I'm 23 and have been on finasteride for around 3 years, I didn't realise at first but my sides have become terrible recently. I'm a frequent user of v****, I'm always tired at work and can't concentrate, my dick doesn't work. I tried to jack off before and i could hardly even get a boner, I'm at the end of my rope and i'm weening off it because I NEED to get better. I feel like crying.
I had a girl round the other night, took a v**** and had sex perfectly fine, then the morning after I tried to go again and I did her with a semi. I felt so pathetic..
I work in construction and its the tiredness that is really getting the better of me.. I know something inside my is missing, the fire, the motivation, the drive... Libido has suffered tremendously over the past few months, it's close to 0.
I've decided to ween off it starting from 0.25mg a day for around 20 days. I cant deal with this tiredness constantly, I'll never be able to have spontaneous sex, no aggression or passion in life. I feel like a walking body just doing mind numbing activites every day and just surviving. I cant handle any more. I will post progress of my recovery. Thanks for reading.
Please any recovering finasteride users give advice, or at least a ray of hope. Life feels difficult for me right now.