxidil ? since the apple cider vinegar is also increasing the passage in the blood. I don't know if it's the same thing but you can try.
I use the apple cider vinegar (without a derma-roller for now) and my hair are way more thicker.
I recommend you to do it once a week.
Here's a link :
"Finastéride + using a derma-roller with some apple cider vinegar instead of the minoxidil ? " Hahahaha, yes and add olive oil and some lettuce and tomato to the mix .

camille leprevost

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Hey guy i have some more info toward DUPA.

Since my last blood test, my endocrinologist just got me tested for free cortisol via urine as it is the free version of cortisol that count and not total cortisol. Here is my range.
83 microg/l (20-50)
229 nmol/l (55-138)

I have almost two times more that the normal range, do you think there could be a link to hair loss ?.

Best regards