ok, i give my personal view.
with cb thin pigmented hair are getting thicker. with finasteride and ru i had the experience that bald spots grew hair after some months again.
if the „only maintenance fact“ is depending on my cb dose i dont know. i need about 6-7ml for my entire head and cb is expensive. so i use 3% only. test with 5% over 3 months did not change anything. so conclusion: cb does something for your hair, in my case for sure maintenance.
the biggest success i ever had was with ru. i was a very good responder. the problem is that after 4 years the efficiency is gone. now on ru i have reduces shedding and maintenance only. due to the maintenance situation on ru i fear to replace this application with cb
probably i should go for 2 x cb a day at 5%. with 6-7ml liquid a day this is 450mg cb on a single day. uff