I AM AWESOME said:I've seen numerous stories on Propecia help of members saying that once they forgot about their worries and got off propecia help they returned to normal. Seems to tell a lot I'd say.Wuffer said:Great post, DoctorHouse. I was going to reply with something similar, but your post was much more eloquent than mine would have been.
This article is spinning the story as: Young guy takes finasteride, has permanent sexual problems and commits suicide because of it. This is quite shortsighted. This guys post does indeed indicate severe depression and anxiety. As a matter of fact, this eerily reminded me of my own personal battle with anxiety years ago, and it could have easily been something I wrote myself. To me, this is simply more evidence that people are experiencing severe depression after taking Finasteride. This may very well indeed be caused by the drug directly, but it's hard to say.
Finasteride/dutasteride may very well have exacerbated pre-existing depression, but how do we know for certain Finasteride/dutasteride directly caused all his problems, and that they weren’t a symptom of the depression or anxiety? Almost all the symptoms he describes could have easily been caused by either of those. My point is that his depression is treatable, and the fact that he had such severe depression to the point of committing suicide indicates his symptoms may be a result of it.
My big problem with propeciahelp is the mantra that all the problems people report are always a direct result of taking Finasteride, and that only when the (currently unknown) cause of these finasteride problems are treated, will the symptoms abate. However, this is extremely counterproductive in the grand scheme of things. I am a firm believer that anxiety and depression are caused by the thoughts; not a result of a chemical imbalance. Sure, a chemical imbalance could absolutely predispose certain people to these problems (which might be the case with Finasteride) but I believe in this case, therapy would have been extremely effective in preventing this terrible outcome. New treatments such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy are shown to be much more effective than SSRI’s, and simply rely on re-programming the brain through repetition (ie. positive brainwashing).
I’ve spent a lot of time reading propeciahelp. I feel it perpetuates hopelessness to its members, and generally discourages people to seek any type of mental therapy, even when most of them clearly display signs of depression. When you convince yourself that Finasteride is the be-all, end-all cause of ALL your problems, therapy isn’t even considered. Proper treatment and therapy very well may have saved this guys life, and it’s so unfortunate he decided to take the route he did.
Have you actually or are you just bullshitting?
Link me up, please.
Because all the worst sufferers don't even visit PH much anymore; they keep away from it. Many come back occasionally and report that their condition remains.
No recovery stories, from my memory, revolve around "getting of propeciahelp".