Castor Oil Question

Captain Hook

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Question regarding oral castor oil:

I know it causes hypertrichosis which will go away once you stop taking oral castor oil, but how long does this take? And is absolutely certain you will keep head growth gains while simultaneously getting rid of excess body hair caused by it? I'm a trans woman, so body hair is definitely not something I want to deal with, but I'm willing to put up with it for a few months if it does indeed go away after you stop using castor oil and you keep your gains. I shouldn't have to worry about miniaturization after I stop using castor oil because my androgen levels are pretty low since I am on hormone therapy & finasateride

Both in theory and as per swisstemples' advice based on his experience, hair will only remain where the body normally supports hair growth. Once the stimulus (castor oil) is removed, there will be no endogenous factors to support its growth in stranger places such as below the eyes whereas any growth on the scalp should remain. While on castor oil though you can either ignore it or shave/pluck it. Hope that makes sense.


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i still don't see how ingesting castor oil would be more beneficial than applying it topical to the scalp. my thinking is, by the time it goes through the digestive system, and liver etc, is it really gonna have an affect directly on scalp growth, hypertrichosifs maybe, but not really male pattern baldness. Also is this whole castor oil for hair growth a new thing? i feel i have just heard about in the last week, and its like the talk of the town now?


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i still don't see how ingesting castor oil would be more beneficial than applying it topical to the scalp. my thinking is, by the time it goes through the digestive system, and liver etc, is it really gonna have an affect directly on scalp growth, hypertrichosifs maybe, but not really male pattern baldness. Also is this whole castor oil for hair growth a new thing? i feel i have just heard about in the last week, and its like the talk of the town now?

It's been known as a good thing for hair for years and years now. In hair loss spaces it's become a popular thing relatively recently since most people believe that the prostaglandin approach is the way forward, and studies have shown that ricinoleic acid (which castor oil is chock full of) positively effects PGE2 levels. Using real PGE2 would be better but it's not realistic right now because of availability/price and castor oil is cheap as **** so people are using that as a "ghetto" approach. Google swisstemples for more info

- - - Updated - - -

Both in theory and as per swisstemples' advice based on his experience, hair will only remain where the body normally supports hair growth. Once the stimulus (castor oil) is removed, there will be no endogenous factors to support its growth in stranger places such as below the eyes whereas any growth on the scalp should remain. While on castor oil though you can either ignore it or shave/pluck it. Hope that makes sense.

Thanks for the answer! I will give it a try then. Hopefully castor oil and wounding will make these vellus hairs on my hairline finally go terminal so I can get on with my life.


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As per swisstemples' recommendations and his own personal use:

1) He does both, you can do either. Oral is more effective because the absorption with topical isn't complete, you'd need to mix it with DMSO unless you keep it on your scalp for 8+ hours. However, he does mention small amounts of castor oil (fingertip amounts or so) rubbed into the temples will completely absorb, so that may be worth trying if you're adamant about topical use.

2) Don't get Jamaican black castor oil (it contains other parts of the castor bean which are unnecessary), get cold-pressed 100% castor oil, it should look clear and pale yellow. Make sure it's either food grade or pharmaceutical grade (USP or BP) so you guarantee you're getting the standardised 90% ricinoleic acid content (the active ingredient in castor oil that activates EP3 and EP4 prostanoid receptors). Also some grades of castor oil aren't fit for internal ingestion so adhering to the aforementioned standards is imperative if you're planning on taking it orally. Brands I can recommend are Now Foods Castor Oil or any castor oil that is certified by USP or BP.

The normal oral dosage is a sub-laxative dose of 1-2 mL. Swisstemples recommends 1 mL as he says 2 mL causes more hypertrichotic side effects (growing vellus hairs on your forehead and below the eyes, darkening of scalp and body hair, increased body hair growth). That being said these side effects go away after cessation of treatment, any unwanted facial hair growth will fall out while still keeping your scalp hair gains (as PGE2 related pathways aren't dependant on the medication that grew them providing you are on an anti-androgen and/or setipiprant for maintenance)

I plan on implementing it myself in the coming months (the wait is due to wanting to see if results are present that can be attributed to my current regimen), most likely only orally. I'll post updates in My Story thread pertaining to this endeavour.
Is every (white/yellow) Castor oil good for consumption?

Captain Hook

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Is every (white/yellow) Castor oil good for consumption?

Some specifically state 'for external use only' and hence may not be suitable for oral ingestion due to solvents (such as hexane) used in processing (not 100% sure on this though, just seems like common sense). This is like how 100% v/v lab grade ethanol is unsuitable for oral consumption, ethanol is drinking alcohol but anything above ~96% has to be distilled with benzene (since alcohol forms an azeotrope with water at this range) and hence is not potable.

I'd aim for purchasing castor oil that is either manufactured to USP or BP (or any pharmacopeia really) standards or specifically states 'food grade' on the label. I posted an example of a suitable product in an earlier post.

