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How many guys on here have altered career plans due to balding?
I've seen articles that cite identity change as the most extreme reaction to balding. Many of those same articles mention career change as a more common reaction.


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Its changed mine. I no longer have any desire to work in an office, with people my age. I'll take a job that allows me to wear a hat to work, thank you.


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askas said:
ClayShaw said:
Its changed mine. I no longer have any desire to work in an office, with people my age. I'll take a job that allows me to wear a hat to work, thank you.

It's your own decision, not that hairloss affected it (i.e. you were fired or discarded bc of hairloss).

No... of course not. Thats not what I meant. Sorry if thats the impression I gave.
My career goals changed. I had been interested in public policy type stuff, thats what I went to school for, but my way of dealing with hairloss is to cover it up, so I'm looking for jobs that allow me to wear a hat to work.


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The only thing I can ever see it affecting me would be

I would be even more worried about joining the army. No privacy, unlikely to be able to conceal meds, physicals etc.

-And less likely to go into face to face sales, as lowered confidence could affect results.

Can't see it having a major affect in anything I do though, to be honest. Those examples were just for the sake of the thread.


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askas said:
ClayShaw said:
I'm looking for jobs that allow me to wear a hat to work.

I dare to say this is the most bizzare decision I heard of about hairloss. Grow up and find a job you like.

I actually think its quite common. I can think of two friends of mine who did that exactly.


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I'm an IT technician, male pattern baldness isn't bad in the IT world (unless you sell computers, which isn't really IT).
if anything balding makes you look even more of a boffin.

I really can't see how having male pattern baldness can hurt a career unless you're a model or you sell hair gel for a living.
Bald people look older and wiser which can only help in white collar jobs.


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A great example of this phenomenon is Ron Howard. Up until he started balding, he was an actor, on TV and in the movies. His hairloss started, and around the same time he retired from acting and became a director full time.
Now, almost anytime you see him he's wearing a hat. Coincidence?


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askas said:
You should look for a work where nobody sees you ever then. Why let anyone see your hairloss? You must be in a biased state of mind telling this. You either bite the bullet and accomodate or seek for alternatives, or both, but not hide from people. This is just plain stupid.

Ok... Wasn't going to do this, but since you played the "stupid card"...

What, then, by your definition, is this:
"Ok, heading my 26... no girl, no love no hair! Suicide seems as a relief and option, sweeter every next day. When I see those pairs in love, kissing, I just want to die. My life has no flavour, those prostitutes cannot subsitute what I need. Of course I can date an overweight girl, but I will never love her."

Stupid? Bizarre? Both?


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It wasn't directly hair that affected my career, but feeling crap about myself, stress, depression, etc affected me in a big way. I can see how someone who lets the hairloss get on the way can mess it all up.

For me it was a case of lack of confidence magnifying the effect of hairloss and making me feel even worse about myself. So, it wasn't the hairloss that made me feel crap, but I was already down and hairloss just made it worse.

I sort of stuck my head in the sand and isolated myself from the rest of the world, big mistake. I haven't managed to move on 100% yet, but I have taken some positive steps towards recovery. I hooked up with a girl recently, we talked about "us" and we both agreed that we are just having fun for a few months. Our future paths are very different. So, I'm not a complete loser, but not very successful neither.

I used to have a promising career (I have a masters degree), but I somehow managed to mess it up. I actually have a contract with someone, but I keep stalling it. It seems like they want me to start working ASAP, so I'm just trying to clear a few more things from my previous life (very complicated situation) and then start a brand new job, brand new life, etc... I need the money as well.

My advice would be, do not isolate yourselves from the world. Be as active and social as you can. Make an effort to keep the friendships alive, even make new friends.

One of my friends thinks I became "passive-aggressive". TBH, I can see where she's coming from. Passive-aggressive behavior does have all the hallmarks of someone who refuses to do things and keeps making excuses. I was making far too many excuses as well. But I'm learning how to be a responsible adult. I think I'm reasonably responsible now.

Another advice, do not use hairloss as an excuse. Hairloss doesn't control your life, you control your own destiny.


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Just become a cop. Almost all cops have buzzed heads and alot of them have some pretty aggressive thinning going on.
Plus you can be a dick to all the guys you arrest that have thick hair.


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askas said:
We need certain facts that show that hairlos affected somebody's career. Yet, it's easy to blame the hairloss for, but it may be the other issues. I don't say it won't affect the career at all, but refusing your life path because of it is silly.

It's silly to you because you aren't bald. Most people who consider themselves "bald" are not bald. When you are (and you are not one of those who carry the look well or even ok), it's horrifying on what it does. You are constantly surrounded by people your age who have all their hair. You might see one or two people who are BALD (not thinning) per day around your age as opposed to the many thousands. It does affect many people.

