Can't Get Over Being A Balding Subhuman Incel


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hair loss is not a singular issue imo. having to shave your head is not a major problem as long as you have other things going for you physically. when a man is also short & facially average or unattractive however, losing his hair means game over when it comes to dating & relationships. despite what most people like to believe, without a certain baseline of looks & height the vast majority of women are not going to be romantically interested in hm regardless of whatever else he may have to offer. due to social media & OLD, there is no way for average or lesser males to compete with the plethora of tall, good looking men with great hair.

the harsh reality is that it is not possible to out work your inferior genetics so the only answer is to try and accept a lifetime of being single, alone & unwanted. btw, i speak from the personal experience of being a 5'6 facially unfortunate man with a shaved head who has not been on a single date in over 8 years due to being cursed with a combination of such extremely negative physical characteristics. being so short & at best average looking has always made trying to date a nightmare but for me the worst part was that my hair was the only attribute i ever received compliments on so losing it was a horrifically painful experience even though it was many years ago. i still occasionally have dreams that i have my hair back so it sucks to wake up & have to look in the mirror. i think it's very disturbing to realize that sometimes the only difference between a decent life and a miserable one is a few inches of height, a few inches of hair and a few mm of facial structure.


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There are also options to work on making money and paying escorts.

And going trans. A short and frail guy would benefit from going trans and he could use Death Star tier anti-hairloss weapons like spironolactone to save his hair.
i am already well off financially and also pretty ripped physically. escorts have no appeal what so ever as it's not just about sex. in fact, if anything having to pay for what so many get willingly would make me feel far worse. i am a flaming heterosexual so only attracted biological women and have zedro interest in trans or other men.


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As a tallish bald guy with a good face I can tell you that life as a non chad isn’t worth it anymore. I can still get respect from men and relationships from women, which is better than nothing don’t get me wrong, but being chad or even nt chadlite is easy mode. The motivation to find girls is just zero when you know all it takes is a couple more cm3 of hair and they‘d be spreading their holes for you without further expectations. Never forget that you will never be her first option if you aren’t chad. If women aren’t throwing themselves at you, you might as well stop dating if you don’t want to be a cuck


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Well, of course they matter a great deal, but this is a hair forum, so people focus on that.

You are right that looks come from status.

If you are low bodyfat, golden skin, perfect hair, perfect teeth and good face + tall people automatically will start thinking you are at least "semi-famous" just because you look "like one of the people on TV".
status comes from looks, im sure you got confused there


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hair loss is not a singular issue imo. having to shave your head is not a major problem as long as you have other things going for you physically. when a man is also short & facially average or unattractive however, losing his hair means game over when it comes to dating & relationships. despite what most people like to believe, without a certain baseline of looks & height the vast majority of women are not going to be romantically interested in hm regardless of whatever else he may have to offer. due to social media & OLD, there is no way for average or lesser males to compete with the plethora of tall, good looking men with great hair.

the harsh reality is that it is not possible to out work your inferior genetics so the only answer is to try and accept a lifetime of being single, alone & unwanted. btw, i speak from the personal experience of being a 5'6 facially unfortunate man with a shaved head who has not been on a single date in over 8 years due to being cursed with a combination of such extremely negative physical characteristics. being so short & at best average looking has always made trying to date a nightmare but for me the worst part was that my hair was the only attribute i ever received compliments on so losing it was a horrifically painful experience even though it was many years ago. i still occasionally have dreams that i have my hair back so it sucks to wake up & have to look in the mirror. i think it's very disturbing to realize that sometimes the only difference between a decent life and a miserable one is a few inches of height, a few inches of hair and a few mm of facial structure.
id say way more on the few mms of facial structure. even cms of growth and balance. bone mass plays a big role too


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I think you can still date just never pay for anything and always discard them, never settle into a relationship.

Relationships are for the beautiful NW1s. Average guys get taken advantage of in relationships big time.

The good news is that you can live a perfectly happy life alone, without family and without children and just enjoying casual dating and no strings attached sex.

In fact, such life seems way more based than relationships, love and intimacy. As all of that is the mainstream narrative (humans need love and family) and it's the contrarians who win at this life, not the normie majority.
Yeah agreed
Problem is corona is making it hard online dating is hair only


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At the end of the day if you dont get positive attention from random women daily that should tell you enough to know where you stand. Compare your literal treatment and how people react to you and to others.