I'd hazard that your local pharmacy (apotheek? haha) may carry castor oil intended for catharsis (laxative use). This would be another example of a suitable product for oral use.


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I wonder if castor oil actually blocks DHT or does it just have the acids that help to grow hair? I'm talking about the topical version.

Captain Hook

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I wonder if castor oil actually blocks DHT or does it just have the acids that help to grow hair? I'm talking about the topical version.

Castor oil isn't an antiandrogen at all. It only agonises EP3 and EP4 prostanoid receptors to increase PGE2 expression which stimulates hair growth.


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Either benefit would be a plus right? Haha.., too bad it's mechanism doesn't work like that.


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I found if I apply more than 1 mL or so I have to deal with it running off my scalp constantly and wiping the extra off from my forehead. So, seems like a waste to use more than that?

Captain Hook

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I found if I apply more than 1 mL or so I have to deal with it running off my scalp constantly and wiping the extra off from my forehead. So, seems like a waste to use more than that?

Attempting dosages above 1 mL is only really indicated for oral use, consider yourself warned of the hypertrichotic side effects if you do decide on trying such doses. Stay below the laxative dosage though. 4 mL is a safe maximum for chronic use that I would recommend based on toxicological reports.



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My understanding is that people all over the world cover their heads in it, and have been doing so for many years. Is there any reason to believe that a specific "dose" needs to be measured when apllied topically to the scalp?


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When only TOPICALLY applied, I think dosage amount is up to user's discretion.
There are no contradictions that I see which would otherwise cause concern.
I am unaware of any standard dosage recommendation for topical usage.
Most users conclude less is best.
I have significant hair loss, therefore I use it quite liberally. I literally apply to entire scalp.
A few drops = approx.1/4 ml manually mixed with approx. 1 tblsp. of warm/hot water and administer it to targeted area(s).
I found that for me at least this approach gives the oil a lighter consistency conducive to better coverage.
If I decide I need more I'll simply repeat accordingly. Followed by a final massage of entire scalp.
I wash my hair at least 1xper day, so oil/sebum residual problems are preemptively averted.
My understanding is that people all over the world cover their heads in it, and have been doing so for many years. Is there any reason to believe that a specific "dose" needs to be measured when apllied topically to the scalp?


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if i was to take 2 tablespoons of castor oil every morning would that be an effective amount?



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Interesting thread... I spotted this on amazon Q and A I take it was posted by a woman
Have you used it on hair if you have a hair loss? Thank you!

I've got thinning hair and I've been using this for about a month (applying it every other day and leaving in for 2 hours before I wash my hair). It has definitely helped lessen dandruff and my hair does feel silkier and healthier. I'm not sure about hair regrowth/ thickening, but my hair has grown more in length than it usually would without the oil. I'm going to continue using it consistently and see what happens :) see less
By Aida on 29 October 2014*Version*=1&*entries*=0


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Pharmaceutical grade is considered safe,
There is/has been enough anecdotal support to garner serious attention,
but despite castor oil's purported efficacy at treating Androgenetic Alopecia ,oddly the question/answer is still open.
Someone please prove me wrong dammit!
if i was to take 2 tablespoons of castor oil every morning would that be an effective amount?


Captain Hook

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if i was to take 2 tablespoons of castor oil every morning would that be an effective amount?


2 tablespoons is ~30 mL. Such a dose would induce catharsis (you'll sh1t yourself). Even doses as low as 5 mL have anecdotally caused an increase in propulsive gastrointestinal motility. 4 mL or less is the safe range as per the above toxicological report. Ideally 1-2 mL and strictly 1 mL if you want to minimise hypertrichotic side effects.


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If you're thinking about increasing c.o.dosage while avoiding it's purgative effects, I would do so slowly and conservatively. You may tolerate it differently than the next Joe.
Since beginning the first week of this month at approx. I've increased my oral dosing incrementally from approx.1/8 ml. @ 2Xp/d dosing
to where I can now tolerate ingesting approx. 1/3 ml.@ 2Xp/d with good-moderate tolerance.
I also apply it topically 1Xp/d.
Hoping we all achieve a positively "irregular" outcome. Haha

Update: Since starting Castor Oil 10/2/15
My seb.derm. symptoms have improved/mitigated.*

* Started OTC brand Nizoral 5Xp/w 10/20/15

if i was to take 2 tablespoons of castor oil every morning would that be an effective amount?



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so if i get a minoxidil dropper and use that too put 2ml into a glass of water/juice that would be ok.. seems easy enough :)


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This was the link from swisstemples

Looks promising and good to see his progress, however he does say he was NW2 and approaching NW3 but from the pic he showed he looked NW1 or no hair loss even...
Also he looks young like 21-23, at that age you have that ability to recover and regrow at least.

Still I guess until its tried and tested by a good deal of people, I am considering adding it into the mix since I have dark hair and at NW3 ie no hair left in the hair line guess its worth a try. I think ill just try some castor oil with some water on the head once or twice a day.