Also, if you lose your hair, it can affect your confidence. MANY jobs it's all about confidence. Try being confident at a job interview when the other person keeps looking at your head every 5 seconds. It can drain you mentally.

Marketing and advertising roles, for example, (and I don't mean telemarketing) are affected by how you look. They want that young looking good looking people to pitch.


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Anyone seen the video where a bald man manages to get his lubed up head completely into a womans vagina? .. now theres an alternative career path.

... maybe UC wud be up for it? lol.


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iwantperfection said:
Anyone seen the video where a bald man manages to get his lubed up head completely into a womans vagina? .. now theres an alternative career path.

... maybe UC wud be up for it? lol.

Link to said video. PLZ


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No p**rn links please, though I know which one you're referring to, and I think it's fake, hope so anyway errr.


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Why does everyone seem so uptight . These forums are to offer support and help each other . Let each other know that they are not alone. I am new to the forum and I thought it seemed like a good thing to be part of but the more I read them it seems like everyone is attacking each other for what they write. People are here for support not to be criticized. You don’t have to reply to what they write. If you don’t agree with them move on. Let someone that has something to offer them reply. What is going on with people? why do we have to beat each other up. Can't you just offer him support?


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dudemon said:
dawnsolo21 said:
Why does everyone seem so uptight . These forums are to offer support and help each other . Let each other know that they are not alone. I am new to the forum and I thought it seemed like a good thing to be part of but the more I read them it seems like everyone is attacking each other for what they write. People are here for support not to be criticized. You don’t have to reply to what they write. If you don’t agree with them move on. Let someone that has something to offer them reply. What is going on with people? why do we have to beat each other up. Can't you just offer him support?

Funny you mention this. I noticed this since I first started coming to this site. But, beating people up on forums is quit common - I see it on every online forum.

Anyways, it seems to me that there are some guys that come here (to a BALD forum :hairy: ), just so they can criticize others - because it boosts their ego or something?? :dunno: And yet, they are on a bald forum! Woohoo! What a bunch of winners! :jackit:

And, IMO, I think they really do think more highly of themselves for being "less of a loser" than others on here! Go figure ?? :jackit:

That's like being "the smartest kid with down-syndrome" :mrgreen:

One of the best posts on here in a while.
There are a lot of people on here who seem to think that way. Needing to be better than other people to feel better about yourself is pretty sad.


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askas said:
Some professions are affected and I heard about such examples. People wear wigs or hairpieces then, but don't give up.
I am completely bald at 26 and know what it means. But still, you have to fight for your life. Changing the professional path is silly because of hairloss (or you put not enough in your profession, if such a decision is acceptable for you). Hairloss will affect the life as a whole and it's inevitable. Hearing that somebody considers wearing a hat working in wallmart till the rest of his life bc of hairloss is ridiculous.

Not everyone can wear a piece. I've tried it. Have you? It was unbearable. It's hot under there and you sweat. After a month it looks like complete crap. You are CONSTANTLY seeing people look and wonder if they can tell. If you have a lot of hair in front and none in crown, a piece can work. As no one can tell unless it falls off or something. Thats HUGE.

It is bad if it affects someone but it is what it is. I know I was NOT mentally prepared to go from a NW1 to a NW6 in a years time. It was like I had cancer.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
askas said:
Some professions are affected and I heard about such examples. People wear wigs or hairpieces then, but don't give up.
I am completely bald at 26 and know what it means. But still, you have to fight for your life. Changing the professional path is silly because of hairloss (or you put not enough in your profession, if such a decision is acceptable for you). Hairloss will affect the life as a whole and it's inevitable. Hearing that somebody considers wearing a hat working in wallmart till the rest of his life bc of hairloss is ridiculous.

Not everyone can wear a piece. I've tried it. Have you? It was unbearable. It's hot under there and you sweat. After a month it looks like complete crap. You are CONSTANTLY seeing people look and wonder if they can tell. If you have a lot of hair in front and none in crown, a piece can work. As no one can tell unless it falls off or something. Thats HUGE.

It is bad if it affects someone but it is what it is. I know I was NOT mentally prepared to go from a NW1 to a NW6 in a years time. It was like I had cancer.

Dude, nobody is. Thats tough, unless you're 75.


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Dudemon, I came on here for support and to read people's experiences with hair loss treatments. However, instead, I found it more entertaining to see how long it takes for someone to come up with something intelligent to post. Let's just say, threads from CCS seem to be top on my list for entertainment. I agree with you on the fact that I do feel kind of "loser" posting on a hairloss forum as much as I have. I have almost made a "career" of it. However, I do appreciate reality checks from people like s.a.f. and ali. They kind of balance out the forum somewhat. And Clayshaw, your name has been popping into so many threads, I am starting to think, you may have made a "career" of it as well. Must be all that free time you have in the library. :whistle: