Canada and 5% Minoxidil


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so for the past year and a couple months i've been getting my 5% minoxidil from Target whenever i visit the US and fly home to Toronto with it...

i haven't visited the US for a bit and i'm running out so i need to get some more - im wondering if anyone knows of any foolproof ways to obtain it here in Canada (as 5% requires a perscription and is SUPER expensive here)

i think my options are

#1 - order off eBay - but will customs seize it?
#2 - drive to Buffalo (its about 80 mins away) and bring it home - but will the US border seize it?

any help? thanks in advance! :)


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god bless america... you can get pot in canada, but not rogaine. fucked up country!


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Hi, I'm a canadian who travels to the US to pick up my Rogaine foam. Believe me, they won't seize it on you if you get pulled into customs. I know this because I claimed it and had no problems.